
All gone

She heard the car speed past the truck after making a turn that had her almost sprawled on the floor.

Where was he taking her, too? She looked down at his side, seeing his gun wasn't in place, but it was going to be easy to strangle and drown her in any place of his choice.

Nobody was going to ask him questions.

She sat still now, struggling to hold the gasps that fell from her tongue each time they passed cars without crashing into them.

He drove like a lunatic, eyes dead and jaws clenched, reminding her of Milo.

The road they were on now was deserted, and he slowed down, making a turn into another dirt road where there was a line building in which colored lights twinkled like little stars.

He stopped right in the middle of the compound, where they were parking mostly trucks, and turned off the ignition. Then he climbed out of the car and went over to her side.

He yanked open the door and dragged her out by her arm, fingers digging into her flesh and pulling her towards the entrance
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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Ishi Raw
Please can’t believe matteo no more
goodnovel comment avatar
Bea De La Riva
Sad.not Gia fault. Save her say Zayne .more chapters so good author
goodnovel comment avatar
Not enough. I can’t believe Matteo is gone…..

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