
Ninety Two

Madison gripped her purse slightly, as she alighted from the cab that had just dropped her a few miles away from her house.

Due to the swampy state of the environment where she lived in, taxis never took her straight home, instead they stopped at a safe distance by the road and then she would continue the rest of the journey on foot.

A warm smile on her lips, her hands outstretched as she handed a paper money note to the driver, Madison watched the vehicle drive away slowly and straightening still she whirled around and began to walk home.

Her head currently swamped with so much thoughts already, Madison decided that as soon as she got home, she would have some rest before finalizing the preparations for her journey.

A yawn escaping her lips, and a hand going to her forehead to rub gently, Madison stared straight ahead, continuing to walk briskly straight to her house.

As she walked past, she offered greetings to neighbors and kids alike, waving at them happily, all the while feeling
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