Crazy Meets Crazy

Crazy Meets Crazy

By:  Annaliese  Completed
Language: English
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Adrain Tremont is not your usual CEO. He doesn't wear the latest Armani and has the temperance of a bear. Kristen Lancaster is not your usual spoilt brat. Though she wears the latest shoes and bags, she has a head for business and she is one of the best in the game. They both are very different, and most of all, they are both crazy. Add in Adrian's hot younger brother, Tommy, and we have a love triangle. What happens when crazy meets crazy?

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Crazy Meets Crazy by Annaliese is a modern romantic comedy. Adrian Tremont is a wealthy man who likes to live frugally. Kristen Lancaster is a successful businesswoman who loves to spend and indulge. Their way of handling their lifestyle is different. As the two try to explore what is going on between them, Adrian's younger brother, Tommy, gets involved. Tommy is also expressing his interest in Kristen. Who will the lady choose? Is her exact opposite, or the promising new player is the better choice? It is a romance like no other!

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Captivating novel!
2022-10-03 13:13:05
33 Chapters
Adrian straightened his tie as he browsed the crowd tiredly, nodding his head in greeting to the few people he recognized. He could not wait to get out of the building, the fact that it was full of pretentious men and women, faking smiles and still betraying one another irked him. To be sincere, his father’s circle sickened him, the fact that he kept such toxic people around him just because of business was something Adrian could never stand.The shining gold design of the hall was blinding and it seemed that the designer didn’t think that people would actually be in the hall, people that wanted to look at the area without cringing from the sight.He twirled his wine glass, careful to avoid any spill while he kept his eyes on his father who looked like he was weaseling his way into someone’s mind and money. Clayton Tremont was already getting old as he was in his late fifties, but he refused to admit it, even to himself. Adrian’s father continued to dye his hair, wear the most expensi
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Some Crazy CoincidencesKristen smoothened the imaginary wrinkles from her black skirt, she hoped that she looked as official as she wanted to. She was pretty nervous that morning as she was about to present a project to her father’s would-be partners. Kristen had purposefully added a lot of makeup to her face so that she would look older and hopefully, more professional.“You will do good Kris,” her father assured her as they both walked into the high-rise building. Her father was a man who hardly dished out praise and even though she knew he loved her to bits, he barely said the actual words. And so she treasured the words her father said, holding them close to her heart, smiling as her high-heeled shoes made clicks on the tiled floor.She would do well, if her father said so, then it would be so, she assured herself.Tremont Realtors was a huge company, and she didn’t need to have a degree in Business Administration to know that it meant good business for her father. Not that her f
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"And that is why the partnership between Tremont Realtors and Indiana Hotels would be beneficial,” Kristen ended finally and took in a deep shaky breath. She was convinced that she actually did very well, she saw looks of approval from several of the men seated, she smiled when she saw her father nod his head, her heart filling with joy, and he was not disappointed. A certain somebody refused to smile or even give her a nod of appreciation. Adrian had been staring at her, his blue eyes boring into her skin as she talked. When she began, he looked shocked that she knew all of that and she internally smirked, patting herself on the shoulder. Before she could praise herself more, he schooled his expression back to the frown he was wearing when he first saw her. If she had not been so sure, she would have said she had not seen right. “Bravo! Bravo!” Clayton Tremont said as he clapped his hands, his blue eyes shining in wonder and his brown hair falling over his eyes. Even in that situ
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“I will not do it, nothing you say will make me change my mind Dad,” Kristen said to her father. She was angry, furious even. She could not believe that her father had so little faith in her; he didn’t believe that she could actually run the company on her own. Rather, he thought the grumpy asshole was a better candidate.“I am not forcing you into this Kristen. All I am asking is that you get know him, who knows you might actually fall in love.” As her father was talking, Kristen was vehemently shaking her head in negation. She knew how it usually worked, her father was just stalling, he wanted her to marry Adrian and he would most probably guilt trip her into doing just that, Kristen did not want that at all.“No daddy, there is no way I will marry him. Talk to him mother,” she said, finally involving her mother in the argument. Kristen’s mother was sitting quietly beside her father as Kristen marched to and fro in front of them.“You should listen to your father Kristen, he is maki
