
Chapter 50 Lucian Lost His Temper

That night, Calista received a call from Lucian. She had already finished washing up and was ready to sleep.

She had stayed up several nights in a row, and tonight, after finally managing to get an early rest, she was disrupted by this phone call. She was upset.

“What do you want so late at night?”

"Open the door," Lucian uttered words before hanging up.

Calista was about to ask if he was out of his mind, but she got cut off. She wasn’t going to comply anyway.

Calista tossed her phone aside, wondering if Lucian could figure out that her patience had run thin. Just as she closed her eyes, she heard banging on her front door.

There was a click, and her neighbor opened the door. Next door lived an elderly lady. Calista had seen her a few times before, and she didn't seem very approachable.

As expected, as soon as the old lady opened the door, she began to yell, "What are you doing in the middle of the night? Are you trying to wake everyone up? You're a grown man. Don't you hav
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