


I was sitting in Kaden’s office when someone knocked. I knew it wasn’t Kaden because he wouldn’t have needed to knock on his own office so I stayed silent hoping whoever it was would leave. The knocking ceased and I thought everything was fine until there was some shuffling and the door creaked open revealing Blake. He had two bobby pins in the key hole that he used to pick the lock and he had a crazed look in his eyes as he pulled them out and walked into the room.

“You shouldn’t be here,” I told him as he moved further into the room. “You need to leave.”

“I couldn’t leave without seeing you. I knew you would be here. Do you know how hard it was to get your father to take me instead of Brittany? I had to convince him that as his future son-in-law I needed to be present for these kind of meetings.”

I winced as his words hit me square in the chest. He was still with Brittany. Despite everything that happened and everything he knew they had done to me, he was still with
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goodnovel comment avatar
Shirea Lemons
Chapter 61 1st paragraph last sentence you have lamb instead of loin
goodnovel comment avatar
Shirea Lemons
I'd say Kaden is passed being jealous and down right mad as h.... Amelia is the only one who can common him down. All I can say is GOOD LUCK AMELIA
goodnovel comment avatar
Shirea Lemons
As much as I... You have Kaden and it should be Blake

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