
Story time.

"Welcome back dear", Emily greeted Sky and Elliot at the door.

"I've missed you a lot", Emily got emotional looking at Sky's injured legs.

"I've missed you even more aunt", Sky hugged her tightly.

"Seems like no one missed me", Elliot sighed.

"Ofcouse, we only missed our little Sky", Emily said with indifference.

"Who are you even?", Mr. Frost asked while coming down the stairs.

Elliot "..........."

"Come with me Sky, I have made your favourite soup", Emily took Sky's hand.

"Mom! She's injured", Elliot reminded her mother.

He gently picked her up and took her to the dinning hall.

"I can walk", Sky rolled her eyes.

"Why would you walk when I'm around?", Elliot whispered in her ear.

He saw how Sky's fair skin turned to red within seconds.

"Why are you so shy of me?", Elliot asked placing her on the chair.

"Who? Me? No, not at all", Sky denied it and called her aunt.

"Aunt, I'm hungry", she wanted to drive Elliot away.

"I'm coming honey", Emily said from the kitchen.

"You can't escape like this every time", Elliot bit her ear.

"You'll eventually fall into my hands one day", he grinned.

"Aunt Emily! Elliot is messing with me", Sky called her aunt loudly

"You stinky brat!" Mr. Frost came even before Emily.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from her", Mr. Frost was fuming with anger.

"Don't mess with my daughter or I'll break your legs", Mr. Frost said arrogantly.

"And I'll break your arms", Emily said while bringing the soup from the kitchen.

"You guys are so unfair", Elliot sighed.

"Who do you think is unfair?", Mr. Frost picked up a cup and was about to throw it towards Elliot when Sky called him.

"Uncle, ignore him. Lets finish our soup first", Sky tried to divert his attention.

Elliot immediately sat beside Sky.

"Thank you", He whispered into her ear.

"Stop disturbing her.", Mr. Frost gave him a death stare.

"I'm not", Elliot said helplessly.

"Keep quiet and finish your soup", Emily said.

"Ahaha", Sky chuckled.

It was always like this. She would get him into trouble and he would just act along with it.

"Emily, I'll have my coffee in my study room", Mr. Frost stood up from the dinning table and left.

Mrs. Frost also stood up and went towards the kitchen to make coffee.

"Who's gonna save you now?", Sky was yawning lazily when she heard Elliot's voice.

"I'm sleepy", she tried to get up on her own and leave the room immediately.

"Don't move", Elliot stood up hurriedly and picked her in his arms.

"I can walk", Sky punched on his chest.

"Not until you can run", Elliot said and took her upstairs to her room.

He gently placed her on her bed and covered her with a thick blanket.

"It's getting cold. Cover up yourself properly", He said and sat beside her.

"I'm not cold", Sky said and sneezed at the same time.

"You're so cute Sky", Elliot chuckled.

"Elliot, tell me a story", Sky took her hand and asked as usual.

"Alright", Elliot caressed her hair and started telling her a story about a princess who was orphaned at a young age and how she overcame all the troubles in her life and eventually married a prince at the end and they lived happily ever after.

Sky smiled at the mention of the princess. He always told her stories about a princess who shared the same details as her, just to make her happy.

"Elliot, all of your stories have happy endings", Sky said seriously.

"Don't you like happy endings?", Elliot asked her gently.

"I do but..", Sky bit her lip.

"Tell me, what's on your mind", Elliot knew she was overthinking again.

"What about my story? Would I have a happy ending too?", she asked curiously.

"Yes. We will have a happy ending.", Elliot emphasized on the word "WE".

Sky blushed.

"Go out now", she kicked him out of the bed.

"I need to sleep", she said and closed her eyes immediately.

"Sure", Elliot chuckled and placed another blanket on her fearing she might get cold in the morning.

He turned off the lights leaving some on. Sky was afraid of darkness so he would leave some lights on for her.

"Good night my little princess", Elliot kissed her on her cheek and left the room.

"Good night my love", Sky opened her eyes and said slowly.

She never slept in fact. She was just too shy of him. Even she had no idea why she would blush so profusely infront of him. That was never the case in their childhood. Perhaps maybe she really fell hard for him.

In the morning.

"Elliot, your aunt Alexa is coming today", Emily told Elliot while he was placing Sky on the chair.

"Aunt Alexa", Sky lost her appetite immediately.

"Why is she coming", Elliot knew Sky didn't like her because she was always hard and mean towards her.

"I don't know. She called me this morning and said she's coming so I said ok", Emily sighed.

She knew very well why Sky and Elliot disliked Alexa.

"Don't let her come near Sky", Elliot reminded her mother.

"Ofcourse, you don't need to tell me.", Emily knew it well that Sky's heart was fragile. She would not allow anyone to hurt her.

"Good", Elliot said and started filling Sky's plate with more nutritious food.

"I'm full", Sky urged him to stop.

"Stop talking, just eat", Elliot told her in a serious tone.

"Alright", Sky said slowly and ate everything he put on her plate.

In the evening, Alexa arrived with her daughter Norah.

She greeted with Emily and introduced her with her daughter.

"She is my daughter Norah. She's studying psychology. She is a brilliant student.", Alexa told proudly.

Norah greeted everyone with a smile.

"Norah, this is Elliot. Your Aunt Emily's son", Alexa took her infront of Elliot.

"Hi Elliot!", Norah extended her hand shyly.

"Hi", Elliot said without even looking at her.

Norah was embarrassed. She took her hand back. Her mother had already told him about Elliot's cold behaviour towards everyone. So she had to endure it in order to win his heart.

"Alexa, you didn't introduce her to Sky", Emily reminded her.

"Oh, she's Sky", Alexa just said this and turned away towards the guest room.

"Hi Sky", Norah said with a smile but her smile froze at the second she looked at Sky.

'Why is she so pretty? Would Elliot look at me with her being around?' Norah cursed Sky under her breath.

"Hi Norah, how are you?", Sky asked courteously.

"I'm good", Norah said and turned her head towards Elliot.

"Well Elliot, do you remember me? We once met when we were kids", Norah asked excitedly.

"No", Elliot didn't say anything else and picked Sky up.

"What are you doing?" Sky urged him to put her down.

"You must be tired. Let me take you to your room", Elliot said and walked towards the stairs.

Norah gritted her teeth.

'I'll get you out of his life Sky. Just wait and watch. He will be mine', she vowed in her heart.

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