
chapter 2: Vincenzo

Violet's POV

"What the hell are you doing here Derek?" I sighed.

Derek was my boyfriend. He was actually my first one and we were in love with each other. But Derek started getting involved with the wrong people so I had to cut ties with him to protect myself. I just wasn't ready to risk everything for a boy that I knew would leave me someday.

"V I want to amend things. Please just listen to me." He said desperately. "I know I fucked up big time but I need you again Violet!"

"Listen Derek. I really have moved on. I can't go back with you. Last time we saw each other you hit me! You became aggressive after you got involved in the gang. Please leave me alone and go live your life." I really didn't want to go back to him. It's not that he broke my heart. But I gave him a choice between his gang life and our love and he chose the gang life.

"I'm sorry Violet. Please give me one more chance." He grabbed my hand. I took it from his hold immediately. I can't get the scene, when he hit me after he got angry with something that has to so with the gang.

"Your chances are over. I gave you one when you hit me. After then you chose the gang life over me. We're done Derek. Leave please." I turned back to enter the restaurant. He grabbed me by my hair and jerked me back.

I yelped and he immediately put his hand over my mouth. He was breathing hardly and his hands were shaking.

"I love you Violet! I risked everything to come back to you." Tears were starting to fall from my eyes. I tried to speak but it came out muffled.

"I wonder what took you so long." Tracy came barging outside but halted when she saw what was happening. "You sick bastard! Leave her alone!" She screamed and ran towards us.

I felt Derek tensed and he let go of me. I turned around and kicked him in the balls. He fell to the floor in pain and I rubbed my hands.

"Did he hurt you?" She asked. She knew he hit me but she was asking about knife stab or something like that.

"No Tracy I'm fine." I shocked out looking disgustingly at Derek on the floor. I wonder what I used to love about him.

He's sick. He wanted to prove himself by dealing with the wrong stuff. I wanted to punch his face but restrained myself from it. I was afraid he'll come back. If Tracy hadn't came in the right time I would be in a worse state right now.

"Let's call the police. They'll deal with him." She said taking her phone.

"No! Don't please. I can't handle a case right now. I'm sure he won't come back." I found it hard to say those words but I didn't need any Derek and police drama right now.

"I hope so. Next time I see him around you I'm calling the police Violet. I'm not joking and you won't stop me." She glared at me but then her gaze turned to a worried one.

"Okay. I won't stop you next time." I reassured her. I hope they're won't be a next time.

I turned towards Derek and he was still lying on the floor. I wanted to kick him again.

"Leave Derek and never come back again." He looked at me with a raged expression.

"I will always come for you Violet." He gritted out and I felt a chill run down my spine.

"Next time you come near her we're calling the police!" Tracy screamed in his face as she took me back inside.

I was shaking. She sat me on a stool and went running to bring me a bottle of water. I was taking slow breaths and my heart my beating fast. I was afraid. I was afraid he'll come back and not only hurt me, but hurt Tracy too. I can't bare the thought of her getting hurt because of me.

"Here you go." She gave me the bottle and I drank it totally.

"Thank you Tracy. I don't know what would have happened without you!" I hugged her and she calmed me.

"It's what best friends are for." She smiled and I thank god for blessing me with her.

"Hello girls." Carl said grinning, but his grin faded when he saw our faces.

"What happened?" His voice hardened. He inspected my red arms and glared at them. "Who did this?" He raised his voice a bit.

"Please just drop it Carl." I said with tears threatening to fall.

"I hope this isn't something that has to do with Derek."

"It is." Tracy sighed.

"Why is that guy glaring at you?" Tracy asked looking between me and the 'leader' of the group that entered.

"Vincenzo." Carl said.

"What?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"His name is Vincenzo. That's what I heard his friend calling him anyway." He shrugged.

"That's a hot name." Tracy said looking at me.

"He must be Italian." I said catching his gaze.

He was looking intently at me like he's trying to figure something out. His gaze shifted from my face to my arms and he seemed like he tensed. I looked confused at his reaction. What the hell is wrong with this guy?

Suddenly Vincenzo stood up and I tensed. I was grateful that Tracy and Carl were with me. He was walking towards me when one of his friends stopped him and whispered something in his ear.

"WHAT?" A roar was heard in the restaurant and everybody froze. Their were opened wide and their mouth were nearly touching the floor.

We could hear whispers among them. They all knew who Vincenzo is. They were all afraid of him, the fear was clearly visible on their faces.

"Let's go." I heard the same man that told him something say and they all stood up and left like robots.

I looked at Tracy and Carl and they sere shocked too. No one dared moving, until their cars disappeared.

"They didn't pay the bill." Tracy frowned.

"Yes they did." Carl said waving 300 bucks in front of our faces.

"What the hell?! 300 bucks!" Tracy yelled running towards Carl to make sure that what she was seeing was real.

"They left 250 bucks tips." Carl said in disbelief.

