

Halle drifted aimlessly through an endless void of darkness, her body leaden and unresponsive. She tried to move her sluggish limbs or open her eyes, but even these simple actions felt impossible, her mind detached from the nerves and muscles that should obey its commands.

Gradually, she became aware of a bone-deep ache permeating every fiber of her being. She attempted to shift or stretch her protesting muscles, but only managed the faintest twitch in response. Even this miniscule motion sent fresh shockwaves of searing pain ricocheting through her skull and her shoulder.

A low moan involuntarily escaped her parched lips. Halle’s thoughts swirled in a dense mental fog, struggling to grasp what had happened to leave her in this dissociated haze of all-consuming discomfort bordering on outright agony. She groped for elusive memories, but her mind felt empty, wiped clean.

Mustering every last ounce of strength, Halle forced her eyelids fully open at last. But her vision remained an ind
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