A Wonderful Kind of Love

A Wonderful Kind of Love

By:  Krista Lakes  Ongoing
Language: English
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“Are you thinking what I'm thinking?” she whispered, pushing her hips against his. The way his pupils dilated nearly did her in. Ethan: There are only two things that make billionaire Ethan White's heart race: fast cars and Laura Corbett. Unfortnately, Laura wants nothing to do with his playboy ways. Ethan thnks that everyone has the wrong idea about him, including his stalker, and he's determined to prove them all wrong. When Ethan's business partner wants to open a new car R&D facility in Colorado, he jumps at the opportunity to be closer to his two passions. Laura: Thrust into the new responsibility of raising her siblings by the death of her parents, Laura Corbett doesn't have time for awkward hookups, let alone a relationship. So when the billionaire she had a one night stand with shows up in town, she pretends he doesn't exist. She can't let anything come between her and her family. But nothing can prepare her for the way that Ethan connects with her brother and sister. And she can't deny the fact that jumping in his bed makes her come alive. Everything seems like it'll be normal again, maybe even better than normal. But Ethan's stalker disagrees...

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This story is is sweet with a bit of suspense, really depicts the characters feelings and shows that second chances in love are worthy.
2024-01-31 10:17:21
40 Chapters
Chapter One
Author’s Note: Ethan and Laura first meet in “A Hopeful Kind of Love,” also available on Goodnovel. You do not need to have read that story to enjoy this one though.LauraHis hand went to the back of her neck again, pulling her into him. She gasped as his hand tangled in her hair and he tugged gently as he kissed her. She felt the pull from her scalp to between her thighs, and she whimpered.“That's a dangerous sound,” he whispered, his voice dark and full of desire. He turned her to him, so her back pressed up against the glass of the Rocks, Gems, and Minerals display. She thought it had gold or something inside of it, but she really wasn't paying attention to the science exhibit once his hips pressed against her. She could feel his desire press up against her, and she moaned again.Sweet, hot, and her tongue tangled with his as he kissed her again, stealing her moans. He gripped her hair harder, wanting still more and she arched her hips into his. All she had on under the dress was
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Chapter Two
Ethan“Becky, where's my phone charger? The one with the little climber guy etched on it?”Ethan opened the drawer to his desk just to check that he hadn't overlooked it the first time. He liked this particular charger because it was customized. He could have sworn he had put it in his top desk drawer like always, but it wasn't there no matter how many times he opened and closed the drawer.“I thought you kept it in your desk?” Becky replied, poking her head in through the open door to his office. She frowned. “Is it not there?”“No,” he replied, shutting the drawer a little more forcefully than necessary. He sighed. “Will you find me a different one for my trip? My flight's in an hour.”“Of course, sir,” Becky replied with a cheerful smile.He mentally wrote off the charger and continued packing his computer bag for his trip. Except, nothing seemed to be where he put it last.“Becky? Have you seen my pens?” he called out when he discovered his stash of pens was missing as well. “Did
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Chapter Three
EthanEthan was breathing hard at the top of the stairs to the maternity floor. He was in good shape, but the Colorado altitude was a deal breaker. He almost regretted not taking the elevator, but he didn't feel too badly since Craig was just as out of breath behind him and probably in better shape. His security couldn't have been more than twenty-five with short cropped dark hair and serious brown eyes.Craig was certainly taking his job as bodyguard seriously. The man barely let him out of his sight for more than a moment. Ethan didn't mind though. Good protection was important for a billionaire. Ethan hurried up the last two steps and opened the heavy door to the second floor.The hospital was probably the smallest one Ethan had ever seen. He was fairly sure that Mia might be the only patient in the entire building, other than the person they saw walking into the ER for stitches.It was a short walk from the stairs to the main desk of the maternity ward. A nurse sat there like a gu
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Chapter Four
EthanSixteen months ago...Best Christmas party ever, Ethan thought to himself as he stood up to look for his pants. He couldn't help but smile as he glanced back at the couch to see the most beautiful woman at the party watching him. He liked the way her eyes felt on his bare skin.Yup, definitely the best party ever, Ethan thought with a smile.He nearly didn't come to this year's event. There was so much work to be done, and the legal battle over a faulty airbag was just ramping up. His attention was on his business, but Carter told him to go. Or rather, Carter blackmailed him into it. Now that he was here, he couldn't be more grateful.He had dutifully trod down to the California Science Museum to put in an appearance. At the start of the evening, he had fully planned on making enough of an appearance to appease Carter and make his employees feel appreciated and then going straight home to go over the lawsuit again.Instead, she'd shown up.So, instead of spending a night at home
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Chapter Five
