All Chapters of The Billionaire's Bride: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
107 Chapters
Chapter 51
“What the hell are you doing with it?” Zoe asked, surprised that he knew about it.“And what the hell are you thinking leaving that sort of weapon in my house?” He snapped back. “Aren’t you supposed to be smart and know that it could put us in trouble?”“Maybe I am not smart.” She retorted, freeing her hand from his grasp. “Maybe the first thing that comes to mind after finding a freaking gun in my garden is not to hide it considering that it might be evidence to a crime.”“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have kept it back under the grass. Maybe you should have kept it in a place where no one would find it if you were thinking of being a detective.” He responded.“And also, maybe I didn’t think of that because it is not natural to have a gun in a perfectly normal house.” She snapped again, pacing the kitchen while he watched in awe.“Or you kept the gun because somewhere in your heart you think this is happening because one of my personalities did something very terrible.” He said, surprisi
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Chapter 52
“Oh, come on, power interruptions happen all the time. Even here in the company, we have had numerous cases of power interruption.”Jacob said as he walked closely behind Avery to his office. Avery nodded his head, agreeing with his personal assistant even though a large part of him had a lot of doubts.As they opened the door to his desk, Charlotte stood from her seat, bowing to Avery who completely ignored her. He pushed the door to his personal office open and admitted himself and Jacob inside.“What are my schedules for this month? I think it is time I take my family out on a vacation.” Avery said, taking his chair at his desk and swirling it around. Jacob gave him a rough look as he dropped a tablet on his table, his tall build complimenting the navy-colored suit he had on.“You do not need a vacation, Avery.” Jacob said to him.“As a matter of fact, I do.” Avery replied. “Mia and Zoe are losing their minds because of our current situation and I do not want to be the guy who take
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Chapter 53
Aaron snatched the document off Avery’s hands and returned to his seat knowing fully well that he was being stared at with anger.“You said to me that you were no longer operating, Aaron.” Avery said, going closer to his table. “Now you also lie?”“Listen…”“You always say that you are so many things except a liar, Aaron.”“Oh, come on.”Aaron groaned out loud, frustrated with being spoken to as if he were a child. Avery always claimed to be the responsible son and he was happy that he was, but that didn’t mean he enjoyed being treated like a teenager. “I didn’t lie to you, Avery.”“Really?” Avery said, clenching his fists in anger. “You told me you were closed for now and if I can remember vividly, you repeated those exact words this morning when we spoke. That…” he pointed to the document in Aaron’s hands… “doesn’t look like something that has been closed.”“It is just a shipment that has been on its way even before the whole thing started. I was just going through it so that it woul
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Chapter 54
The week went by quietly and smoothly for the Trents. They had managed to put off the breaking in incident behind them and were now living their lives as they were supposed to. Avery opened the door of the dressing room in the evening of Wednesday to see Zoe sitting by the mirror, allowing the makeup artist to do his magic on her with her eyes closed. He walked over, smiled at the artist before placing a kiss on Zoe’s already made hair, breathing in the scent of her vanilla flavored shampoo in the process.“Look who is back.” Zoe said, a smile spreading across her face.Things have been very good between them. The more they lived together, the more he fell in love with her. Although she hasn’t totally confessed her feelings for him, he sure knew she felt the same way about him. He was becoming softer by the day and his personalities have given him some peace by not coming out for the past week, allowing him live his life.“Are you dressed?” Zoe asked, her eyes still closed while the m
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Chapter 55
Zoe stared at her, wondering how possible it was that she was present at her wedding when in fact just few people had attended. She and Francis got married in a very casual garden and had not more than twenty people present because they had thought they didn’t need people as long as they had each other. But seeing this very beautiful lady who threw flashy stares at her husband say she had been there, didn’t sit right with her.“Are you sure about that?” Zoe asked, studying her and she smiled sweetly.“Of course. I remember being in Maples then to teach a modeling class and getting dragged to a wedding because my friend and I thought it was pitiful that the ceremony was scanty.” She replied. “When we got there, I was surprised that it was Zoe Madrigal tying the knot.”“Oh yeah?” Avery asked.“Yeah. I also remember wanting to come say hello but we were called up for an emergency and had to leave.” She continued. “What happened? You got divorced?”“Uhmmm…”“Yes.” Zoe replied immediately,
