
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Ella


The inside of the winery main house was deliciously cool after being out in the sun. Ella hadn't even noticed how warm it was until the air-conditioned air cooled her skin. She licked her lips, tasting salt. Whether it was from the heat or from running, she wasn't sure, but either way she was ready for something to drink.

Their tour guide came out from behind a large bar that dominated the center of the room and greeted them once again. “Welcome to the winery. Did you enjoy walking through the grapes?”

“Very much,” Jace answered for the both of them. “It was very relaxing.”

Ella struggled not to giggle. Relaxing wasn't exactly the word she would have used.

“Excellent.” Their hostess beamed. “I have everything set up for you in the private tasting room upstairs. If you'll follow me, please.”

“Private tasting room? I didn't even know they had one of those,” Ella said quietly to Jace as they followed their guide up a metal staircase.

“I told you, I rented the whole place out,” Jace
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