All Chapters of My choice please: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
88 Chapters
Chapter 60
The cab driver decided to ask Jane some questions. After all, it won't be funny for him if it was possible that he was habouring a thief."Sorry to be a gossip or disturbing your privacy but who are you? You don't seem to be from around here and you don't look like a second generation rich kid. How are you able to afford all these. I mean, first it was the Glowing View hotel and now this? Surely you are not some ordinary personnel.""(sighs) I'm not from around here. I just moved in and I'm trying to get my life fixed. Let's just say I'm just trying to start all over." Jane replied casually. It wasn't a big deal answering his questions at least, that would shut him up for the day."Oh! I see. Sorry for earlier." The driver thought it wise to apologise since he wasn't sure whom he was dealing with. The only reason he was even more confident to continue speaking for such a long time was because he noticed Jane was a quiet type. Not all rich kids could be so easy going without a bad temp
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Chapter 61
After admiring the surroundings, she later went into the restaurant to buy herself a meal.Naturally, Jane carries a beauty that radiates like the sun. It's hard not to notice her. Men in the restaurant were already admiring her while some women present were being jealous of her.She placed her order and Immediately she was served, she wasted no time in filling her empty stomach.There were lots of people present at the restaurant so Jane didn't mind the eyes staring at her like they could naked her already.Unfortunately, the same rude Sammy she had run into earlier was also present in the restaurant but she didn't notice him. He was sitting few tables away from hers.This time, Sammy was alone which was unusually strange. You hardly see him alone without his lackeys.Well he had also noticed Jane when she entered the restaurant earlier and had watched her from the time she ordered her meal to this time that she was almost done eating.He took his glass of champagne and walked over t
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Chapter 62
He knew his scent would be a problem so he didn't fail to ask Becky for something to mask his scent but even so, the scent masker would only last an hour. That should be enough for him to spray the potion and leave the palace.Again, he knew the time the king would take his bath so he should be in the room by then.What troubled him was how he was going to get past the guard guiding the king's door. If Jeremy fails to distract him on time, his plan could be ruined...."Yes Williams, I know about it already. I don't know how and what could have gone wrong.. Yes yes! Oh no! it couldn't be. Fix the problems with the agency by yourself I really don't want to be stressed. Seriously!!!, can't you deal with the situation?What do you mean it's going to be difficult? Nobody died from it after all!"Alpha Leonard had been from one call to another the whole day. Bad news kept coming and coming.He kept on wondering how the newly produced syrups had worms in them. When did he start the producti
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Chapter 63
He could still hear Jessica's voice asking him to leave. Memories flashed through his mind as he reminisced over all that happened. It was too much for George to bear.Getting rejected and stupidly paying his mate off was one thing and then finding the one he did it for with another. Jessica even had to tell him to go back to his mate. What mate was she asking him to go back to. Was the news of how he had gotten rid of his mate not what he was going to shear with her? How could she ask him to go back to her.If only he had known, he would have considered giving his mate a chance. Maybe it was the goddess trying to help him but he refused to be helped now see what Jessica has done to him.George cried himself to sleep after emptying more than half a crate of alcohol.....Jane woke up very early the next morning, since it was weekend. She hoped to buy herself an apartment else how long would she keep on paying twenty five thousand dollars just to sleep in a hotel that doesn't offer foo
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Chapter 64
Even though Queen Lily knew about magic, she was still useless in the matter and so she felt really helpless.She couldn't just announce that the king has been hit with black magic when she knew they might end up accusing her if he later dies. Moreover, how would she tell them she was able to find out. Well, she wasn't ready to go through all that so she was going to let them discover by themselves after all, is that not why she had invited the doctors first instead of going straight to seek the help of white witches.By 11am, all the men in council were already at the palace including Mr Jack. They gathered in the king's room as they chatted amongst themselves."This is strange!"I've never seen anyone lay so miserable."What do you suppose happened to him?"Didn't you hear? Our company is in ruins.The king's Beta whose name is Samson also rushed in to the king's room with some doctors. He asked the other men out so the doctors could do their work.The king couldn't speak no matter
