Italian Mafia 2

Italian Mafia 2

By:  Lara Soultaker  Completed
Language: English
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(Fiorella Santelli) I was the wife of the Devil, the Italian Mafia boss Lorenzo Razzo, his betrayal, and constant infidelities made me run away from his side, carrying with me a great secret something that will unite us forever, but in my attempt to be free again, I fell into the hands of a man who conquered me, I joined my life to his hopes for a wonderful future together, which never came. Darian MacGregor of the Irish Mafia became a possessive husband, the shadow of my every move, his desire for me knew no bounds and has no limits, my life became a hell from which I would never escape. Until Lorenzo found me, his obsession to get me back would start a great war between these two powerful men, they will stop at nothing to get what they want, but I am just an object of their desire. The innocent young woman that Lorenzo once knew no longer exists, in a few weeks I became his wife and now he is my lover.

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Italian Mafia 2 by Lara Soultaker is a provocative dark romance tale. Fiorella Santelli is the wife of Italian Mafia boss Lorenzo Razzo. He is not the ideal husband. He is constantly sleeping around. Fiorelli runs away and finds herself in the arms of Darian MacGregor. She might have a thing for Mafia lords, as Darian is from the Irish Mafia. The two influential underground leaders want Fiorelli. They are willing to stake it out and keep her by their side. Who will be victorious? Lorenzo or Darian? And what about Fiorelli? Who is her choice? 

