Night Slayer

Night Slayer

By:  Bella Moondragon  Completed
Language: English
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The odds are stacked against her--just how she like it.... After the Revelation, when Vampires around the world came forward and disclosed themselves to the world, the Hunters and Guardians that had fought in the shadows to defend humanity were also exposed—and hunted down, enslaved, destroyed, and sent into hiding. Jo McReynolds, the daughter of the most powerful Vampire Hunter to ever live, continues to slay bloodsuckers in the night. After the mysterious disappearance of her mother and a series of conflicts with the rest of her family, Jo is out on her own, and that’s fine with her. Because she doesn’t need anyone but herself. But the others need her. When her team gets a tip as to the whereabouts of the Vampire responsible for the disappearance of Jo’s mom, her family wants her back. No one can kill bloodsuckers like Jo McReynolds. Saying she’s sorry and coming back to the fold will be difficult, and she’s not sure she even wants to go—but finding this Vampire might reveal what really happened to her mother, so Jo accepts. With Jo as part of the team, can they track down the Vampire and discover what happened to her mother? Is it possible to rid the earth of Vampires once and for all and restore the Hunters and Guardians to their former glory—or will Jo and her team end up captured or destroyed like so many of their colleagues?

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142 Chapters
Chapter One
Jo McReynolds brought her motorcycle to a stop outside what she could only assume was supposed to be a gas station of some sort, though by the looks of it, the establishment hadn’t been used for that purpose for at least the last few years. Trash overflowed out of the garbage receptacles on either side of the door. The lights inside flickered through dirt-covered, smudged windows, competing with lightning in the distance to illuminate the cracked asphalt parking lot and the corroded gas pumps out front. She put her kickstand down, checked her weapon was still strapped securely to her back, and swung her leg over the seat.This would’ve been easier if she had brought a Guardian with her, but most of the time, Jo preferred to work alone, especially in the last year or so when the situation with her so-called team had gone from bad to worse. It was hard to believe there had ever been a time when Vampires lurked in the shadows, and Hunters and Gu
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Chapter Two
The first bloodsucker went down easy enough with a quick blast from Jo’s Glock, which gave her hope that these were old school Vampires, the kind that died quickly with a bullet or two, not the reengineered kind that had showed up a few days after the Revealing, and certainly not the pesky Souled kind that they’d discovered the year before Jo was born. No, with any luck, all of these dirt bags would turn out to be good ol’ fashioned bloodsuckers and fall down dead like good boys and girls with a blast of her weapon. She’d find out quickly enough.A spray of ash from the first one, and a scream from a few others who were either so startled at her sudden appearance or just timid by nature, gave Jo the few seconds she needed to aim at the shadows and send a woman with long, scraggily black hair into oblivion.From her right, a thin specter rushed her, his long claws reaching for her face. Jo whirled around, raising
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Chapter Three
Even though it was late, there was a busy crossroad ahead of Jo, and she knew she was going to have to at least bring her bike to a low throttle, if not stop completely, in order to safely make her way across what used to be an Interstate Highway. Since the Vampires had basically claimed much of this part of town, most of the humans who lived here didn’t ever come to these parts, or if they did, they did so in the daylight. Still, no matter who or what was driving the cars up ahead, there were more of them than Jo had collectively seen in the last few minutes since this was a major artery that cut through the center of Denver, so she couldn’t rush into oncoming traffic despite the fact that the black SUV behind her was closing at an ungodly rate.Taking her eyes off of the asphalt ahead of her Jo looked over her shoulder. How was it the SUV was possibly closing? “Goddamnit!” She whirled back around and considered pressing even har
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Chapter Four
It was no surprise that Aunt Cassidy was already sitting in her living room by the time Brandon found a parking spot in an inconspicuous location a few blocks away from Jo’s apartment building. Cassidy had no doubt parked in Jo’s parking spot in the garage at the rear of the building whereas the three of them were forced to traipse through the streets a good distance. They’d been hampered by the fact that they had to walk like regular people, rather than the superbeings they were. Although, if anyone peeking through the windows wanted to look carefully enough, they might notice there was something different about their weapons. Not that everyone wasn’t armed these days. Humans tried to protect themselves from Vampires, since it was okay to kill them if they attacked. Vampires didn’t need guns but they often carried them anyway. And then there were people like Jo and her family who would be taken in without question the second law enforcement
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Chapter Five
