All Chapters of A Mate For The Lycan: Chapter 71 - Chapter 73
73 Chapters
Chapter Seventy-one
Storm's POVThe doorbell rang, and Fiona and I made eye contact over the table, she shrugged and continued eating her pancakes. I headed to the door and opened it. Bianca stood at the other side looking like she had been in a catfight and lost."Hello Storm," Her voice came out raspy and I almost felt like offering her some water."Bianca, it's been a while." I crossed my arms around my chest and took a defensive stance. I was ready to fight her in case she decided to act mad."Can I come in?" She asked, her eyes downcast. She looked tired and worn out." It depends, are you here to cause trouble for me because if you are, I'm sorry but you can't." She shook her head, " I'm not. I came here to apologize." My eyes widened and I stepped back and she entered. I closed the door behind us. Bianca took a seat, I excused myself, and went to prep Fiona, she had finished her breakfast, I put the dishes in the sink and took her up to her room to play with her tab. I returned to the living ro
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Chapter Seventy-two
Noah's POVThe room had an eerie feel to it, the quickness and the stench of antiseptics made it worse. I walked over to Storm and held her hand. "David, is she fine? Is she hurt anywhere? Does she need surgery? Why is she still unconscious? " I rambled the questions out but my eyes were focused on Storm."She's fine, the impact of the choking caught off the air in her brain for a minute but she's a fighter and so is the baby. She'll be back home in a day or two." He said, my brain had only heard the word baby, what the hell was going on?"Baby, what baby? Who has a baby?" Was he talking about Fiona?David's eyes widened and he cleared his throat."Oh, erm, so I'm guessing you don't know. " He loosened his tie. " Storm is seven weeks pregnant, I don't know why she hasn't told you, she's known since she was three weeks pregnant." My chest ached and my eyes burned, Storm was pregnant and I was going to be a father. How come I didn't know, how could she not tell me?"Noah, are you okay?
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Ten years laterStorm's POV"Let go, it's mine." "No, it's mine." Identical sets of screams came from up the stairs, and soon the screams escalated to stomps and thuds, I took a sip from my glass of wine, waiting for someone to cry first before I climbed up the stairs to deal with them."Mom, aren't you going to do something about that?" I turned to see Fiona, she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me, she was now a cranky fifteen years old and thought she was better than everyone. Fiona had grown beautifully in the last ten years, she was tall for her age, almost 5'8, her glossy red hair was pulled back in a tight bun, her lips were full and she had the eyes of a seductress. Fiona started calling me Mom when she was six and I remember how hard I cried the first time she said it."I'm waiting for them to draw blood." I glanced at Fiona over and couldn't hold the laughter that shot out of me.Fiona was dressed in a black crop top and short shorts with spiky black boots. Th
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