Rejected Luna

Rejected Luna

By:  Mafla  Completed
Language: English
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Sometimes kissing the Beast does not turn it into a Prince Charming — instead, he is a fascinating mogul you want topunch.Jules is an ordinary nineteen- span- old omega from a impeccably respectable family. He ’s not the most beautiful, or the smartest, or the strongest of the four Blake siblings. And he ’s fine with it, really. He is n’t unhandsome or anything, but by omega morals, he ’s nothing special. Jane is an ordinary nineteen- span- old omega from a impeccably respectable family. He ’s not the most beautiful, or the smartest, or the strongest of the four Blake ’s. And he ’s fine with it, really. He is n’t unhandsome or anything, but by omega morals, he ’s nothing special. “ Nothing special ” describes Jane ’s whole life. It ’s considerably boring. So when strange paraphernalia start doing in their house, it piques Jane ’s curiosity. There ’s a beast in the Blake family manor; Jane is sure of it. He sometimes hears growls and screams coming from the basement, and the men guarding the door look favorably scared. What could scarify grown mornings? Jules will have to probe! But his probation comes the Beast's disarming effect on jane's omega nature. It does not mean anything. Of course it doesn't. Jules is just curious; that is all. Curiosity can change a life, but when you are attracted to a feral morning whose real face you have n’t yeaseen.will it change for the better? What if the Beast is no Prince Charming but a cold-hearted, misanthropic bastard? A bastard Jane should not want — but does. A bastard jane should stay out from — but can't

