Be Mine

Be Mine

By:  RavennSage  Ongoing
Language: English
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For a second he couldn't believe it, he stood there staring at her dumbfounded, his emotions went from anger to pain to anger again then back to pain. "Why?". His voice barely came out, he was afraid if it came out loud then it'd be as a roar. "What's your excuse for all this?". "I....I don't want to live anymore, I'm tired". She cried. "I've been tired for a long time now Raysham". Unable to control himself he grabbed her shoulder and backed her against the counter so there was no gap between them. "That is not an excuse!". He almost yelled. "That is not a fucking excuse!". She said nothing, just sobbed and sniffled quietly. "You are a coward Sayya, you lost faith in us, in yourself, Sayya you gave up on everything!". He said. Tears pricked his vision but he forced them back by blinking. "Yes you have been through a lot but you had absolutely no right to do that, you should have spoken to someone, if you hated me so much that you couldn't talk to me then you should have at least told Hytham!". He said. "My life isn't worth living Raysham, you know it!". She cried. "I don't know! All I know is that in months to come I will sit alone and grieve knowing you did this to us, I will grieve knowing you caused the pain". He said.

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13 Chapters
"Stay". He spoke quietly.He spoke knowing it was useless, she wouldn't listen to him, at times she did, but the line was drawn, not this time."Please".She said nothing still, just kept her gaze straight as she took determined strides towards the door.Suddenly she seemed nothing like the woman he'd become so fond of, the woman who smiled so easily, who blushed at his comments so shyly, who melted and fitted into his arms so perfectly.She suddenly seemed like the woman he first met; one who would crack a smile only for courtesy demands, one who he once considered frigid and heartless, she suddenly seemed like the CEO she was, she seemed like the Sayya Bilal he had grown to forget.He hurried after her, his fingers encircled her wrist at once to stop her from leaving, he was almost relieved when her steps halted and she inclined her head a bit so her gaze fell on his hand holding onto hers. For a moment he dared to harbor a glimmer of hope, however it vanished when she raised her t
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The presentThe ringing of her phone brought her out of her reverie, she reached out reluctantly and picked the phone from the bedside table, she stared at the screen for a while, stared at the caller ID which read 'Raysham', few seconds before the ringing stopped she answered the call and raised the phone to her ear."Did I wake you?". Came his calm and smooth voice.Her heart mourned. After a quiet inhalation of a deep breath she answered;"No, I was already up"."How are you?".How was she? How was she??"Good, as always". She lied smoothly."Mind if I stop by later?".She rubbed her temple wearily and pulled herself up to a sitting position suppressing a groan as the pain in her head hit mercilessly."That'd be nice". She began. "But I won't be free today, I have a meeting and several other appointments". She said.Silence.She bit her lower lip as she waited for him to speak, finally he said;"Take care of yourself then".She simply nodded though he couldn't see her."I'll call
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It was a cold night, the absence of stars in the sky predicted that it might rain later on. The full reflection of the moon was mirrored in the pool by which he stood, as the cold breed blew calmly he couldn't help but remember'one would wish on a star strewn sky, to hear the voice of his beloved say the words he'd craved for what seems like forever, but here we are, out in the cold, in the harsh winds, underneath the blank sky, I hear you say those words and this moment surpasses every one of my fantasies, every one of my dreams, right now my emotions fly so high, they reach heights only heaven knows'He slid his hands into the pockets of the thick hoodie he had on, the chilly breeze blew once more causing the water in the pool to sway ever so softly, disrupting the perfect reflection of the moon.The hurt clutched him as he recalled the happenings if that night."Well someone's being poetic tonight". She had said."Only for you my dear, on for you". He had said to her.Though the s
