
Chapter 7: Embers of Tension

[Elle Alvarez]

Stepping back into the mansion's elegant foyer, the atmosphere was heavy with tension. Klyde's patience had clearly reached its limit, and it seemed that he could no longer hold back what was on his mind.

"Alvarez," his voice had an icy edge to it, "do you ever plan to move on from your past?" So, he calls me Alvarez huh? His words caught me off guard, and my brows furrowed in a mixture of surprise and annoyance.

"Excuse me? What's this about?"

As he continued, his tone grew sharper, "I'm talking about your constant fixation on your ex-boyfriend. Quite frankly, it's getting tiresome."

I could feel irritation bubbling up within me, my voice tinged with defensiveness.

"And why is that any concern of yours? My personal life is exactly that – personal."

His frustration was palpable as he countered, "Your personal life is starting to affect our arrangement. Your inability to move on is becoming a hindrance. Just like what you did earlier."

"I'm fully committed to this arrangement, Klyde. My personal life should have no impact on it." My irritation grew, and my voice became sharper.

"It's already impacting it. Your lingering feelings are clouding your judgment and affecting how we present ourselves." His gaze turned intense, his voice becoming colder.

"Don't you dare question my commitment. This arrangement was your idea too, in case you conveniently forgot." I Sarcastically said. My anger flared, and I couldn't hold back the edge in my voice.

Despite his cold demeanor, he continued, "I never said I wasn't willing to fulfill our agreement. But if your emotions are getting in the way, maybe you're not cut out for this."

I cant help but to feel annoyed. However, my frustration turned to indignation, and my voice rose with an edge.

"This isn't about my ex, Klyde. It's about us living a lie!" Why is he even talking about my ex!?

He remained unyielding, his voice detached. "Perhaps it's time to leave your past behind and focus on maintaining the facade we're supposed to uphold."

Our argument echoed through the opulent mansion, each word a testament to our conflicting viewpoints. The tension in the room was palpable, and a question lingered: Could we overcome our differences and navigate our roles successfully? If we continue being like this, will it be successful?

As my frustration mixed with determination, I spoke with unwavering resolve. "Klyde, it's interesting. For someone who prides himself on being emotionless, you certainly have a lot to say about mine."

Because frustration consumed me, I subconsciously said he's emotionless! Guilt then soon attacked me.

Klyde's gaze remained unyielding, his words carrying a sense of detachment. "I'm practical, Alvarez. Emotions tend to cloud judgment and complicate matters."

Well emotions do complicate matters but not all the time. Although my eyes blazed with a mixture of anger and defiance, my voice rising as I challenged him.

"And what if emotions also provide depth to our actions? What if we're what make us human?" I uttered.

His response was calculated, his tone measured. "In the world of business and within the confines of this arrangement, sentimentality is a luxury we can't afford."

"You can't disregard emotions indefinitely, Klyde. Sooner or later, we catch up with us." My frustration was evident in my voice, determination ringing through my words. 

His gaze held a challenge, his voice firm. "Well, we have a choice: let our emotions control us or master our circumstances. The decision is yours."

The weight of our conflicting viewpoints seemed to hang in the air, the grand surroundings of the mansion reflecting the tension between us. The question lingered: Could we ever find a middle ground, or would we continue to navigate this intricate dance of roles while our emotions remained at odds?

The fire of frustration raged within me, an intensity that refused to be contained. Meeting Klyde's gaze head-on, I maintained my determination, my voice unwavering despite the emotions bubbling beneath the surface. "You may see emotions as a weakness, Klyde, but we're also what propel us to fight for what truly matters."

His gaze remained cool and controlled, his words precise. "Emotions are dangerous. And what exactly are you fighting for? An idealized version of a marriage that was never meant to be?"

Determination and resolve colored my voice as I met his challenge. "I'm fighting for authenticity, Klyde. For a marriage that transcends pretense and convenience."

He retorted with a biting tone, "Authenticity has its place, but it doesn't fit within the confines of our arrangement. We're here to play our respective roles, not indulge in fantasies."


My voice held an edge of desperation, a plea I couldn't suppress. "But what if the pretense becomes our reality? What if amidst the charade, we stumble upon something genuine?"

His response was cutting, his words slicing through the tension. "In that case, we adapt. We ensure our emotions don't cloud our judgment, and we fulfill our obligations."

My voice rose with a potent blend of frustration and passion, my words ringing with unwavering conviction. "You might find solace in a life devoid of emotion, Klyde, but I refuse to accept that as my fate."

