
Chapter Twenty-six

       Four days had gone by since she moved into the Johnson’s house and so far, she’s been enjoying her stay: courtesy of Margaret. The only ‘difficulty’ she presumed she’d encounter: Sam, had barely been around in the past days as he had attended a board meeting, alongside Robert in the outskirts of the city and they’d only just came home yesterday.

Sam devoured his pancakes and citrus juice in delight. If there’s anything he had missed more than seeing Theresa’s face, it would be Margaret’s cooking. Due to the location of the meeting, the only good hotel’s in the area had been booked. So, he had to stay at a motel and the breakfast that was served made him nauseous. Thank goodness that was over.

Theresa on the other hand, enjoyed the luxury of Margaret’s cooking, especially grateful that she didn’t have to eat peanut butter sandwich every morning for breakfast. She emerged from up the stairs in a black and white s

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