
CHAPTER 12 - He silently cares for her

Without saying anything, he just grabbed her hand and went on moving towards his car. Selena also remained calm for a while, then the next moment, she shook her hand from his grip and asked. "What the heck do you want?"

The flame busting inside him was visible in his talk. He raised his tone a little and replied. "Selena, I'm telling you to stay away from that jerk."

Selena's ears were also starting to pucker after hearing his usual ridiculous words. She put a hand on her ear and twisted her tongue to reply to him after. "CAN YOU JUST STOP IT? My ears hurt by your words. Besides, he is your best friend."

"He is my best friend. That's why I'm warning you to stay away from him."

She was aloof from his talks and remained calm to let go of this senseless argument. "Okay! I'll keep a distance from him. Now, can I go? I'm done for today."

She moved a step away, only to be stopped by him. 

"Wait! Let me drop you home."

"There's no need for it."

"I'm saying it because I want to give you some files. You read them and give me your opinion tomorrow. I notice you have a great sense of the market."

Her lips twisted, forming a smirk around. 

The eyebrows raised a bit upon hearing his words. 

"Is it a compliment?"

"Whatever you think of it. I don't care."

Hiding the flickering square expression, Shawn moved immediately into the car, whereas Selena sat inside after laughing for a while.

Before starting the car, his eyes fell on Selena, and he leaned slightly towards her.

His face was only a short distance away from Selena. Suddenly getting close to him, she felt a bit nervous.

Her lips trembled. 

On the contrary, she noticed him after a long time. In any case, she never thought of him more than her boss. However, today, the closeness bound her heart a little. Either this moment gave her a light to enter his heart, but she couldn't dare to do it. Maybe, the past experience was the reason she didn't wish to start a new relationship. Could the arrival of Shawn push her and help her come out of the cage?

Would she reply to his initiative moves? Or remained there just as an assistant?

He put on the seat belt around Selena and then started looking at her. Seeing her pale face, he immediately leaned back and took a deep breath.

He could feel her awkwardness. Even if he had feelings for her, he tried not to make her feel uneasy.

He grabbed a steel bottle from the back seat and handed it to her. With a soft tone, he answered the question that arose in her mind.

"It's ginger tea. Drink a little. You'll feel good."

She nodded with encouragement and opened the cap of the bottle before gulping down a few sips.


Selena's mouth remained wide open as soon as she entered his house. She was stunned by the gleaming floors, the interior design of his home. 

After all, it was Shawn Vaughan's mansion. It couldn't be less than a seven-star hotel. 

His perfect mansion described a lot about him. He loved lonely places with perfection in each corner. The shape of her roof showed confidence in him. He did hard work to get all of these. He was an inspiration to build everything around him with his hard work. 

Without any support, he sacrificed a lot to earn what he had today.

The shine in her eyes was the reflection of his inspiring journey. She couldn't utter, but only one word could escape her lips. "WOW!"

While she was busy watching that splendor, Shaun had already brought the file from above. He paused to see her cheered look. The admiration in her eyes was so powerful to knock him out of reality. 

Still, this master had command of his feelings. He extended his hand and gave her the files. "Here, read them wisely."

She glanced at those files before agreeing to him. "Noted! Now, I have to go."

"Wait! Since you're already here, go after dinner."

"No need. I'm not hungry." 

Though her stomach wanted to say something else. The gurgling sound that came from her stomach made Shawn laugh aloud. 

"Have a seat till I cook something." 

His words left a wavy look on her face. "Wait! Do you know how to cook?"

"I can cook. Besides, the chefs are on leave. I have no choice left."


Selena kept both her elbows on the table and rested her head on her palms. She sat in the dining room and gazed at Shawn from afar.

From her distance, he looked like a professional chef that especially cooked for her. She felt amused as if this was her home and the guy that was cooking was her husband. She knew it was all her fantasy, but fate sometimes made wishes come true. Could this one come true? 

It took hours to finally make a dish. 

He put the plate in front of her and sat opposite of her. Her audible gulp made him question her. "Why are you not eating?"

He then gazed over the dish and snorted awkwardly. "Umm... I know it's a bit overcooked, but try it."

Her pinched mouth threw a sarcastic look harshly on him. "A BiT? Huh? Do you think anyone can eat this? I asked you before. If you can't cook, I can."

Wincing, she stood up and walked towards the kitchen while he silently followed her.

The kitchen, oh god, was so dirty. 

There were stains over the gas stock that triggered her more. The waste of Vegetables was here and there. The dishes in the sink felt as if they didn't get washed for years.

The overall look was enough for anyone to show an irritated face. Selena said nothing but her exhausted sigh was enough to make him feel guilty.

"The outside perfection was a lie, I guess. You can't even keep a kitchen clean."

She took an apron and lifted her feet to put over on him. He was puzzled about what she was doing.


"Stay quiet and work more. Wash those dishes till I cook for us."

He instantly pointed his finger and scoffed. "ME?"

"WHO ELSE? What are you looking at? Go and wash those dirty plates."

It was his first time when someone shouted at him and ordered. He felt a bit different, but he was happy to see someone in his lonely life. At least, it gave him a home feeling.

He flashed his eyes and moved to wash dishes when Selena stopped him. 


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