LauraPresent DayLaura pulled into the parking lot of Sandy's Bar and Grill and parked the car. She was fairly sure that his security guard was right behind them, but she was doing her best to ignore everything about him. The awkward silence between them was deafening, and she could hardly wait to get out. Ethan, on the other hand, seemed perfectly comfortable with all of it. She hated him for it.“So, this is the infamous Sandy's?” he asked when the car came to a stop. He tipped his head and peered at it through the window of her car. He didn't sound impressed.“It doesn't look like much, but it really does have the best food in town,” she told him. She wasn't sure why she was defending the restaurant to him. It wasn't her request that had them here. She still couldn't believe Mia had duped her into this.“Let's go on in,” he said, putting on a charming smile before opening his door and getting out. Laura wondered just how many women had fallen for that smile. She knew she was certa
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Chapter Six
LauraSixteen months ago…He didn't call the next day after the party.Laura was disappointed, but as she was nursing a small hangover combined with jet-lag for most of her Sunday morning, she wasn't too devastated. She figured he was probably in the same boat. She kept her phone on her for the whole day as she explored the area near her hotel once she felt up to walking.It was only one day and a hungover day at that. Plus, maybe his business still needed his help. She wasn't sure what he did for W Motors, but he seemed important.She woke up early Monday morning, eager to enjoy her last day in California. Today they were supposed to go rock climbing, and she hoped to have another fantastic time together. Her flight home was at noon on Tuesday, so today was really her only day. She checked her messages and voicemail twice before nine am, but there was, of course, nothing.She sat down on the foot of her bed, staring at the phone. He said he'd call, but she was getting nervous he woul
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Chapter Seven
EthanPresent DayEthan stared at her as she told him her story. He felt like his eyes were going to bug out and he was having a hard time from keeping his jaw from hitting the table.“I tried to call you a week later, but the line was disconnected,” she finished. She shrugged and took a sip of her drink. Her green eyes were fierce. No wonder she was angry with him. He was angry with her version of him.“That's not what happened at all,” he told her, trying his best to keep his voice level. Inside, he wanted to strangle someone.She raised her eyebrows and took a sip from her straw. “It's not?” She didn't sound convinced.“Not even close,” he replied. He raised his hand and signaled to the bartender for another round. He was going to need a lot more alcohol.“So what do you think happened?” she asked, setting her drink down and crossing her arms.“I was tied up with business all that Sunday,” he explained. “But I wanted to see you. I couldn't stop talking about you to my secretary. Yo
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Chapter Eight
Laura“Are you ever going to park or are you just going to drive forever?” Ivy asked, watching as Laura drove past the restaurant one more time. She was making sure that Ethan and his bodyguard were definitely gone. She did not want to run into them on accident. She wasn't sure she could handle another dose of Ethan's charm without succumbing to him entirely.“I'm parking now,” Laura replied, pulling into the restaurant parking lot. The only cars were Elena's and a couple of sedans that didn't look nice enough to be rentals. She was safe.Laura helped Dallas out of his booster seat while Ivy ran on ahead. She could already smell the hamburgers and french fries and her mouth watered. Sandy's was a favorite dinner spot, especially when Elena was working. Laura tried not to have the kids eat out too often, but it was so much easier than trying to cook for all three of them after a busy day at work. Today, however, Laura had a different reason for wanting to eat at Sandy's.She wanted to
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Chapter Nine
EthanEthan felt oddly nervous as he prepared for his day. He'd woken up that morning in a great mood, and he knew it had to do with the fact that he was going to see Laura that evening. He checked his watch. He had two meetings before it would be time for his date, and it felt like too long and yet not enough at the same time.He stood at the foot of his bed with his dinner suit laid out on across the comforter. He held three ties in his hand, trying to figure out which one would look the best. Usually, he left this kind of decision up to his secretary, but he was on his own today.He held up the blue one. It looked nice, but he wasn't sure if the gold one gave a better impression. He wondered which color Laura liked better and wished he had a horse tie. She would like a horse tie.A knock on the door to his hotel suite pulled him from his thoughts. He set the ties down and went to open the door. Peeking through the peephole, he could see Craig waiting for him. He smiled and opened u
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Chapter Ten
Laura“It'll be okay, Dallas. I promise,” Laura told her brother as she rubbed his back. “You're doing great.”He nodded weakly and continued to vomit what little was left in his stomach into the toilet. Laura kept rubbing his back and making soft words of encouragement until the little guy curled up in a ball on the floor.“I don't feel good, Laura,” he said weakly. If that wasn't the understatement of the year, she wasn't sure what was. His little cheeks were flushed, and he looked absolutely miserable.“I know, sweetie,” she said softly, pulling him up into a hug. “Let's rinse your mouth out and then we'll go join your sister on the couch. Then we can watch a movie.”Dallas nodded weakly, letting his sister take him to the sink. “A new movie?”“Sorry, we just have the old ones,” Laura said, turning on the water.“Okay.” He didn't even try to whine about it. That's how Laura knew he was absolutely miserable. Dallas reached out and washed his hands and took a small sip of water into
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