Alpha Jaxon Slave Mate

Alpha Jaxon Slave Mate

By:  Esther Paul  Ongoing
Language: English
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Slamming her against the wall, he dug Hus fingers into hr shoulders, eliciting a pain in her, which caused her to welp. His eyes caging her to his, shutting her sexy mouth up, as he looked into hee eyes. "Hear me and hear me now, because I won't have to repeat my words the next time. You are not my mate, you don't deem to be my mate, I don't want someone like you as my mate, because, you are my slave, you are human, you are skinny, you are ugly, damn, you are short, fucking short, you are WEAK, you are fragile, you don't deem to be my Luna, because I don't want someone like you, never, would I want someone like you, especially not my pet" Alexia Ortega was just a normal girl growing up, all she wanted was a normal life, she grew up with her parents, they lived in the village land of Meduza, they were humans, living peacefully in human lands, not until they were attacked by the Granullas, they took her for slavery and afterwards sold her to her mate, the alpha king. Jaxon Cruz, the alpha king, he have been living a thousand years, hoping for his mate to free him from his misery, he believed he had been the cause of his mate's death, who had continued to torment him. He still wanted his mate, hoping one day, his mate would come back to him, even though she was dead. He was the alpha king, and what is a king without a mate, especially one that have a history of dead mate. After five hundred and twenty nine years, he found a mate. Now how were they able to overcome the forces of the unknown enemies, who had killed his former mate.

