
Chapter Twenty-Three: Kat


Kat’s stomach turned as she kicked her feet up onto the couch and laid her head back. Her hands were clammy as she opened her laptop to once again view the project that she was supposed to be working on.

She wanted to work on it. She was so proud that the board was even looking at her Shoesy Rentables idea that it was the only thing, other than AJ, that she wanted to do.

Unfortunately, she hadn’t been able to work on it at all, and it didn’t seem like that was going to change any time soon. Every time she tried to focus, the nausea would come back and she couldn’t seem to string two coherent thoughts together. Whatever kind of flu she had only allowed her to concentrate on one thing: keeping breakfast down.

The TV was on at a low volume. She had started a show in an attempt to distract her from how awful she felt, but it wasn’t doing her any good. She could hardly pay attention to it. She felt like death warmed over, and beyond the nausea, she was so physically exhausted that it w
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