

By:  Tadiwanshe  Ongoing
Language: English
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Teenage life is always complicated but it's nothing compared to the lives of Max, Kristen, Ashley, Tatiana and Mckayla. See what happens when five best friends allow themselves to enter the world of love triangles, sex, addictions, obsessions, secrets and toxic relationships....

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35 Chapters
We need 2 talk!!As I read the lastest message from Tatiana, all I can think is, she saw us! I had hoped that maybe she was too intoxicated or maybe it was too dark and that she didn't actually see anything.But from these hundreds of text messages she's been sending me since last night, I can tell that I'm not mistaken, she saw me with my tongue down her brother's throat last night.And now she wants us to talk about it. Given all these new messages on phone it seems like everyone wants to talk to me. Did Tatiana tell everyone about what she saw? Somehow I doubt it, Tatiana wouldn't do that but just to be sure I switch off my phone so that no one can get in touch with me.Besides my phone is distracting enough and I need to get ready for school!I look back at the girl in the mirror and I have to say I look great. Yes, I'm one of those girls who
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.....the light is getting dimmer and dimmer but I don't mind because I'm finally embracing the darkness.....I have to say, poetry is my coping mechanism. Reading and writing it is not only a form of self expression for me, but it helps me deal with my anxiety and depression. And right now I can't stop writing and it's because I'm one minute away from having an anxiety attack.I have been the new girl at different schools for quite a number of times but I still can't get over first day nerves. You would think that due to all this constant moving and school changes, I would have mastered the art of being the new girl.But no, I still get nervous everytime which results in awkward first expressions which ultimately leads to not making any friends. Yep, I don't have a social life of any kind."You know, you could at least pretend to be excited about this new school." My mother says as she drives me t
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I think my talent in this world is keeping secrets. I have even mastered keeping secrets from the people I'm closest to in the world, my three best friends, soon to be four. Yes I know a lot of things, like the fact that Max and Santiago have been hooking up behind everyone's back for a long time now or the fact that the sole reason why Tatiana wears makeup is to hide the occasional bruises 'accidentally' inflicted on her by her stepfather. Maybe the later isn't something I should keep a secret but it's a sensitive subject and I know Tatiana wouldn't appreciate me talking about it. But the biggest secret I have managed to keep to myself has to be about myself. It's something I have never been able to talk about with my parents, my friends or even myself.I have always been somewhat confused about my sexual preferences but I have never dared to entertain the fact that I might be anything other than straight, until now or rather until her.
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Whoever said life is a game but it's not fair wasn't kidding. Life is definitely unfair, it can keep knocking you down while continuously lifting up others. Unfortunately when it comes to life my situation is the former. With each passing day my resentment grows and grows. It's directed to everyone, my mother and her boyfriend, my friends and even myself. But especially towards my mother because she's the exact definition of a failure, as a woman and most definitely as a mother.And while my resentment towards my friends is unjustified, I can't help the unsettling envy I have towards them. They have everything I could ever want in life and sometimes I can't help but feel extremely jealous."Do you like your bracelet?" I'm sitting on Mckayla's bed as she organizes her closet. I always come here after school because going home is my least favorite time.I look down at the bracelet in question. It's platinum with silver trinkets, it's so cute and of co
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They call me the queen of all bitches and I own it. I am the queen alright, and I will take fear over friendly any day.But that being said, I do have friends and I'm fiercely protective of them. As the mature and intelligent one, I feel it's my job to look out for them.But despite being the smarter than everyone else, I don't know how to help my best Tatiana. I play no favourites but she's the one I'm closest to and that's including my little sister Max.Tatiana has a rough and unpleasant lifestyle compared to all of us and while that has never been a source of conflict between us, I suppose it can be overwhelming and frustrating to be surrounded by people who seem so out of touch with how the less privileged live their lives."As much as I'm enjoying this show of yours," Lukas, the only boy allowed in my bedroom, says from my bed where he's lying lazily with his shoes on my sheets! "You have been pacing for more than an hour now, why don't you just cal
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We all have our vices, bad habits we can't seem to kick off no matter how many times we vow to let go of them. For example, Ashley will never stop chewing on her nails nomatter how many times Mckayla threatens to throw her an intervention. Well mine is a little more complicated than that because my bad habit, the one I can't seem to shake off, is Santiago Monroe, twin brother to one of my best friends, Tatiana.  Messing around with socially labelled 'bad boy' Santiago started out as nothing but a harmless game we both enjoyed but now it's become something so secretive that neither of us can define.  Don't get me wrong, I love my boyfriend, he's everything to me. But somehow I always get caught up in Santiago, I can't help it, I have tried. Speaking of Santiago, he's looking effortlessly presentable while I struggle to make myself look as normal as possible.  Maybe
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I have always wanted to be part of a group, to have ever lasting, intimate friendships and now I have that and more. When Mckayla said she's throwing a slumber party for my initiation I thought she was just being metaphorical. I had no idea there was going to be an actual initiation. The five of us are seated on the carpeted floor of Mckayla's vast bedroom, surrounded by lit scented candles. We are all wearing matching red silk pajamas. My new red silk pajamas are a courtesy from Mckayla of course. I have a feeling she's the mastermind behind all but anyway,  if I had known this was going to be fancy I would have done a little shopping of my own. In true style we are all brushing each other's hair, something Mckayla swears is therapeutic. We are also playing secrets and sins, a game the girls invented.  It's a game which involves talking about, you guessed it, your deep
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I never thought I could ever feel like this, everytime I look at Kristen my heart flutters. Even behind those glasses she's still the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and her green eyes are stunning. I can't stop looking at her. I want to be near her, so I can touch her and smell her.  Geez, I'm coming off as creepy but then again I have staring at her for the last twenty minutes of gym class so maybe, yes, I am creepy.  Suddenly she catches me looking at her, our eyes meet and like an idiot I continue starring at her. I know I should quickly look away but I just can't. But Kristen being the angel that she is, smiles at me and even waves at me. Now I feel even more idiotic because I can't seem to wave or even smile back which is crazy because she's one of my best friends. I should be able to act normal around her. But my feelings for Kristen are anything but normal.
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It all started as a game, a way to entertain myself and escape the occasional nightmare that is my life. But here I am, fully invested in the world of internet dating. While it may not be the most conventional way to date, I'm doing it for two reasons and that's attention and money. Yes, money. Apparently there are so many weird people out there who are so lonely that they would pay for a little affection.  Here I was, resentful and bitter towards everyone who has it better than me when I have had the solution to have it just as good right infront of me. "So Lily," Jeff, my lastest internet friend purrs from the other side of my laptop, his half naked body in full view. Well, at least he's not fully naked. "Yes Jeff?" I briefly wonder if that's even his real name because Lily Rose is most definitely not my real name but who cares, he's paying and that's all that matters.
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Diamonds are a girl's best friend and I should know, after all my father often showers my sister and I with the fanciest of jewels and yes, that includes diamonds. And like most of the female population, I'm not immune to their charms.  Except for today. If there's something that Lukas and my father has in common, other than the fact that they are the only significant men in my life, it's that they both know how to please and spoil me which is not an easy task.  There's so much tension between Lukas and I that not even the diamond studs he bought me can improve my mood. It feels like he's apologizing and not actually spoiling me and it's only making things more strained between us. "Don't you like them?" Lukas asks, finally breaking the awkward silence between us in his car. "Of course I like them. I love everything you get me." It's always top brand and it's costs him a lot of money. After
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