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I'm hooked, right from the synopsis. More updates please ......
2021-07-30 20:36:49
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Reynang Elena
2021-07-30 18:20:08
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Brandy Leman
I’m looking forward to reading more? But looks like there hasn’t been an update for 4 months. This book so far has me on the edge of my seat and hoping the author will begin finishing it soon!
2021-12-08 08:13:39
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Eek! SO glad I read the reviews first! No update in 5 months!!! It’s awful to start (and pay) for an incomplete book. After this much time, you would think GoodNovel would archive it!
2022-01-25 07:04:41
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sarah maiani
update please
2021-11-12 09:44:47
24 Chapters
 In the year 1776The environment was buzzing with laughter and joy, giving it a serenity of peace and laughter, there was no sign of any one been a disturbance in the society, the children were seen playing a stone game, each throwing a stone at each other, there were at least ten children who were skipping with ropes making the view relaxing, the village is a peaceful one, different building were located at every corner giving a space at the middle, where some men were sitted playing a gamble against each other, the women were busy with various activities. In one of the house, you can see a girl sewing a cloth, Alexia, she was too big for her age, and she sewed the clothes so perfectly, by using a needle to attach the thread, at the ending side of the clothes then bringing it out , she was so serious with her work that she hardly noticed the sound from the children. With her green eyes which made her face to look more beautiful, bringing out the color of her fa
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She opened her eyes, at first, all she saw were holes, thick dark holes, now gradually replaced by the rays of the sun, which made her dizzy, and her eyes feeling heavy. She felt a pain in her head, reaching her hands before her hair, a sharp pain hit her like fire, bringing her hands down, she could see the particles of dried blood on her head, lifting her head up, she saw herself in a room, she looked around her and she realized that she was not the only one caged in the room, she has never seen children gathered so much in a single room, unless they were been told a story, and she could not remember her parents bringing her in here, her fudgy mind was so slow to grasp what entirely happened the previous day. Looking around her, she tried to start a communication with the people beside her, but they looked.......lost, like they were in a daze and malnourished, and she don't know if they will respond to her. Opting to keep her mouth shut, she hoped her parents arrive soon, from whe
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Rachel looked at the boy, wondering if he was saying the right thing, he might endanger their lives more, Alexia was a human, and she knew humans were weaklings, they might be entering into the trap of the devils. Rachel was a witch, a weak witch, but she could manage the pressures from these dungeon. "You are a human Alexia, you can't survive here, that I know, but you dying quite early is not what I approve of, we both are ten years old, while he, he looks thirteen or so, he has enjoyed at least three Years of life, while we have not enjoyed that. So I advice you should not leave, let's watch and see what fate offers us"Rachel said, she sounded quite serious with what she said, Alexia was the only friend she have here, and she needed to protect her."But it will be a secret, no one would know we had escaped, and there is nothing to enjoy here"Alexia said, feeling sad, she knew she was gonna miss her friend, but maybe if she escapes, she will def
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 Year 1784  Awoken by the sound of rain and lightening becoming so loud she stood up, sitting on the floor. She looked at the cell in which she was trapped in a cell, with the little window, which was attached to the wall. Everywhere looked calm, she could not remember the last time she stayed in a funished building, everywhere smelt of rats, dead rotten rats, she had been caged in a hole a long time now. The room which was enclosed with wall of stone and the smaller window which prevents her from escaping, which prevents her from seeing her loved ones, its been eight misery years since her freedom was snatched from her, for the past eight years, six months and five days, the room has always been so congested, that she hardly breathes well sometimes, the room was both congested with sweats and dirts from herself and the other slaves.She heard a noise from the other end of the building and she stood up, walking towards the Lines of the railing, she s
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He looked at the sky through the open windows, the hum of the breeze, making the night quite relaxing, but his mind was drawn to the previous events, which had happened years back, it felt like yesterday, memories like these are not to be forgotten so easily, memories of loosing your own mate, at your weakest point, these was the most heart shattering memory, the screams still audible in his ears, the cries of his mate, no matter how long she had left these realm, her voice still speaks to him, whispers to his, telling him how forsaken he was, how unrepentant he was, how disheartening he was, but these had marred him more and turned his soul to be darker, more dangerous, more insane, the death of his mate had corrupted his soul, his wolf, the vacuum was there, still in replaceable. Jaxon closed his eyes tightly, as he folded his fist, her scream of torment was tearing him apart, and with a swift of his tightened fist, he punched his hands on the wall, causing a big crac
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"The slave establishment have not been into slave trade for a while now, and now, we all have decided to sell some slaves, who have been tamed enough, so that the image of the establishment will not be tarnished" Simone said, looking at the slaves which bow lay low, staring at him, he looked at the crowds, his eyes making contact with a slave, the slave never seemed to back down, from staring at him, she was still arrogant. "Because, some slaves would disgrace the establishment and cause a disadvantage to future next trades in the future. The warden said, still looking at Alexia. "All other slaves except Alexia Ortega, will not participate in the slave's trade, she will have to remain in the establishment for a more years, till she is well tamed, then she will have to be sold out, out to a disciplined master" The warden said, watching as the slave gave him a quizzical look, he smiled, the slave needed more taming, and he was going to make sure
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The sound of heavy rain blast through the roof of the cell, causing the cell to be quiet, every where was dark, it was past noon, almost midnight, some slaves were asleep but two slaves remained awake.  Waiting for the right time to hatch their plan.  "Why wait, isn't it time already?" Rachel asked, staring through the bars, there was at least two guards, who protect the entrance of the cell's door.  "Yes it is, I am thinking of a plan so as to escape these cell without getting caught" Alexia said, standing up and walking to the bars of the cell. Then an idea came through her mind, a little smile breaking through her lips. "I have a plan" Alexia said, turning to meet Rachel.  "What's the idea" Rachel asked, looking at the other cells, other slaves were soundly asleep, so oblivious of what was happening. "You pretend as if you wanna pee" "What, pee, how does peeing invo
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Alexia watched them as they whispered to their selves, but she could not grasp what they discussed. "What are you going to do with these disgusting rodent" Rachel asked, staring at her as she looked back on the guards, keeping her voice lowly. "To distract the guards" Alexia said,  "How, how will you distract three guards with a mouse" Rachel asked, looking at Alexia inquisitively. "Watch and learn" Alexia said, throwing her a grin.   Walking out from her hiding place, the previous scream Rachel had made earlier had distracted the guards a bit, now she had enough time to do what she was about to do. "Immediately I throw these rodent towards them, quickly you run back to the cell, creating another banging noise to distract the guards guarding the cell main door. So we can have enough time to escape back to the cell room." Alexia said, giving her a nod, confident over their plans, bu
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"There were rumors going on, that they were attacking us"Alpha Roland said, throwing a glare to the crimson red pack."And how had you heard the rumors, that we destroyed killed your pack members. You as a king should know the fact that you should not believe in rumors"Alpha Damien said, glaring back at alpha Roland."When it involves your pack, such rumors should not be over looked"Alpha Roland said, rumors about the crimson red pack could never be over looked. The alpha of the crimson red pack was a young dangerous fellow. A young man who could taste for blood.Jaxon listened to the two alphas, as they argued between themselves, he listened to their argument, which was like a buzzing sound of a fly in his ears. He turned looking at Kires. His beta have him a nod, understanding what he meant by his look."What do you both seek for, you had earlier mentioned you were done with the quarreled. Yet you sound as if you would slit each
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It was two guards, they were walking towards her, quickly, she hid, hiding behind the walls, she saw the two guards turned around, maybe searching for her."I thought I saw someone here, a slave"One of the guards said, still looking around."Let's go in search for the slave which the warden had insisted would not be sold"The guard said, and the other guard nodded his head, leaving the base.Quickly Alexia left her hiding place, she ran towards the market place, it was now or never, and the warden had asked his men to go bound her so that she wouldn't escape.She walked behind the walls, the multitude of carriages she saw had made her believe that the warden was not joking when he said, rich and powerful masters was going to be the real buyers in the establishment trade, she had heard it was to be like an auction trade, where slaves are been sold out to the highest bidder.On arriving the main trade slave market, she hid where the gu
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