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Siddhi Kharatmal
Dear author, Thank you so much for uploading this story and completing it. Love you
2022-09-05 18:31:04
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Lara Soultaker
Hello my readers, I decided to leave this book here in Goodnovel, for those who love this story, you will be able to read it soon I will upload the rest of the book
2022-07-03 03:09:54
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Dear writer, I'd like to personally thank you for taking the initiative to continue this story. This means so much to me and I absolutely love this story.
2022-05-16 17:58:52
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Alexandra Morante
cuando la ponen en español estoy ansioso por leer la segunda parte por favor que sea pronto gracias
2023-03-10 06:31:09
59 Chapters
FIVE YEARS AGO❧ Fiorella ☙"Marry me, Fiorella?", were the words Darian said to me 5 years ago and I still remember it as if it was yesterday, back then I had just arrived in Ireland running away from Lorenzo my ex-husband, with an uncertain future and trying to bury a past that was too painful.My options were not encouraging and with a few weeks of pregnancy, I made the decision that would change my life forever, despite having the money I inherited from my mother, it was not enough to get through this, and marriage to an Irish businessman like Darian MacGregor would be my best option during this situation.Darian knew my story but what he didn't know was the name of my baby's father, I hid it from him for the sake of our relationship, but it was too late when I realized who my husband really was when that mask fell completely.The most feared man in Dublin, the leader of the Irish Mafia and the fearsome Clan MacGregor, that is my husband, and being his wife, I had to submit
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"No! but I remember that on more than one occasion, you mentioned that he is a powerful rival in your business", I said trying to appear confident before him."I like that you pay attention to what I mentioned to you and indeed, I need a truce between us, this is costing me money and men, I can't afford that luxury"."That's why I will take the opportunity to give a big party and show a confident and strong front to everyone, let's give them a good welcome and nothing will please me more than to show them my beautiful and perfect wife." he said sure of himself."Your job is to keep me happy and do what I ask you to do," he said looking at me and a shiver ran through my body I knew that look."You're planning to murder him and you're going to use me as an excuse?" I whined."It's none of your business! Is it your job to get everything just right or do I have to remind you why you must do it?" He stated."NO! it's okay, don't worry, everything will be done the way you want it done."Som
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❧ Lorenzo ☙"Oh, baby, you're ready for me again," the voice beside my body interrupts my wet dream.I look around, trying to remember where I am and with whom, my hands touch my quite erect member, despite having spent a few hours of wild sex with this woman, whose name I don't even remember.In my dream, I make love to my wife Fiorella, I still remember when I met her, she was so innocent, the night I took her virginity and she was mine, it's been 3 years since I haven't heard from her and my life has become hell.I haven't been able to stop thinking about her for a second, that's why I'm looking for women to make me forget her, but I still haven't succeeded." What time is it?”, I said as I brought my hands to my face and got up from the bed, grabbing her ass and giving her a hasty spank.Camilo has insisted that I forget about Fiorella, that I should think about getting married again and having children, although the idea has crossed my mind, if he knew what I was dreaming
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❧ Fiorella ☙I can still feel his hands on my body, his breath on my face, the way he penetrated me and made me his, I once enjoyed his caresses and his kisses, but now it is as if each one of them were a hot iron that He was branding me so everyone could see that I belonged to him.When Darian doesn't come home, I manage to escape at night for a few hours, I can savor my freedom and breathe fresh air, walk the streets or sit in a park and look at the moon, for some it's common, but for me, it's a privilege that I do not have.I take a deep breath and look at my watch, I get up and walk back to my golden cage, when I enter I can't help but go to the room that belonged to my little Leonella, I hug her pillow and cry nonstop, I miss her so much that without realizing it I fall asleep in her bed.❧ ☙❧ ☙❧ ☙❧ ☙❧ ☙❧ ☙❧ ☙“Where the hell have you been?" I hear as soon as I enter myBedroom."Good afternoon, to you too Saoirse", I said to my only friend and compani
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❧ Lorenzo ☙"Please don't kill me, please!" Gio begged, lying there in pool of his own blood.I pulled out my gun and aimed at his head, "I should shoot him right where it would leave you as a vegetable, that would be torture for you, not give you the easy way out.""Please! Please! Why do you want to kill me, you son of a bitch! I'm part of the Razzo family!" the coward said almost crying."Not anymore." I pulled the trigger and watched his brain splutter all over the place, most of his brains left on the wall, I turned around and walked straight out the door, without the slightest remorse of what he just did."What now?" said Camilo asked following behind me."Now, send to clean that dirt off my floor, I'm done for the day, I'm leaving," I said looking at Camilo."You can call me if you have any emergencies.""Okay and regarding MacGregor's invitation, you've already made up your mind."I stopped and turned around looking at him while wiping my hands of that traitor's blood."It pis
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❧ Lorenzo ☙After that night with Alina, I didn't even wait for her to wake up and I left , I already had everything ready to travel to Ireland and I wasn't going to wait any longer, but when I arrived at the airport, I was surprised to see that an escort was already waiting for me, obviously sent by the MacGregor asshole, he wanted to impress me, but he would not succeed, it takes more than this to achieve it."Mr. Razzo, we were waiting for you, my name is Connor, I am Mr. MacGregor's right hand man, I will take care of taking your lodging, personally, since my boss is somewhat indisposed", he said very confident, I had already been told about this man, he looks different, something in him tells me that he is not like Darian, an air of confidence, I would be stupid if I believed anything he tells me."Sounds perfect to me, I have to get ready for today's event", To arrive right on the day of the event, the leaders of the most powerful mafias will be present. All under the facade of
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❧ Fiorella ☙ Darian was impatient waiting for me at the event , when I finally arrived , he started to scold me for my delay.... "Why did you take so long?" he said furiously, grabbing me hard by the arm , which I'm sure would leave some bruise on me. "I was getting ready, didn't you tell me I had to look ravishing or I believe your exact words were, to dress up so that every man would desire me and see that I was your property," I said looking at him in a challenging manner. "Fiorella, don't challenge me, because you know perfectly well what can happen to you , tonight I don't want any complaints , only smiles and kisses, let everyone see how you enjoy when I caress your body, not one more regret, you understood, the perfect wife that's your role and I want you to play it to perfection." he said getting too close to me. "That's the biggest lie of my life, the best role I know how to play, after pretending so many times, it comes totally natural to me" I said with a sarcastic smil
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❧ Fiorella ☙"Who are you, let me go?" I said screaming, trying to defend myself, but without seeing his face his scent gave him away, his arms went around my waist and his lips found mine.My body and my heart knew who it was, Lorenzo!, he began to kiss me with passion and lust, his hands ran over my body, he introduced his hand under my dress and squeezed one of my buttocks hard, causing a moan to come out of my mouth.Without putting much resistance to his caresses, I let myself be carried away by the moment, but Lorenzo was uncontrollable, he placed both hands on my ass lifting me up and my back was leaning against the wall.My legs were around his waist and only moans could be heard from both of us, but reason came back to my mind and how I hated myself for that, but I had to stop him, if Darian found us I would lose everything."No!, Lorenzo, please stop it!" I said shouting desperately.❧ Lorenzo ☙I couldn't stop kissing her, running my lips over her neck, touching her fucking
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❧ Lorenzo ☙"You heard , me Lorenzo, you didn't have a son as we thought, that's why it was impossible for us to locate her, Fiorella had a girl, I immediately sent to investigate all the details about her birth." He said to me."I have a daughter, what is her name?" I asked smiling."When was she born? why are they here?" I asked immediately."Calm down, first I have to explain some things, even though your daughter because I have no doubt she is, was born there is a problem?" said Camilo looking at me and only this was missing now What?"The girl is registered as MacGregor's daughter", I heard those words and I just wanted to kill that fucker, how dare you put his name to my daughter."Cut the crap, this isn't funny.""I wish and it was a joke, we looked for witnesses and it's true, the girl was born 5 years ago and Fiorella was already married to Darian therefore the girl bears his name," Camino said just as surprised as I was."Her name is Leonella MacGregor, she was born in Irela
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❧ Fiorella ☙His left hand pressed one of my breasts , while his right hand made its way under my dress and slipped through my panties."Lorenzo.... No.... Stop...we can't....." I said whispering without willpower."Yes we can and I will, you want me and there is not a single part of your body, that is not turned on by the rose of my hands on you.""You are so fucking gorgeous, my dick is already hard I can't wait anymore Fiorella, you are mine, you can't deny me this, your body is mine and you know it."He began to remove my panties quickly and without wasting time, his hands spread my legs, lifting my dress up to my waist and his head began to kiss my leg, going up little by little, with his tongue running up and down me and when he reached my most intimate point, I couldn't take it anymore and I lost this battle.His tongue reached my pussy and I could only moan in pleasure, "Lorenzo....Haaaaa.""Let yourself go beautiful, enjoy how I make you mine again.""You don't know how muc
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