


All the maids were gathered in the kitchen within minutes. I tried to tell Kaden that it wasn’t a big deal but he wasn’t having it. He was furious and I had a feeling that it had less to do with the food and more to do with the fact that he was already pissed. The maids were quaking in their shoes as they stared at the empty dishes that Kaden had lined up on the counter.

“I need an answer,” his voice was deceptively soft. If you didn’t know him, you would think that he was of right mind but one look in his eyes would show you that Kaden was at his wits end. “Last time I checked, food doesn’t just up and disappear. Someone took it. The quicker I get answers, the quicker everyone else can leave.”

No one dared to speak and I think that pissed him off even more because he slammed his hand against the counter. Even I jumped from the sound. I had never seen Kaden lose his cool like this. I could feel the pleading eyes of the maids on me begging me to calm him down but I could
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