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Chapter 65
Through out the weekend, miss Fiona was restless. Jaden didn't come to work and he didn't pick her calls or reply any of her texts. She was heart broken and at the same time angry."Out of all the wealthy and Noble men thay have come for me in the past and those that are still coming after me, I ignored them ever since the day I set my eyes on you and I choosed you instead despite you were not up to standards and I have loved you regardless but this is how you treat me. Its alright. I will try not to cry I promise." She sent this text to him hoping he would be touched and realize his mistakes but after a while, she had to come to reality that Jaden won't come back to her.She swore to herself she wasn't going to cry even though this was the worst heart pain she'd ever felt. She lost her first love to the cold wicked arms of death and that was the first time she ever knew what it meant to have lost someone special and now what did she loose Jaden to? Would she say fear? that was the on
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Chapter 66
Although Sammy had bought that house for Jane to impress her, he was disappointed after it. He had thought Jane would jump on him, and then kiss him.In his head, he had already visualize how he was going to kiss her back. He was already thinking as far as 'what kind of kiss would she like?He was as a matter of fact thinking she would invite him over for the night and they would have a romantic dinner and then get all in the mood but No! This girl acted like it was nothing. How much does he have to spend to be able to warm her heart.Other girls would be jumping all over him if he bought them as little as a Hermes bag not even worth $5, 000 dollars. Well it's only natural Jane should be so though since she had so much money too. Ideologically, She should be worth more than his family. That's the main reason he was following her around. Should his suggestion be true, he won't be able to express his joy.Jane was moved by what Sammy had done and felt the need to appreciate him but she
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Chapter 67
Jaden got the courage to move on from his Grandma Lucy. He went to school the following day being Monday. He was determined to continue as his future did not end when Jane left.He had forgotten completely about Miss Fiona not untill he saw her at the school premises looking for him when he was about heading home.He couldn't hide from her since she had already seen him.Miss Fiona had contacted her brother Philip and asked him to inform her when Jaden comes to school which he did. She has been thinking of a way to get across to him but when she thought about visiting him in school, she had to have an insider to inform her and Philip was perfect."Jaden! Seriously, how could you be so mean?" Miss Fiona had dragged him to a corner to talk with him and she was almost yelling at him.Jaden was feeling frustrated now. He really didn't know how to tell this woman that she should leave him alone. She has done more than enough damage already."Why are you staying quiet on me Jaden? Isn't all
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Chapter 68
Larry was how ever making a point in what he was thinking about. Why push the poor lady away when all she wanted was to be loved.....Since the white witches couldn't find a cure and even black witches that were invited couldn't help out, the only solution left for the people was to make George their next king pending when his dad would regain his health moreover there were lots of issues to handle and the issue about Wolf Town's company, they needed someone to take over and help tame such problems.But George had refused. In his words while replying the guards, he asked them to scram. Since he was still hurt, he didn't let anyone open the door.After much deliberation, the men in council decided to take a vote in order to choose their leader. his mother Queen Lily had gone to call him but he was adamant. No body knew what he was going through. Some people were even beginning to suspect that he has a hand in his father's current situation."The king is not fit to rule us anymore and
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Chapter 69
Jane was in a hurry to catch up with an appointment when Sammy's call came through. She picked up his call."Hello!""Hey Jane, how are you?""I am fine. How about you?""I'm all good. Just missing you already. Are you busy today? Can I come pick you for dinner?""Sorry but I'm busy today. Infact I'll be busy this week. I'll have to call you later cause I'm on my way for an important meeting right now.""Wait, what meeting?""Just a meeting with an agent I found. I'll tell you about it when next we meet. I have to go now. Bye!"Jane ended the call and hurriedly went to the site to meet with an agent she had contracted.After the call, Sammy couldn't help smiling to himself. Jane's tone was rather sweet and energetic. "Maybe she misses me already." He thought to himself.Jane met with the agent and they discussed over the piece of land that She was checking out. The lands seems to be perfect. The agent really delivered more than she had expected. It was sited close to the main road so
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