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Chapter 56
Avery stood perfectly still watching his mother’s body being wheeled out from the house. There were red and blue siren lights flashing round the building and if no one stopped the sounds of the siren, he was going to dismantle the ambulances with his bare hands.God, his mother was dead. She was gone and it was all because of his recklessness. Zoe warned him, Mia had warned him but he had only thought them as being hysterical because they were women.And now, look what that had gotten him.He leaned by the wall outside the house, still looking at the body the police officers were asking him to identity. There was no way in the world he was going to identify that his mother was dead.“Mr. Trent. We know this is a difficult time but before we take her away, is this your mother?” They asked him but he couldn’t bring himself to answer the question.“Mr. Trent?”“Yes, she is the one.” Zoe replied, adjusting the white shawl she used to cover her shoulders as she came closer. She watched Ave
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Chapter 57
Zoe turned off the television in her mother’s house and sighed in distress. The news about Felicity’s death was over all channels she tried to watch which almost drove her crazy. She still couldn’t believe that her mother in-law was dead. Felicity didn’t look like someone who could die so easily like that. How simple was it to end someone’s life with just a bullet from a finely made gun.Felicity’s death reminded her of how Francis had died. He too had been shot but while she had not been there to witness Felicity’s, Francis’s own was still vivid in her mind.Things were falling apart in the Trent family. While Mia was giving everyone the silent treatment, Simon still occupied Avery’s body and he wasn’t looking like he was leaving soon. If this was how Avery dealt with pain, it was a really twisted way to do it.“Are you okay, Zoe?” Margery asked as she watched her daughter going lost in thought.Zoe on the other hand blinked twice before turning to focus her attention on her. “I am f
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Chapter 58
Zoe and the rest of the Trent family walked into the vacation home in France with so much bad air between them all. Mia was still not speaking to anyone and neither was Avery. He only spoke to her when he felt he needed to. The burial ceremony had been just a family affair but that had not stopped the reporters from being there and intruding as usual. Felicity’s pictures were still splashed over the news, accompanied with some really weird speculations about her death.None of them had spoken to the media because they didn’t want anyone to know that prior to Felicity’s death, they had been receiving death threats. It would make people question them. So, they had been quiet, spoken to the detectives for leads and kept themselves locked inside the house. Even today, they all left at dawn to avoid more cameras in their faces.Zoe wasn’t sure she liked the way things were in their lives now, but she wasn’t going to complain. She understood that they were not only grieving, but blaming the
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Chapter 59
Zoe walked into the living area after her drink to find just Aaron sitting in the bar of the house. He had on the television and was staring at the picture of his mother. The comments by the reporters were nice as they talked about what Felicity was able to achieve in her company and in the life of her children.Zoe leaned on the wall leading to the staircase and continued to watch him. She wanted to go to him and sooth but she knew quite well that and she and Aaron didn’t fancy each other much. As she made to take the stairs to her room, she heard his phone ring which he answered immediately.“Yes, speak to me.” Was the first sentence out of his mouth. Zoe waited as he listened to the caller on the other end of the line, keeping very still so as not to give herself away. “Good, now lock up and leave the place. No one goes there till I say so. Avery is watching me and I know he has someone on our tail. Tell the guys to be on the low.”Avery has someone on his tail? What did he mean by
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Chapter 60
Zoe badged into Mia’s room the next morning having enough of her nonsense. She walked to the side of her bed and pulled off the blanket off her body.“What in the hell!” Mia exclaimed in a loud voice, not minding the fact that the culprit had been Zoe. Without paying much attention to her, Zoe went into her wardrobe and searched for a decent wear for her.“What are you doing, Zoe?” Mia asked with disbelief, her gaze following Zoe wherever she went.“I am bringing you back to life, young lady and you are not going to complain.” She answered.After searching her bag and getting a pretty yellow flowery top and a jean pants to go with it, she bent down to search for shoes.“You are not my mother, you know.” Mia said, not moving an inch from the bed. When Zoe had pulled out a pair of sneakers, she felt was reasonable with the outfit, she headed back to the bed.“No, I am not.” She replied. “Your mother is dead. Get used to it.”Mia gasped quietly, a hurt look on her face but Zoe wasn’t hav
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