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"That infuriating, infuriating man, I cannot believe he said that to me!” Kristen said out loud as she walked back and forth inside her empty room. She didn’t appreciate the decor of her room which she usually praised herself for as her anger blinded her. On a normal day, she would stare at the beautiful decor of her room. She would have looked at the calm and serene painting of the sea that she had demanded to be put there. She would have stared at the soft tones of blues and greens as it had just been put there a few days ago. But Kristen was furious, annoyed infuriated. All she could think of was the annoyed words that she wanted to release on the infuriating bastard.She had worn just the oversized T-shirt to annoy him, and to show that she didn’t care about the entire ordeal, that there was no way she would dress up for that. She wanted to prove to herself that she did not care what he thought about her and she had only ended up sorely disappointed.The only thing she had manag
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"You mean I have to spend two weeks on an island with him!” Kristen shouted. She did not like the idea of being with Adrian for two minutes, much less being with him for two whole weeks. It was a stupid idea by her parents to make her like him and it was not working, not one bit. “You can get to know him better,” her mother said.“I don’t want to get to know him. I thought you will talk to Dad about Thomas?” She asked her mother. She was so furious. She could not believe that after she had so much faith that her mother would actually talk to her father, she believed that her father would actually change his mind about her marrying the infuriating bastard.“Thomas is not a good choice Kristen.” Her mother was trying to be sympathetic; Kristen knew this but it not justify the way she spoke of Thomas, of her as though they were cattle to be traded.“You do remember we are human mother. We are not animals. We are meant to have choices!” She sounded much harsher than she intended but fran
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When Kristen woke up, it was still dark. She stretched her hand to her where lamp usually stayed, but it wasn’t there. Groaning, she searched for her phone instead and found it without much stress. As light flooded the room, she was even more confused. She was not staring at the blue and green decor of her room and she was certainly not looking at a nice painting of the sea. Everything was wrong.It took her a while, but she finally realized that she was very far from home. She was on an island, with Adrian of all people; she was on vacation.She had gone to bed the previous night with a plan on her mind. It occurred to her that Adrian hated when she didn’t do what he said. In simple terms, when she told him no, he threw a tantrum, it kind of reminded Kristen of a child that was denied candy. With that realization she knew what she had to do. She knew that she could not resist making the next two weeks a living hell for him—he sure as hell deserved it.Not wanting to waste more time,
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Adrian could not stop laughing, he could not help himself. He knew Kristen was a spoilt brat from the very moment he met her, but he did not know that she was so bad. She fucking thought they baked pancakes. When he woke up and saw smoke filling the air, he had panicked. He felt the house was going to burn to the ground. Kristen, who had obviously caused the fire, was soundly asleep, oblivious to fumes of smoke. She only woke up when he had screamed at her. He had been angry, so angry. His father wanted him to marry such an irresponsible child. She had put the pancakes in the oven and gone to sleep. He had refused to be touched when her face was filled with guilt. He continued to shout at her, he wanted her to see how stupid had being. Then she had opened her mouth and she said she was trying to bake pancakes, his anger had immediately disappeared into thin air. He was doubling over in laughter and noting could stop it. Adrian had a feeling it was going to be a fun two weeks. Krist
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"He spanked me, and I liked it,” Kristen said to Bea over the phone. By the sound of Bea’s squeak, Kristen could tell that her friend found the revelation as exciting as she did.“How did it feel?” Bea asked and Kristen sighed, reliving the feeling of Adrian’s hands on her body, the sharp pain that spread across her backside as his hands hit it hard, the pain that dulled into something else, something that seemed like passion.“It felt wonderful. He kissed me so hard and made me orgasm twice, but I ruined it,” Kristen groaned, silently beating up herself for freaking out last minute. Kristen was the more sexual out of the both of them and so she felt even more ashamed that she had chickened out.“I wish I could be like those female heroines in romance novels that met a guy on the first day and fucked him without letting him know they are virgins and then be carefree the next morning when they man sees the blood on the sheets,” she said to her friend.“I am surprised you even let him g
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Kristen had been so hungry the previous night she had forgotten that she wanted to seduce Adrian. Losing her virginity had to wait; Adrian wanted her to learn how to cook. He had been so patient with her the previous night while they made a simple pasta dish, though she saw the muscle in his jaw thick when she did something wrong. He was struggling not to shout out at her.They had managed to make a salvageable meal together and Kristen was proud. The food was not perfect or anything, and Adrian was not on his way to becoming a world class chef, but they could actually eat and enjoy the food—which was way more than one could say about hers.Kristen had gone to sleep that night in a bed that she would have not preferred, plotting how she would land in another bed the next night.She woke up the next morning, chirpy happy; ready to carry out her devious plans.“Get dressed, we are going to the village,” Adrian said, popping his handsome head inside her room.“The village?” She was surpr
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