
Just You And Me

The man pushed her and she was shoved directly to another chest. Then the two men held her arms while another tall man was approaching in their direction.

Seeing the man in the dark, she could tell it was William.

When the man got closer, his mad face revealed.

“Where did you get the idea that you can still escape from me?” William laughed bitterly like a paranoid one.

Her body had stiffened as the two men held her tightly, not allowing her to move.

“What if I tried to escape? Are you going to kill me too?” Gathering her courage, she replied.

“Are you going to kill me like Anna?” She added with annoyance.

Arabella was very nervous and suddenly regretted what she said but it was too late.

Hearing her words, William looked at her dangerously. His expression could kill her in an instant but then he laughed loudly but not a joyous one but a bitter laugh.



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