Jo’s mouth gaped open, and she was certain her eyes were wide enough to resemble dinner plates. Elliott’s words hovered around her mind for a few seconds before they slowly began to sink in, and her mouth managed to connect. “Dad… he’s… back?” She shook her head, still trying to process. “How long? He never called me.”“Maybe that’s because the last time you spoke to him, you said you hated him and if he ever tried to find you, you’d pull out the special titanium bullet you’ve been saving.” Cassidy’s glare was so intense, Jo could feel it on the back of her skull.She swallowed hard, not needing her aunt’s verbal reminder of what had transpired between herself and the Guardian Leader the last time they’d spoken. Words were exchanged…. Blame was placed…. She’d thought about calling not that long afterward and apolog
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Chapter Six
Crying was the one thing Jo hated almost as much as Vampires, so she didn’t let herself sob for too long before she broke into a mental pep talk and went to the kitchen to grab a leftover napkin from takeout and blew her nose. “This is stupid,” she muttered, wadding the flimsy paper into a ball and tossing it into the overflowing trash can in the kitchen. “I can’t let those shitheads walk into my house and make me feel bad for something none of them can ever understand.”She drummed her fingernails on the chipped Formica counter and contemplated what to do. She wished a stiff drink would do her some good, but it had been a long time since alcohol or anything else had an effect on her--not that that had kept her from trying. Before she Transformed at seventeen, she’d done more drinking and smoking than most kids her age--all behind her parents’ back, which had been hard because her dad always seemed to know
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Chapter Seven
A knock on her door had Jo pulling her head out of the past and back to the reality of her cruddy Denver apartment. Zane had sounded groggy on the phone, like maybe he had actually been sleeping for once, a rarity. Or maybe it was just that smolder he had about him amplified by her desperation to speak to someone she trusted. Either way, when she opened the door and saw him standing there, his brown hair falling over his eyes, one hand stretched behind his head, showing the ripple in his bicep, all the feelings she thought she’d sent packing months ago came roaring back in one heated hormonal ball that settled in her pelvis like a grenade without a pin.“Hey,” he said, dropping his hand and sticking it in the pocket of his worn jeans. “You okay?”“Peachy,” Jo replied, leaving the door open for him and returning to her couch. A cloud of dust enveloped her as she plopped down on it. Zane closed th
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Chapter Eight
Jo brought her bike to a stop next to the SUV a few minutes before 8:00. Everything worth bringing with her was in the backpack strapped to her back, or in one of the many holsters she had hidden on her person--at least she hoped they were hidden. She hadn’t gotten too many questioning looks on her ride over, but then, there weren’t many people up this time of day either. When you had to stay up most of the night to make sure you weren’t some monster’s late night snack, you tended to sleep in.No one was stirring near the SUV, which looked more beat up in the daylight than it had the night before. She walked around it, wondering where the rest of the family might be and noticed a few dents on the driver’s side that could’ve been popped back into place easy enough. She vaguely remembered the days of Lamborghinis and jet planes but didn’t let her mind stay there too long. There was no use thinking about what used t
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Chapter Nine
It didn’t take too long before someone wanted an explanation, one Jo wasn’t willing to give. So the questions went directly to Zane. It wasn’t a surprise at all that it was her dear brother asking the questions.“So… Zane… are you related to Kian O’Braonian?” Cadon asked once they were about twenty-five miles outside of the Denver city limits, and they’d pulled over so Elliott could drive, something he almost always insisted on. Jo and Zane were sitting in the way back now, Brandon and Cass in the middle, and her brother had to swivel almost completely around in a semi-circle from the front passenger seat to direct his question to the Guardian in the back row.“I am,” Zane said, a questioning lilt to his voice. “He was my grandfather.”“Interesting,” Cadon said, and Elliott looked away from the road long enough to give his so-ca
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Chapter Ten
Stanstead was a quaint little town near the Quebec-Vermont border, just the sort of place one might expect to see on a 1950s television program, even though technically the town didn’t come into existence until two others were merged in 1995. Still, as the SUV rolled along nice suburban streets, lined with green hedges and white fences, it was easy to forget they were in the middle of a war.Not here, however. Not in Canada. Jo pushed her hair back behind her ear, trying to concentrate on anything other than seeing her dad for the first time in years, including remembering how ugly it had gotten between the US and Canada when the northern neighbor declared Vampires unwelcome within the borders. Many Americans had called them racist, said it was another Holocaust all over again. Jo remembered her dad sending as many LIGHTS members as he could find from other parts of the world that weren’t either in crisis like they were in the US or under a s
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