"That's great no?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Listen we'll split it and each will take his share." Tracy said, and we all agreed.

Vincenzo's POV

She came back inside the restaurant and I was instantly greeted by her beauty. Her friend was trailing behind her with a frown on her face. Violet sat on a stool and rubbed her hands. Soon the guy, Carl approached them and I saw him tensed.

I was examining her to see what happened, until she caught my eye. I looked in those deep green eyes and she looked back at me. The guy took a step to the right and I was able to see clearly, and that's when I noticed her red arms. My blood started boiling and I felt like I need to get to her.

I stood up and all my friends looked at me with shock. I didn't pay them attention as Giovanni's phone started ringing. I started walking towards her when Giovanni stopped me.

"Vincenzo they caught a guy stealing from our drugs." He whispered and I felt furious more than before.

"WHAT?" I roared. Who dared lay a hand on my goods. Everyone looked at us with fear written on their faces and I felt satisfied. That's how I like it. To see the fear in people's eyes from my presence.

"Let's go." Giovanni said and we left the restaurant.

I turned around to look at Violet one more time and sighed. I'll get you soon princess. With one last look I got in the car and Paolo drove towards our warehouse.

"I want all the informations about this guy." I said through the speaker of my phone with all my men.

"Yes sir." They all replied and I was satisfied with it.

"What's the deal with 'dark blood' gang?" I asked Erico who was sitting in the back seat.

"They managed to kill an entire gang. The leader wants all the power of the city. As long as we know they won't dare mess with us but we can't be so sure. They already killed 2 gang leaders and now an entire gang." He explained and I nodded my head. That's unusual for a small gang to start killing other gangs.

Sure there are wars and all, but usually they wait until they be ready totally to attack, and for some reason. But as far as I know, the leader, whom I don't know his name yet, has left jail 2 years ago and started his gang. They were known to be ruthless.

"I want to know who's in charge about the 'dark blood' gang. I want his name. We only have few informations about him and that's bothering me." I told them with a cold tone and both Paolo and Erico nodded.

"We're here." I looked up to see that we were indeed in front of our warehouse.

How I love this place! I come here for the pleasure it gives me. I like killing people. I like killing 'bad' people. People who tried to kill my family, people who tried to betray me, people who killed innocent ones. The last part is the most unbearable thought.

I will never lay a hand on an innocent soul. I never even laid a hand on a woman, I leave that job for the girls in my mafia. The ruthless girls who are loyal to me and I trust them with my life.

My thoughts drifted to Violet. She looked like a strong girl. I'm sure she'll be loved here. I can't wait to bring her.

"He's here." Giovanni opened the door and we entered the dark room. My favorite room.

A blonde guy was sitting and tied to the chair. He was looking at us with a smirk. He was still untouched. That's how I like them. Untouched so I can inflict all the pain on them.

"What's your name boy?" I asked him and he laughed.

"That's why you brought me here? To ask about my name? Funny." He snickered but I remained calm.

"It will be a shame that when you die, we won't know what we'll write on your grave." Giovanni shot back and the boys laughed evil laughs.

That's how I love my people!

I smirked and looked at him. He looks like he's in his early 20's or maybe younger. Such a shame he won't live his life to the fullest.

"I really want to let you live but I'm not liking your attitude." He shivered and the smirk was whipped from his face.

"You can't kill me. I have informations. I won't say anything until you grant me my life." He said and looked in my eyes daring me.

Mario punched him and the face and he fell with the chair to the floor.

"You don't command here. You don't look in boss's eyes directly bastard!" Mario kicked him one more time and adjusted his position.

"I want all the informations. You can speak without the torture and I can torture you for hours. I really love seeing you bleeding." My voice was deadly and the boy started shaking.

"Please I'm scared. I didn't want to get involved in this! He made me!" He cried.

"What happened to the tough boy from earlier." I laughed and the boys smirked.

"He made me." He screamed again.

"Who made you?" I asked him.

"Master. They call him 'the master' he's in charge with 'dark blood'. He wants to eliminate you and take your place. He wants to be the stronger person in California." He said in one breath.

"What is his name?" I asked him furious.

"We don't know. No one in his gang knows. He puts a mask on and never speaks with us. His right hand man, Elijah Robbie, talks with us in his place."

"I want all the informations about this Elijah Robbie." I told Giovanni.

"On it boss." He said.

"What will we do with him? He spoke without the need to torture him." Mario said bored.

"Let him go." I said.

"What?" They all looked at me with disbelief.

"He won't be a bother. He shit his pants anyways. Plus he knows no valuable information he can rat about." I shrugged and left to another room.

I'll get my satisfaction from this guy then.

Comments (9)
goodnovel comment avatar
Afnan Al-Debi
So far so good it only getting better!!
goodnovel comment avatar
Lorine Akoth
maybe she was confronted by her ex from the back door
goodnovel comment avatar
Mayia Jones
vincenzo gotta be a hottie !

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