
chapter 46. come with me

The door was opened and Daisy rushed out of the room and was confused, when she saw the people standing at the door.

Why was everyone standing at the door?

"Here she is?".

Huck said, looking between Daisy and Viggo.

Daisy, on the other hand , was aware of what she had done, so she wasn't expecting any sympathy from Viggo. Though she had heard him call her name with so much gentleness some few minutes ago, she was not exactly convinced

She just stood there, with hands folded waiting to hear what Viggo had to say.

"Let's go home now, Daisy"

He walked and stood in front of her, with anger on his face, something she had never seen before.

But she understood where he was coming from.

Anyone in his shoes would act the same.

"I'm not going home with you"

She shook her head.

She wanted to go, but not until she had completed her task.

"I told you. She is not going with you"

Huck said victoriously.

He didn't know if Daisy had something planned, but he was grateful that she was going to
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