
Chapter 48 - Visitors

Emergency care was fast and rough and left little room for complaint. Of course, Alexa had been half-conscious during this process, siding more toward the delirious side of reality rather than sanity.

The medical staff in the small little hospital were not well equipped for such a trying case, injured hikers sure, severe cases of frostbite definitely, but a half-deranged, violent eighteen-year-old dead set on maiming the staff and severely injured on the brink of death not exactly.

They had made petitions to the family to move her to a bigger hospital in one of the nearest cities but one look from their resident doctor had them shutting down that idea very quickly.

She looked so peaceful now lying amongst the stark white sheets completely still in her slumber. All signs of her outburst long gone as she had been sedated for not only her safety but the staff’s as well.

If it weren’t for the slight rise and fall of her chest and that annoying beeping from the monitor, he would have th
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