Klyde's tone matched my determination, his response firm and resolute. "This isn't about finding solace. It's about shouldering responsibility and securing our respective futures."

The aftermath of our heated exchange settled like a heavy shroud over the room. Each corner of the mansion felt like a solitary space as we sought distance from each other. My emotions, which I had previously suppressed, now surged within my chest, almost suffocating in our intensity. Memories of how our marriage had come into being resurfaced, and I found myself helpless against the rising tide of emotion.

Gazing into the distance, my thoughts spiraled, weighed down by a mixture of bitterness and regret. "None of this was what I wanted, you know," I confessed, my voice a mere whisper. "This marriage, this facade we're trapped in – it was all imposed upon us in the name of convenience."

My family chose business over me…

Klyde's demeanor remained composed, his gaze seemingly fixated on some distant point. "But we agreed to it. Our families' legacies were on the line."

"Agreement or not, it doesn't change the fact that my aspirations were crushed along the way. My dreams, my ambitions..." My voice quivered, the facade I had carefully maintained showing cracks. 

Klyde's response held a touch of empathy amidst his measured tone. "And I had dreams too. But sometimes, sacrifices are unavoidable for the greater good."

My emotions churned within, threatening to break the veneer of strength I'd presented. "Sacrifices? Do you truly comprehend the weight of giving up your dreams, your desires, all for the sake of someone else's agenda?"

A flicker of something crossed Klyde's features, a momentary shift in his composed demeanor. "Perhaps not in the exact same manner, but we're both tethered by circumstance."

"You can preach practicality all you want, Klyde. But you'll never truly grasp the agony of being trapped in a life you never chose." Vulnerability edged its way into my voice as I laid bare a part of myself I'd hidden.

"Our arrangement was never intended to be simple. That much, we both understood from the very beginning." Klyde's expression remained an enigma, his response carefully measured. He’s so cold…

Finally, my tightly controlled composure gave way, tears glistening in my eyes as I regarded Klyde with a mix of frustration and sorrow. With that, I felt a glimpse of embarrassment. Did I just teared up!?

"Knowing and actually living it are two entirely different things. This marriage was never my choice, yet now I'm expected to fulfill a role I never even auditioned for."

The luxurious elegance of the mansion paled in comparison to the raw emotions that now lay exposed. My voice, barely audible, carried the weight of vulnerability. "All I ever craved was a life of my own, not one dictated by obligations and the expectations of others."

 "And yet, here we are." For an instant, Klyde's detached exterior faltered, a fleeting glimmer of understanding crossing his features.

As the room absorbed the weight of our shared confessions, a single question hung in the air like a fragile promise: Could two souls, entangled in a web of convenience and external demands, ever find a way to break free from the shackles of our circumstances and carve a path toward genuine happiness? Can we?

I just realize, he’s suffering too. Perhaps…

The barriers I had carefully constructed to shield myself began to crumble, allowing not just the pain of lost dreams to surface, but also the overwhelming reality of the life I found myself trapped in. My sobs reverberated through the expanse of the room, a haunting echo of my vulnerability. My shoulders trembled under the weight of despair, tears serving as silent witnesses to the agony I had long kept concealed behind a facade.

He was the first person to see this side of me.

Klyde, though he maintained an outward facade of composure, couldn't entirely distance himself from the impact of my tears. His gaze flickered in my direction, a momentary crack in his cool veneer. Yet, despite the torrents of my tears, he maintained his distance, his resolve unyielding.

"Perhaps you view this as a mere arrangement, Klyde, but to me, it's a cage. A prison that I never deserved." My voice trembled as I spoke through the remnants of my tears, a mixture of frustration and heartache in my words.

Klyde's response, when it finally came, was as distant and composed as ever, a stark contrast to the emotional maelstrom that enveloped the room. "We made a choice. And now we must live with it."

The words were the reminder of the agreement that had bound us together. In the silence that followed, an unspoken truth lingered – that our hearts and desires were both casualties of this arrangement, entwined yet forever kept apart.

The room around us seemed to vibrate with the echoes of our unspoken conflicts. I had opened up, revealing the depth of my emotions, only to be met with the cold, unfeeling reality of our circumstances. But still,he listens. The tension wrapped itself around us, an intangible barrier between our two worlds. In the midst of the surroundings, one question remained suspended in me: Was there any way to bridge the gap that separated us? Could we find a way to offer each other the understanding and comfort we both craved so desperately?

But why would I comfort him!?

I took a moment to collect my thoughts, my heart still racing from the exchange. Klyde's demeanor had softened, if only slightly, and his gaze held a depth I hadn't seen before. His words lingered in my mind, his unexpected understanding stirring something within me. I tried to regain my composure, to hold onto my frustration and anger. Yet, his presence had a way of chipping away at my defenses.

