
chapter one hundred and thirty-eight

POV Supreme Alpha:

The walls of the king's hall resonated with my fury, echoing the roar of an irritated wolf. My expression was a mix of anger and discontent as I confronted Clara, my beta, who stood before me, eyes lowered, and body tense.

"Where is Olivia?" I shouted, my voice reverberating in the walls.

Clara trembled, but she dared not lift her gaze to meet mine. "I... I don't know, Your Majesty."

"You will tell me where she is, Clara! Now!" I demanded, patience wearing thin.

After a series of tortures, Clara finally broke and revealed that Olivia had gone to the human world in search of a donor for Noah, my son who was gravely ill. The news only fueled my fury, as she had broken a sacred rule by involving humans in our affairs.

"Why did she do this?" I asked, my voice turning into a threatening growl.

"Please, Your Majesty, she just wanted to save Noah. They found a donor, but the doctor asked them to stay another month to complete the surgery," explained Clara, trying to appeas
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