
Chapter 13

Matthew appeared dashing, exuding toughness.

Luna looked envious. She was leaning into Timothy’s arms, but her gaze was fixated on the man in front of her.

Timothy and Matthew were both in their 20s, but the latter looked much more charismatic than Timothy—especially in that black suit.

His face was flawless, and his deep eyes were so intense that his gaze would make others weak in the knees.

Everyone was swooning over him.

Lucy smiled as she looked at the handprint on Timothy’s face.

Her heart seemed to hurt less now!

Timothy’s face fell. Just as he lifted his hand to fight back, Francis rushed in with a group of bodyguards.

A burly bodyguard grabbed Timothy’s wrist, flinging him away. He said in disgust, “Don’t you dare touch our CEO with your filthy hands!”

Timothy tried to calm his rage as he glared at the man who had completely stolen his thunder.

Matthew looked at him mockingly. “Lulu is my woman now, so don’t even think about laying a finger on her!”

Lucy’s face redd
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