
138. My wife's was bullied

Kim smiles coldly. These people change their faces faster than they turn to books. Seth's face also sank, "Kim, don't misunderstand everyone's meaning. We asked you to take off your mask out of concern for yourself. Uncle happens to know a very powerful scar repair expert. If you have a problem with your face, uncle will arrange an operation for you immediately."

"Don't worry, uncle Seth. You should care more about your wife and children than you care about my face!" She was disgusted by these people. He is a good father to Leo, but he got a cuckold by his good brother and wife, he does not know those people only have interests in their eyes.

This meal has not begun to eat, she has nausea, she put down her chopsticks and stood up, "I'm full, Lily, Alex, let's go."

"Don't go!" Penn's sibling mother, Joyce Penn, suddenly exclaimed, "I just gave you that necklace. Take it off and give it back to me!" She looks disgusted. Her son told her everything in her ear
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