The Pack & the Ruffian

The Pack & the Ruffian

By:  Jess Storm  Completed
Language: English
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In book four of the series, the pack faces an unknown enemy. One that threatens to destroy the pack and the lives of the Alpha's best friend. Mya, the Alpha's second and best friend, fights the loss of her mate, as the person responsible, threatens to take more from her. The pack faces an enemy they haven't seen before and one that seems stronger than any problem they'd ever faced. With the help of old friends and some old enemies, they race against the clock to find and destroy an enemy of the pack. When one of their own is taken, the race against time becomes more important than ever. Will they find the person responsible for so much pain caused to the pack, or will she finally be the one that destroys the Silver Moon pack? Love and friendship have always been their greatest strength, will this time be the one time that it is the pack's downfall?

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When will you update this book? Been waiting awhile for a new chapter
2022-09-03 19:16:50
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Love all of the amber series books
2022-07-28 10:57:27
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Love this book
2022-07-25 22:00:13
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Haa Jess, When are you going to continue the story? I love them all, can’t wait!!
2022-06-16 01:44:51
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nice story ! do u have any inquiries that i can keep in touch with you ? I have sth to discuss about the book
2022-03-31 12:41:07
39 Chapters
Amber sat at her desk, it was barely five in the morning, she was cranky, tired, and pissed off. She held the letter that Jane had given her as she'd walked into the Gamber, Amber/Garrison Security offices. She knew she should call Sam, let her read the newest threat from the woman who'd sent them a message through two men a year ago. Whoever she was, she'd gone quiet, and they'd had twelve months of peace and quiet. It seemed now, that that time was over, and they would have to step up their search for her. Their last information on her was that she was a Ruffian, a rare breed of immortal that solved their boredom by torturing and sometimes killing their victims. Usually women, with rare mention of men. No one really knew what they were. Except that you don't want to be the one caught in their web.Amber threw the letter on her desk and stood to walk to her window. She looked out to where Mya trained with the Gamber guards. She noticed that Sam and Jane had joined the guards
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Prologue Continued
“Mr. Marcus is not available, as I told you on the phone, he’s very busy.” The woman, pale, blonde, and thin as a rake, stood and looked a little panicked. Amber stepped forward.“I’m not asking anymore,” Amber said. She placed her hands on the desk. “He will see me, and he will see me now.” Amber turned. “That’s his door, Mya, you and Jane lead the way.”“You stay behind me,” Sam said, she reached out a hand and grabbed Amber’s.“I don’t expect trouble, just an angry male.” She shook her head. She hated dealing with the type of man who still thought women were just arm candy. She never liked Marcus. “Let’s go.”Mya reached the door to open it, but it was pulled open and a tall, dark-haired man stood in the d
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Finding Solace
Sam watched as Mya punched a boxing bag, one was already lying broken on the floor. Sweat dripped from her brow and ran in rivulets down her back. Her hair, usually blue and black, was long, unkept and most of the blue had grown out. Her bare hands were bruised, and bloodstains stayed behind after each punch. Sam knew she’d been at the bags for over an hour. Taylor, who’d dealt with her grief by taking care of everything alone, had asked Sam to check on Mya. Sam understood that Mya was grieving, but Taylor was too. And leaving her with all the arrangements, and dealing with Jane’s things, was unacceptable.Sam leaned against the door frame and watched as Mya tore through another bag, and then hang another one. “You should take a break. Have some water, at least.” Mya gave no indication that she heard Sam, just adjusted her stance
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First Blood
“Did you see where Taylor went?” Mya walked up beside Sam and looked around. “She said she was coming over to speak to you, but then I lost her in the crowd.” It was a week later, they’d just buried Jane, and paid tribute to her wolf. Her heart was still raw but since they’d started grieving and being together, she and Taylor had found a little bit of solace in each other.“No, she never came past here,” Sam said. She looked at Amber who nodded.“She didn’t come to us.” Amber agreed. “Maybe she needed a few minutes alone.”“Maybe.” Mya agreed. But she didn’t like being away from Taylor too long. “I’ll go find her.”“Give her a second,” Amber said gently. “How are you doing?”&ldqu
