
Chapter 36: Warnings

"I will get back at everyone of you. This isn't over".

She picked up and her back raced out of the door.

She was more than pissed off. How in the world was she going to grow back her hair".

The thought of killing someone, wouldn't leave her head as she walked out of the house and through the courtyard before heading out of the gate.

Daisy was not going to go Scots free from what she did to her.

She would have done something else and not cut her hair.

"Gosh! I'm going to deal with that little vixen".

She slammed her hand on the steering wheel. 

She couldn't believe that was happening to her.

No one has ever humiliated her in her entire life and this girl...who was she?

This wasn't the first time she did such a thing to her. That last time she poured water on her and now this?.

"She is not getting out of this alive".

She reassured herself .

She was 26 years old and would let a small girl ruin her. 

that was never going to happen. 

If the whole thing was going to her more than her; then she would have no other choice, but to get her father involved.

"Are you Okay,  lady?".

She looked at the right side of her car window, when she heard a deep masculine voice from outside. 

"Do I look like I'm Okay" 

She angrily said and started her car ignition

Oops, she lost some hair.

Huck, laugh silently. 

"Uhmm, before you leave, can you please help me find this address?".

He extended a small white card inside the car.

Linda looked at her Huck, head down and without any response,she sped off. 

He was standing at the location so there was no need in showing him.

He should use his brains. 

She thought. 

Huck shook his head and he drifted closer to the gate.

He couldn't just stay back and do nothing. 

So,he had to take matters into his own hands. 

If he could get closer to his niece then that would be a successful step in getting closer to Viggo. 

After Jake had left, he had no other option but to give it a try by himself. 

Though, he didn't know if he was at the right address. 

Still, he was going to knock and that's what he did, before Hall showed up.

"Do you know that what you did back then, was uncalled for? Why would you do that?".

Viggo stood, hands behind his back, staring at Daisy who was sitting on the bed, with the scissors still in her hands.

"I know it's wrong. However, that's what people who don't listen get. So now, can you just let it be ? I don't want any more troubles".

She kept the scissors on the table and sat back on the bed, with Viggo watching her every action.

"Why do you always behave like this? Are you sure that something isn't wrong with you? You keep doing weird things all the time?".

He stood his ground wanting to know exactly what was wrong with her.

He did not understand her. 

"Come on, leave me alone.  We are not related.  So what I do, shouldn't bother you" 

She argued back, feeling annoyed. 

"What do you mean by that? You are my wife and I don't understand you ".

He said, suddenly regretting his own words. 

He cleared his throat and looked out through the window hoping that Daisy didn't hear that.

Well, he was wrong because Daisy immediately got up from the bed with a wide grin on her face and stood in front of him.

"I like what you just said. You shouldn't be shy, saying that.  You should look at me. I'm your wife and you are my husband, I wouldn't stand by and let hoes like that woman down there, come between us.  I'm doing this for you and for us. In the end, I want it to be just you and me, living happily ever after, with our kids well, if we will have some".

She rested her head on his broad shoulders, wrapping her hands around him.

Viggo tousled his hair.

Now, he knew that there was nothing he could do anymore especially when Daisy was concerned. 

Her words always get him in some kind of way.  Something he couldn't really control. 

She was doing it for him and for them.

He could sense the determination in her voice, when she said all that.

She was sure about them ending up together, but he had no clue how this was going to end.

His brain was just so messed up.

He subconsciously brought his hand up to her  hair and gently stroked it, while the other rested on her waist.

It was quiet between them for a while.

He could hear her heart beating slowly against his chest.  The moment was so peaceful.

"If you want things to work between us, can you promise to stop doing all the weird things you do because you might end up harming one of us".

He said, while still stroking her, but pulled his hand, when Daisy lifted her head up to look at him.

"Are we going to behave like a normal couple, if I do?".

She responded with a question. 


He answered for the shake of her. He just wanted her to stop. 

"Then, I promise".

They both stared at each other and smiled. 

Well, Daisy just wanted him closer to her. She wanted to feel what couples feel, when they are with others. 

She wanted to have that and she had to promise. 

Nonetheless, she will keep her promise if no one looks for her trouble but if anyone does, then she is going to give it to them how they want it

"Good then.  You can have your rest. I have some work to attend to in my office".

Viggo placed a kiss on her forehead as they separated. 

"Oh. I have been resting all day.  I'm coming with you".

She offered. 

Viggo hesitated for a while before answering. 

"Okay then" 

No way he was going to deny her.

"Someone is here to see you both".

Hall glanced between Viggo and Daisy as they looked back at him, wondering who it was.

"Who is that?".

Daisy was already in a defensive mood. 


Viggo questions again, with his deep voice. 

"I think he is your uncle. I don't remember his name".

He said truthfully, motioning to Daisy

Uncle? Which uncle is that? 

She wondered 

She didn't have any uncle and if he was talking about Huck, then he was wrong because Huck has never been his uncle and would never be.

"Did the person say he wanted to see me?".

She frowned. 

She wanted to have some good time with her husband after some resolved matters and now, some unknown person just had to pop out of somewhere.

"Well, yeah. I think he is the person we met at Kinka. The one who gave you the gold" 

He told them 

"Huck''. The look on Daddy's face changed. 

What did he want and why would he come here without any notification?

"Shall we see him".

Viggo walked ahead, while Daisy followed behind him, thinking of several ways to leave Huck with some broken bones to wherever he came from.

He was certainly not going to leave like that, not after all what he had done to her.

She just made a promise to Viggo not to do anything as such again. 

Well, she was about keeping her promise, till Huck showed up.

So at this point, she had no choice. 

"Wow! Look at who we have here.  It's been such a long time , my dear little sister".

Huck immediately stood up from where he was sitting and said with a big smile. 

How fake!

Daisy rolled her eyes, but decided to play along.

"Really long time".

She responded back.

"My in law.  Hope you are treating my sister well".

He extended his hand over to Viggo for a hand shake. 

"Better than you could ever do".

Daisy stepped between them, shaking his hand.

While Viggo just stood there, looking at her.

"Oh wow! That's beautiful to know.  I'm glad he is doing just that. At least, you will have a longer time to leave"

Huck sarcastically said.

Daisy immediately knew something was up with him.

"Ofcourse, long enough, to kick every obstacle in the way and put them in their place".

She fired back. She was never the type to back Down, when it came to things like this. 

Huck thought he could play well, she could do just the same.

"Okay. Okay, what did you come here for, without an invitation nor announcement?".

Viggo asked, looking at Hall and the latter immediately knew what was up.

Don't let anyone in my house, without my permission. 

The sentence replayed in his head.

'I did nothing wrong.  His part of the family anyways".

Hall thought. 

"Checking on my niece isn't a bad idea right?".

A sinister smile played on Huck's face.


This is chapter 36. The other one is a repetition of chapter 35. Please do comment and support my book. Thanks for reading.

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