Avoiding his gaze, I spoke softly, almost to myself, as if to remind myself of my own convictions. "I don't need your pity, Klyde."

"It's not pity, Alvarez. It's empathy. We're both navigating uncharted waters here." His response was measured, his voice carrying a hint of an emotion I couldn't quite place. 

My heart pounded within my chest, a whirlwind of emotions threatening to overwhelm me. I couldn't afford to let my guard down, not now. With a deep breath, I found my determination again, pushing back against the tide of feelings that threatened to consume me. "This changes nothing. We're still in this marriage for convenience, nothing more."

"If you say so." Klyde's gaze held mine, his expression a mystery I couldn't decipher. 

As I turned to walk away, doubts clawed at the edges of my thoughts. The way he had looked at me, the empathy in his eyes– it was unexpected, and it left me grappling with uncertainty. Could it be that my heart was betraying the words I had spoken? With each step I took, the question lingered, growing louder as I left the room behind. Maybe, just maybe, there was more to our arrangement than I had been willing to admit. Or maybe none.

My steps faltered, caught in a swirl of uncertainty, as I walked away from the charged exchange. My thoughts raced, conflicted by the echo of Klyde's unexpected empathy that had left a crack in my carefully constructed walls. Yet, curiosity got the best of me, prompting me to turn back toward him. My voice was a blend of caution and determination.

"Klyde, I can't help but wonder... Why now? After all this time of cold detachment, why show concern?"

Klyde's gaze remained steady, fixed on some distant point. His response carried a hint of vulnerability that caught me off guard. "Maybe I've come to realize that we're both prisoners of this arrangement. And though it began as a transaction, it's evolved into something... more."

My heart fluttered, a mess of emotions rising within me. I had braced myself for dismissiveness, for his usual distant demeanor. But his admission laid my emotions bare, as if he had unveiled the cracks in my armor.

"Something more?" My voice wavered between skepticism and disbelief.

Klyde turned to fully face me, his gaze unwavering. "I won't deny my distance. But perhaps it was a shield against something I wasn't prepared for."

My heart raced, pulse quickening as I tried to understand his words. The dynamics between us had shifted, our relationship evolving in a way I hadn't foreseen. The hope that blossomed within me was at odds with my struggle to maintain my guard.

"Klyde, you can't expect me to believe you've had a sudden change of heart," I responded, my voice a blend of skepticism and vulnerability.

Closing the distance between us, he met my gaze, determination in his eyes. "I'm not asking for your belief. But I want you to understand that I'm here, regardless of your choice. Go to sleep." And he strolled away.

Amidst Klyde's distant demeanor and the complexities of our arrangement, my heart was in turmoil. It was a constant battle to make sense of the jumbled mess of emotions swirling within me.

Sitting by the window this evening, my thoughts were a tangle of confusion. The moonlight painted the room in a soft glow, and I found myself lost in contemplation. Klyde's words echoed in my mind, his cold exterior contrasting with the fleeting moments of understanding he'd shown. Was his concern genuine, or just another calculated move in our twisted game? Or perhaps pretension?

With a sigh, I pressed a hand against my chest, trying to steady my racing heart. Could it be that I was developing feelings for Klyde? NO! The notion seemed absurd, given our circumstances. But then again, there were those rare instances when his facade had cracked, revealing glimpses of something deeper.

The moon's light played tricks on my reflection, emphasizing the uncertainty etched on my face. I longed for clarity, for a straightforward answer to the questions swirling within me. I yearned for a way to make sense of the emotions I was grappling with, to untangle the web of conflicting feelings.

No, it can’t be! I don't like him. No, I don't! I don't.

Yet, despite my efforts to deny it, a nagging feeling persisted. Could it be that my heart was leading me towards an unexpected path? The mixed signals Klyde sent only deepened my confusion, leaving me second-guessing my own emotions.

As I stared out into the night, shadows danced across my face, mirroring the complexity of my thoughts. The truth remained elusive, hidden beneath layers of uncertainty. With each passing moment, it became clearer that the journey ahead was far from straightforward. The emotions I was beginning to entertain, whether we were borne out of necessity or something more, would undoubtedly shape the trajectory of our unconventional marriage.

Amidst Klyde's distant demeanor and the complexities of our arrangement, my heart was in turmoil. It was a constant battle to make sense of the jumbled mess of emotions swirling within me.

Could I possibly have fallen? Am I really falling for him?

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