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Making Plans
Sam stood at the window of the conference room the next morning. She held a steaming cup of coffee and a bacon and cheese sandwich. Amber sat at the table with the same, talking softly with Morgan. Alex, Hunter, and Gem sat at the other end of the table. They were waiting on Michelle, Ash, Mya, and Taylor. Sam wanted to keep Mya and Taylor out of this, or as far as she could, but she knew Mya would never agree to it. She wanted to keep everyone safe. She thought back to the call she’d received late yesterday. Simile’s voice was still clear in her head.“I’m so sorry Sam, I’m just going to say this, but please know, I wouldn’t do it if I had no other option.” “What’s going on, Simile?” Sam asked. “An ex of mine, Paine, came to me tonight. She said th
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Checking In
Taylor watched Mya as she sat in the lounge chair on the back deck of their cabin. She held a whiskey glass, half-empty, as her arm dangled off the side of the chair. Taylor poured herself a glass of wine and walked out to join Mya. She gasped when Mya grabbed her arm and pulled her down onto Mya’s lap. Then she settled more comfortably and relaxed into Mya’s chest. Mya was shaking as she held Taylor, they’d lost a part of their hearts, but they still had each other. She just hoped that she would be enough for Taylor.“Whatever thoughts you’re having, stop,” Taylor said quietly. “Let’s see. It wasn’t your fault, what happened to Jane. I miss her too. I don’t blame you. And we’re going to be okay.”“I should have gone in with her.” Mya dropped the glass to the floor
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Playing Games
Paine stood on her balcony. The smoke billowed around her head as she looked out over the expanse of her property. She’d bought the old ghost house since it was far from any neighbors. And she had privacy for her, not so quiet, extracurricular activities. She took another drag of her vape and blew the smoke out slowly. She knew she should get back to her current plaything. But the night was crisp and clear. And the man wasn’t going anywhere anyway. She chuckled to herself. Paine had been good. She’d not taken a treat for weeks. But tonight, when he’d followed her into the alley after she’d left the bar, it had been like fate. With Simile keeping her end of the bargain, she’d dropped Davey off at the bar as she’d promised. Unharmed. She hadn’t realized how tough it would be not to hurt the child. But it had taken all her self-control not to even give him a little scar. This man was her reward. Or at least that’s how she thought of
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Old Enemy, New Ally
Ava stood with a cup of coffee in her hand, watching Gina run a drill with their guards. They hadn’t needed to fight since she’d created the safe space, they now call home. And since she’d found peace with herself and her life. She knew that Sam still saw her as a threat, and she kept that illusion going, it kept her people safe. When she’d decided to create Beta, and take people who’d been treated unfairly, she’d thought that one day she’d take her army and take out Sam. But as the time passed and she and Gina settled, her need for revenge had diminished. Now all she cared about was keeping her people safe and happy. She wondered, not for the first time, how long they’d be able to keep their home a secret. With the new market that sold herbs that they grew on their land, word about them would spread. Especially under the witches and shamans who flocked to their markets. She’d been to a few. And she’d witnessed how much wha
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A Step back in Time
An evolved Amber.After Amber spoke to Dom and settled things for Simile and Emily, she decided to find Jake and bring him back to Silver Moon. As soon as she was out of their eye line, she called on her Lycan. She had no idea how it would react, or if it even could trace Jake’s scent. But she had to try. How she was going to convince Sam to go home without her, she’d worry about that when the time came. Fully shifted, she stood on her hind legs and tried to find the middle ground between her mind and her Lycan’s. She needed to merge them, needed to get comfortable with what she was. She’d use the time it would take to find Jake to do it. She could feel the wolf fight the vampire. And the vampire fights the wolf. She needed them to merge, all of them. The fae genes seemed to be dormant and trying to stay out of the other’s way. Amber shook her wolf-like head, spit flew as she growled. She could smell Jake, knew his direction and how fast he was m
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Tracking the Ruffian
“Where are you?” Sam asked quietly. They were standing on the edge of a clearing, watching Morgan, Alex, and another woman set up a barrier around Ava, Taylor, and Mya.  “I was thinking about what happened to me,” Amber said. “The whole Tribrid thing.”  “Oh.” Sam tried to suppress the growl that rose from her depths.  
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