All Chapters of Immunity (Part 1): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 Chapters
Chapter 11: Immunity Eleven
“Where is Edlen?” They didn’t seem to hear him. Otherwise, they were intentionally ignoring him. Undoubtedly, it was the latter. Micah watched Cain and Viktor fly hurriedly across their side of the room, stuffing things haphazardly into their school bags. Both their uniforms were askew, and while that was nothing new for Viktor, whom apparently favored the unkempt and nonchalant aristocratic appearance, the prim and proper Cain seemed just as disheveled. Almost as if they were in a hurry to avoid Micah completely…. Next to Micah, Keegan shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t think they heard you, Micah.” Under the watchful eye of Aiden and Keegan, Micah crossed the room and abruptly cut off Viktor and Cain as they tried to exit their quarters. He appraised the two Unda cadets, sensing their awkwardness.
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Chapter 12: Immunity Twelve
Another week went by, as did another. The nobles remained stubborn. As did Micah. He kept busy avoiding Josiah and concentrating intensely on his schoolwork. He also read up on modern technology in his free time and made a few more feeble attempts to get to know his teammates. All of them, with the exception of Keegan and Aiden, continued to ignore his efforts at unification. Edlen, and his three loyal aristocrats, remained elusive. If the other boy’s mission was to avoid breathing the same air as Micah, he’d excelled beautifully these past four weeks. Despite his exasperation, Micah was reluctantly impressed. Who knew someone could be so immature and childish to the point of skillful and impressive elusion? The boy and his trio of Unda cadets ate at different times, showered at different times, and stayed up late to study in living quarters belon
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Chapter 13: Immunity Thirteen
Once a month, Concordia Academy held liturgy. The academy expected all cadets to attend.   Today was their first liturgy and Micah couldn’t imagine better timing. His team hadn’t slept well the past few nights, still haunted by their mission and their comrade’s gruesome death. News of the incident traveled quickly across the academy and gossip eagerly raged. Enduring the looks, the talks, and the accusations hadn’t been easy for some members of the team. While Micah could shoulder the attention, he knew the others had trouble dealing with Wayde’s absence and functioning under the negative scrutiny. Liturgy would at least soothe their troubles, at least for an hour or two. Micah wasn’t so fortunate. He wasn’t a religious individual. While he acknowledged the existence of the gods, or, more appropriately, the
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Chapter 14: Immunity Fourteen
The barbed wire was like a crown of thorns and a cruel mockery of manipulated twine. With the wire wrapped tightly around his arms, his captors lifted his limbs in a ridicule of a broken marionette, pulled by relentless and cruel strings.A punishing puppet master.Micah was past the point of scheming up poetic metaphors to his abductors’ intentions. All that mattered was that he’d lost feeling in his limbs long ago due to their painful and purposeful arranging.Positioned on the ground next to the dying and gnarly maze of the academy’s gardens, Micah could only stare blankly at the other side of the hedge. One leg curled inward and the other, by painful contrast, curled outward. His left arm stretched far above his head while his right arm angled awkwardly to the side.A fitting position for a discarded toy.He’d tried to move to a more comfortable position long ago, but the bindings were tight and the barbed wire dug agoni
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Chapter 15: Immunity Fifteen
“Yes?” Micah inquired wryly when he felt the stares. “What is it?Looking up from his eggs, he gazed at the trio of Unda students who’d sat across from him that morning at breakfast. Their faces were a mix of frustration, anger, and guilt. Micah didn’t find he had much, if any, energy to decipher the reason behind their mood.“We may have found a lead to who was behind your attack,” Viktor informed.Micah lowered his gaze to his breakfast, suddenly uninterested.  “Oh?”The situation, or more appropriately, the attack, as his team liked to call it, happened several days ago.He’d been too weak to move during his first day of consciousness. His second day of consciousness, Healer Destan and Kendra refused to let him leave the infirmary. The two Healers fed him enough tonics to upset his stomach. He spent most the day kneeling in front of the toilet and was far too fat
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Chapter 16: Immunity Sixteen
