Poor Unfortunate Wolf

Poor Unfortunate Wolf

By:  Klaira Blains  Completed
Language: English
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Sapphire's trapped in her uncle's pack. He hates her in so many ways. Everyone in the pack does, even her cousin Ivory. So, she gets the jobs no one wants to do while Ivory is the golden child. She's got everything and gets away with everything. While Sapphire must pick up her slack in the packhouse. All the while, suffering the hateful words and actions of the pack. Her emotions are mixed as she reaches adulthood. Sapphire expects being cast from the pack. She plans to leave on her terms. Little does she know Ivory wants to remove her from not just the pack, but the world. Magnus is the Alpha of a pack moving into the area. A pack her uncle doesn't want there, but it's small and can easily be crushed in her uncle's estimation. But Magnus isn't stupid. He's not showing his true numbers. He tried to get a non-aggression pact with Sapphire's uncle. But that fell apart after meeting Ivory and Sapphire. It wasn't repairable after the evidence he saw. What unfolds after that is fated mates, misunderstandings, hateful greed, and a poor unfortunate wolf caught in the middle of some dangerous politics. Read on to see what happens when Magnus kidnaps Sapphire and destiny has its way with them.

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Judy Malley
when is the other triplets book coming out? great read
2022-08-13 07:30:55
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Teresa DeBerry-Stringfellow
Love this book!
2022-07-08 22:43:01
124 Chapters
How It Begins
             Sapphire sat in the tiny space she called her room. Really, it was a closet. But it was the only space where she could call her own after all these years. It wasn’t from lack of space. After all, she lived in the Vagas Moon Packhouse. Today she was an adult, and she felt mixed feelings about this.Today would be her last day at work in the Black Hole Café and Diner. It was pack-owned and themed around a trip into outer space. With this being her birthday and the last day, she’d work there, Sapphire would leave this place behind tomorrow. No one wanted to work in that rundown money pit, so it was a perfect place for her to work and avoid most of the pack. But now, she didn’t have to work for her place in the pack anymore. She’d saved enough money to get out of there, and being old enough, she could leave with no punishment. It wasn’t like anyone would miss her. They&rs
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Return One Last Time
             The speed of how fast everyone occurred made Sapphire’s head spin. She wasn’t sure what was happening or who these two men were. If anyone asked her, she couldn’t tell you who started that fight. But it terrified her to see Cliff lying in the pool of his own blood. Ivory kneeling beside him, threatening Sapphire with a fate far worse than death.             Her mind swam with that, the paycheck she still didn’t have, and the mess she’d need to clean up. Why didn’t Hank come out and stop this? Sapphire was sure that Ivory would spin this to be her fault completely. This was far worse than she thought because she found a motorcycle helmet slapped on her head, and they bundled her onto the back of a motorcycle. Then the engines of the two motorcycles revved to life, and they were out of there before Hank could e
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No Time for Memories
             Sapphire couldn’t believe what Magnus said. His? If she wasn’t stuck sitting on the motorcycle, with his hand awkwardly trapped in her hair, under the helmet she wore. She would have fled from him by now. Her heart pounded in her chest and her breathing increased. She could smell his moods and there were many. His moods kept shifting and she couldn’t understand how they related to her. Sapphire’s mind screamed that she needed to escape. He’s a wolf and running from a wolf never ended well. Someone who ran became prey, and that never ended well for them.             “I know we have a brief window before that twit wolf runs to her daddy and complicates things. So, this is what we are going to do. You will say nothing, even if the guards ask you something directly. I will do all the talking. You will then go with Hayden and pack a small bag of things you feel y
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The Downhill Meeting
             Magnus watched his new mate and Beta disappear around the side of the building before he entered the packhouse of a rival pack. Something was off when no guards greeted him or stopped him. In fact, there appeared to be very few people around at the time. This was the height of the day and the hub of the pack. Where was everyone? He would have thought that a show of force would be on the table, but there was nothing.             “Ahh, Magnus, come in. I’ve been expecting you.” This wasn’t what Magnus expected. The man looked hard, which he expected, but nothing out of the ordinary. “Have a seat. I just need to take a call before we get down to business. My beta is out taking care of some business for me while we are here, and he wants my okay on something first.” Now, this is more like what he expected to hear