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Leslie Crim
Love this story. I love this story. YaY! First one in a long time.
2023-11-01 07:52:59
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Dee Fullashape Salmon
Absolutely loving this so far. Can’t wait to see how it turns out.
2023-10-12 08:59:18
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Manisha Chahal
I loved it Devline n Jules love story just amazing, just really wished that it should be about only them. I really wanted to read more about them . Really loved it
2022-09-23 00:39:15
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Great mafla
2021-08-19 02:42:06
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My two gems were well deserved
2021-08-19 02:40:51
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What a book hope the wedding happens
2021-08-19 02:39:49
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Xani Xamma
Great works
2021-08-19 02:38:33
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Fascinating chapters well planned plot please keep updating
2021-08-19 02:36:07
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Can't wait for next chapter
2021-08-19 02:34:24
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Nice, can't wait for the next update
2021-08-18 22:48:53
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great keep going
2021-08-10 14:59:03
user avatar
love the first book, but what happened to the second? is it unfinished??? it ends without warning unlike the first book.
2022-11-14 06:45:13
user avatar
The spelling and grammar is horrid
2022-01-03 15:09:24
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Elia Berlín
oh my God!!! I see the tears coming this way!!!
2021-09-07 23:01:50
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Elia Berlín
this story is becoming so interesting!!! thanks for the update.
2021-09-01 23:56:58
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116 Chapters
There was a beast in their basement.Jules Blake had learned about it completely by accident. He had been looking for his kitten Sheba, and after fruitlessly searching the entire house, Jules had decided to check out the basement no one ever used. His hopes hadn’t been high—the basement was so cold, dark, and damp that even his not-very-bright kitten should have been smarter than to go there—but when Jules got downstairs, he was surprised to find security guards at the door. Armed security guards.There were suspicious noises coming from behind the door. Growls? Had someone just screamed? The guards’ eyes were wary and troubled, their hands close to their holsters. It was beyond strange, considering that the basement door was massive. Nothing should be able to break through that door. Why were the guards so twitchy, then?“What’s going on?” Jules asked, taking a step closer.The guards blocked his way.&ldq
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 Jules spent the next few days jumping at every little sound, scared that Uncle Wayne had found out about his visit to the basement. What if they noticed that someone had used a blood stancher on the Xeus? Jules could only hope they’d think it was the Xeus’s superior healing at work.But as three days passed without any trouble, Jules relaxed—enough to start considering going back.He knew it was crazy. It was a miracle he hadn’t gotten caught last time. He shouldn’t tempt fate again.But he had promised. Not to mention his own curiosity wouldn’t let him forget about the Xeus. Who was he? Why was he locked up in their basement? What did his uncle want with him?Okay, research time. He needed to research it. Or rather, he needed Eric to research it for him. Jules wasn’t the smart Blake brother, after all. He liked to think he was fairly intelligent, but he wasn’t embarrassed to admit that his bab
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Jules was angry and embarrassed enough to push the Xeus to the back of his mind for a few days.But on the third day his curiosity—and his conscience—finally outweighed his other feelings and he decided to check out the files he’d copied to the flash drive.Two hours later, Jules closed the files, feeling a little sick to his stomach. And a little scared, if he were honest.The files were a log apparently maintained by a Dr. Umberto Navarra: his observations of the experiments done on the Xeus. The log was absolutely disgusting in its lack of compassion. Dr. Navarra treated the Xeus like a thing, dispassionately describing the drugs and toxic chemicals used on him and the effect they had on the “subject.”If Jules understood the log correctly, the doctor’s main goal was to reverse the kerosvarin’s work and give the feral Xeus his rationality back. Judging by the Xeus’s newfound ability to speak, the experime
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They decided to turn the plan into action the very same evening. Liam was having doubts, but Jules convinced him that they should do it while their uncle wasn’t home. They might not get another chance like this anytime soon.So Jules huddled in the cupboard near the basement, waiting for Liam to do his part.He didn’t have to wait long.Soon enough, there were Liam’s panicked shouts and then the sounds of people in heavy boots running past the cupboard.Then everything went quiet.His heart pounding, Jules got out of the cupboard and quickly headed to the basement. He had no idea how much time he had: probably ten minutes, if he was lucky. It should be enough. It had to be. Hopefully the guards wouldn’t think to check on their prisoner—they rarely seemed to—so Jules hoped they wouldn’t find out that the Xeus was missing until the morning. And hopefully no one would notice that Jules was missing, too.
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Jules returned home feeling far more downbeat and exhausted than the situation probably called for. It didn’t help that he had to spend half an hour deleting the flight logs from the aircar’s internal memory and applying a scent neutralizer all over it to eliminate even the barest hint of the Xeus’s scent. Although his uncle didn’t have the aircar keys, Jules didn’t want to leave anything to chance. He wanted his Xeus to get to relative safety, wherever that was. If there was a safe place for a feral Xeus.“None of your business,” Jules muttered, but the anxiety under his skin didn’t disappear.The house was mercifully quiet, but instead of calming him down, it only made him more anxious. It felt like the silence before the storm.After erasing his fingerprints from his uncle’s keys and putting them back, Jules returned to his room. He climbed into his bed and closed his eyes, willing himself to fall asleep.
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Inner Core Planet Calluvia   “It was the only choice, Haydn.” Prince Haydn Schaefer pursed his lips, still looking at the unconscious man in the hospital bed. “Was it?” he said quietly. “We had to act without his consent.” “Because he was in no state to give it,” his husband said, taking his hand and squeezing it. Haydn turned his head and smiled weakly at Royce, his smile turning more genuine as his husband’s gaze held his. It was a little embarrassing that just looking into Royce’s dark eyes affected him like this. Everything felt magically better when Royce was close and looking at him. “I know,” Haydn said with a sigh, putting his head on Royce’s shoulder and deeply inhaling his familiar scent. It comforted him. “But Dr. Jordan said this procedure was too risky. What if he doesn’t remember anything when he wakes up?” Royce dropped a kiss on top of his head. “Then we’ll help him remember. At least he’s back to n
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Two months later The social season was even worse than Jules had expected. He had thought he was prepared for the utter tediousness of it, but ten days after their arrival at Faris, Pelugia’s capital, Jules already felt like punching someone. Preferably Liam’s stupidly pretty face.“Has your brother mentioned me?” said the blond alpha he was currently dancing with, casting a heated look over Jules’s shoulder.Jules didn’t need to follow his gaze to know that he was looking at Liam. They all did.Suppressing the urge to roll his eyes, Jules stretched his lips into a smile and ground out, “No.”The alpha looked disappointed but not disheartened. “Are you certain? Perhaps he mentioned me by my title? Most people call me by my title, not my name. Viscount Benley?”Jules smiled wider. “I’m quite sure, my lord.”As soon as the dance was over, he stro
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Twenty-four years ago He was fighting again.Ilona could only watch it through the window, biting her lip hard every time someone managed to land a punch on him. One small, six-year-old boy against seven older boys was hardly a fair fight, but of course no one interfered. No one ever did. Devlin’s position at the court was too precarious for anyone to interfere. He might be the king’s “nephew,” but most of the court strongly suspected that he wasn’t really Princess Lina’s son. It wasn’t hard to guess when the princess herself barely acknowledged the boy and kept him in a separate wing of the palace. Only a select few knew the truth: that Devlin was the king’s bastard, the bastard the king didn’t recognize as his son. And to make things worse, the poor boy’s designation only made him a larger target. Being a Xeus was difficult for adults too, but children could be so very cruel, and privileged chi
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“Jules, enough. You’re being ridiculous.”Jules spluttered, glaring at his dumbass brother. “Me? I’m telling you that Westcliff is just using you for his political agenda, and I’m being ridiculous?”Liam rolled his eyes. “Yes, you’re being ridiculous. You’ve been ranting about him for an hour, but I don’t see any problem with his actions. There’s nothing wrong with caring about what people would think of our courtship. It would be worse if he didn’t care. He’s a future king, after all.” Liam smiled dreamily. “Can you imagine me as a king’s consort?”“Agh!” Jules said in frustration, throwing a decorative pillow at Liam’s head. “Are you even listening to me? He isn’t just caring about people’s opinions! That’s the sole reason he’s courting you!”“I’m sure it isn’t. He was very ch
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Devlin Schaefer, the Duke of Westcliff, wasn’t in a very good mood. He had a headache—not a new occurrence ever since he’d woken up on Calluvia to find the previous two months of his life gone from his memory—but this morning it was particularly aggravating. For one very specific reason.“Your Grace, His Majesty is waiting for you.”Devlin gave a clipped nod before walking toward the king’s office. He paused for a moment, reinforcing the bland, neutral expression on his face, and then entered the room.The king wasn’t alone. Austin Cormack, the palace press officer, was there too. He bowed to Devlin, his gaze lowered.King Stefan regarded Devlin with a deep frown, a hint of displeasure in his scent. “Nephew,” he said coldly.Devlin briefly entertained the thought of calling the king Father. He almost laughed out loud.“Your Majesty,” he said instead, as coldly.&l
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