“Councilman Devereux will see you now, Mr. Edlen.”Kai nodded sharply to the butler.He stood from one of the several chairs positioned on either side of the long corridor. A rich, mahogany wainscot clashed opulently with the deep cherry and gold-patterned walls. As he straightened his tailored coat, his attention lingered on the gold frames hanging on the walls, focusing specifically on the largest painting.Stilling, he stared.He’d seen it a dozen times before, yet in the past, he’d always walked by without a second glance. It was an old adornment to the wall, as noted by the use of oil paints. If it had been newer, it would have been a colorless photograph like some of the other pieces in its immediate proximity.Kai was glad it was an oil painting.Photographs, though entirely realistic and lifelike, did not possess the color of life.He stared into the blue eyes of his lost friend, feeling t
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Chapter 17: Immunity Seventeen
Their eyes were haunted.Jaded.For weeks, Sachiel stared into their lifeless eyes, fathoming and speculating how a living soul could appear so dead. So dead, yet still harboring flames of vile immorality. Dead eyes were set upon faces so dirty, race became ambiguous and the level of depravity committed became the only way to identify each man and woman.Lord Josiah had assigned him to Region 0.Region 0, and all its glory, contained prisoners of both Igni and Unda descent within its mighty walls. Personally, if Sachiel had his way, he’d eliminate the pathetic souls who committed crimes messily enough for others to witness and execute a prosecution.Truly, who hasn’t committed a crime?A mere murder? Nobles evaded punishment frequently, though he supposed they were smarter than the commoners inside those walls. Smarter and far more prestigious. Unfair, certainly, but the kingdom couldn’t have criminals running
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Chapter 18: Immunity Eighteen
A sword clattered to the ground followed by an overzealous whop.“You did it, Keegan!”Looking over his shoulder, Micah calmly surveyed the pair of exuberant Igni students.Keegan stood victoriously across from Aiden, the latter not appearing crestfallen over his defeat. Instead, his grin nearly cracked his face into two. True pride. Micah found himself mirroring the sentiment, appraising Keegan fondly.The boy finally did it.Granted, Keegan was drenched with sweat and appeared as if he’d just overexerted himself, but that was a familiar sight these past few weeks.Keegan was determined. His determination paid off, it seemed. Micah’s earlier uncertainties about his overenthusiastic claim that he’d improve his swordsmanship abilities had since quelled.Evidently, he shouldn’t have been concerned. Everything had worked out in the end.“You’ll be good enough to beat Mi
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Chapter 19: Immunity Nineteen
Deserts and canyons made up the majority of the south’s landscape. In the north, where Concordia’s capital was located, distant mountains and lakes were the primary topography. For the first time in his life, Micah witnessed the endless, grassy meadows and trees of the west.There was also an abundance of hills. Many hills. Enormous mounds encased the train tracks on either side, dwarfing them as they passed. They also passed through several tunnels, reminding Micah the Terra people lived underground, just like the Igni Empire of old.He’d never seen so much green.So much wildlife.Nature in such abundance was remarkable and wholly impressive. Micah sat stiffly on the bench, fully outfitted and equipped as he studied the passing scenery with rapt attention. The rest of his team sat with him, quiet and not quite enjoying the scenery like Micah.They were nervous.Fidgety.“For being desert rats, y
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Chapter 20: Immunity Twenty
“They call them funnel cakes, Micah!”Micah offered Viktor an unimpressed look as he reluctantly brought the piece of cake up to his mouth. As he tasted the deep-fried pastry, his taste buds instantly swelled as the powdered sugar and the plump, lightly crisp dough hit his tongue. It was sweet, he noted. Almost too sweet. No. Not almost. It was definitely too sweet.“You can dip it in this.” Aiden held up the small container of amber liquid and shook it tauntingly. “Syrup.”“Syrup,” Micah repeated dimly. “That is all sugar.”“Well, that’s the point, isn’t it?” Viktor inquired, ripping off a large piece of the twisted pastry with his teeth. “Sugar. Fat. Deliciousness.” He soaked an entire piece of pastry with syrup and somehow managed to stuff it in his mouth without any dripping down his chin.Kai and M
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