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Long Day Blues
             Sapphire hesitantly entered the Black Hole Café and Diner through the back door. Her things were in her lock, as she expected. They were the only things she was interested in. Taking them from the locker, she filled up the bag she used as a purse. It was an old backpack she’d found, so it fits everything nicely. She changed into her street clothes and tossed her waitress uniform into the locker. She wouldn’t need it again. There was blood on it she didn’t realize was there. Gods. What people must think of her, running around with blood-stained bikers and wearing the same blood. It made her a little sick to her stomach.             Sapphire looked at her paycheck to make sure it was correct. Thank heavens it was. As she stepped from the back room into the hallway that led to the dining area and the back door, she noticed
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Welcome to the Twilight Wolves
             Sapphire was in a panic. He wasn’t letting her leave. “Why are you doing this? What are your plans for me? My uncle won’t pay to get me back. He’ll be glad to get rid of me.”             “That’s fine. I don’t need his money and I don’t want to give you back.” Sapphire couldn’t understand what he meant. Did he mean he was keeping her? For what if not leverage? What other use did he have for her? That’s when her mind went to places, she didn’t want to explore. No, no, she wouldn’t be anyone else’s slave again. She must get out of here.             The bikes pulled up to their packhouse, and they took the bags and such strapped to them off before someone took them to the storage garage.
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New Prison
             Sapphire couldn’t believe they’d locked her in. She was their prisoner, and no one would care or notice. She wanted to cry. From bad to worse, why couldn’t she catch a break? Why did Magnus bring her here in the first place?             What did they want from her? She couldn’t tell. Now she finally got around to looking at the surrounding space. She’d expected a small room that she probably would need to share with others and fight for space. But as she explored, there was no sign of anyone else living in this room or have lived ever lived in this room. The closet was empty except for the bag she placed on the dresser. In the bathroom, every bottle and tube she found was brand new. They even wrapped the toothbrush and hairbrush in plastic. The garbage cans were empty too. Sapphire got the impression that not only
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Sarah Ann’s Return
             Sapphire jumped when a polite knock sounded at her door. “Come in…?” She didn’t remember anyone ever politely knocking at her door in all her life. It was as foreign as the room. She didn’t know what to do with all the space.             She’d just thrown her bags into the bottom of the closet and left them there. In case she needed to run fast.             Sarah Ann came in with an arm full of things. “I’m back. I have clean sheets and a change of clothes. I hope I have the sizing correct. They came from the stockpile out by the kitchen door. You know how the young are. Go out for an impromptu run and forget to bring their clothes with them. Anyway, once we have your sizing down, we’ll see what we can order for you.”
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The Dreaded Meeting
             Sapphire followed Sarah Ann, who dropped the tray off in another woman’s arms before showing her down a hall and to a large room. “This is the dining room. We eat most of our meals here and some of our informal meetings are here. Formal meetings and celebrations are in the entertainment room or ballroom. I refuse to call it the ballroom, as we don’t hold any balls. Now there’s Alpha Magnus. I’ll leave you with him and then get a couple of things done quickly before the meeting. You’ll probably see me at the back of the room. Good luck dear.”             Sarah Ann walked her to Alpha Magnus’ side and then left her there with a wave. She could feel everyone’s eyes on her and she was sure there were several people whispering about her. Magnus’ attention quickly shifted from what he was do
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The Devil in the Details
             Hayden barely caught his new Luna as she collapsed. He held her as he looked to Magnus for direction. Several people cried out as they watched her collapse. “I think this was all a little too sudden for her Alpha.” Magnus came over and took her limp form from Hayden.             “It shouldn’t surprise me. The man raised her completely inappropriately. That changes now. I’ll take her back to her room and we can let her rest there. Then we can finish this meeting.” Magnus left the room, carrying his mate to her room. The pack talked behind him, but he didn’t listen to it. He’d deal with it once he had her safely tucked away in her bed. Sarah Ann can monitor her while he finished the meeting.             Sarah Ann was ever on top of
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