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She raised the coffee mug high so it shielded her face from his view."Oh come on luv, intend on hiding behind that awful mug all day?". He said smugly. "Bride's hide behind veils not ugly mugs".She chuckled and lowered the mug, she was glad her dark skin wasn't so easily flushed else he'd know she had been blushing from his comments about their wedding night which was just some hours ago."Show the mug some love". She said as she set down the mug which for some reason had a rather distorted shape."Sure, why not?, I mean the mere sight of it could attract and angel yeah?". He said sarcastically."It's cute".,she defended it."It looks like a hippo's derriere". He said bluntly.She scrunched up her nose feigning disgust."I happen to be drinking from what you just called a hippo's derriere".He chuckled.His gaze softened as he stared at her, her usual warm smile curved her lush lips which were still red full from all the deep kisses, he smiled and sipped from his equally ugly mug."
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A ghostly smile lingered on her face as she stared blankly at the flat screen, true that the movie was indeed very interesting but what caught her attention and held it was the fact that it brought up so many memories, good memories.Regardless of her smile a tear drop slid down her cheek, who was she deceiving anyway? She let the smile fade slowly, she took a deep breath and brushed off the tears with the back of her hand, the emptiness and quietness of the house was usually comforting but it suddenly felt depressing. A house which had been so alive with people was now hollow and depressing, first her parents, then Aunt Zarah, even Ima had left when she got married, she probably didn't think she'd come back anytime soon, it felt as though she was leaving with ghosts, the cleaners would come and tidy the house five times a week when she wasn't home.It was better that way, or at least that's what she told herself. The less people you chill with the less bullshit you deal with.She tri
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They held onto each other not wanting to welcome reality back into their little bubble of bliss, but when the ringing continued they grew irritated and broke apart breathing heavily."Sorry for the interruption". He said to her, his voice hoarse and low. She merely nodded; it was all she could do at the moment.He picked up the phone resting on the armrest of the couch and glanced at the screen, his jaw clenched visibly and he made to return it when she said:"Aren't you going to answer that?".He shook his head."I'd rather not". He said."Who is it?". She said."Mother". He answered dryly.She forced on a smile and said:"Well answer it". She could see the reluctance in his eyes but she encouraged him with her faint smile and a small nod. He dragged in a deep breath before tapping on the answer icon and raising the phone to his ear."Morning Mother". He said dryly, coldly.Her heart broke on hearing his tone, she couldn't help but remember how fond of his mother he used to be; she
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She said nothing, did nothing to stifle the sobs that rattled her entire being.Again he reached out and brushed her tears off gently."I'll do it". He said.And of course she knew he wasn't one to bluff, especially not in situations like this."Please don't". She said almost breathlessly. "I can't bear to see you in pain and misery, Raysham, so please do not ask me"."Sayya I am in so much misery right now, I feel helpless and useless. I have failed you in every way there is, I have failed as a friend, as someone who's supposed to look after you, I have failed as your husband". He said. "So don't talk to me about pain and misery".She blinked and fresh streams of tears flowed down her cheeks smoothly, swallowing the lump in her throat she took hold of his hand and clutched it tightly, as though her life depended on it. she knew she could never win against him so she decided to tell him, perhaps she’d feel better in a way; lighter."I....I'm unwell". She stuttered quietly.As if tha
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* I saw the beauty of the sky Colors so vibrant you'd think they never die* I saw the beauty of the waves Every splash telling a story of younger days* I saw the beauty of the rains Every drop falling freely like horses without reins * I saw the beauty of the night For only then were the stars alight* I saw the beauty in the flames of a fire Each one burning with a different desire* I saw the beauty of Gold Glistening with bitter stories untold* Oh I saw the beauty of dust and clay Simple reminders of our end someday. Opening her eyes she realized it was afternoon for sunlight now streamed into the room through the partly parted curtains.She felt better after a nap, it did her as much good as a few hours of sleep could do. It took a moment before her memories came flooding back like waves crashing against the shores, death was hanging in a corner.She dragged in a deep breath and pulled herself up so her back leaned against the headboard, just as she began to ponder on why
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‘I'm dying, Raysham……’Her words never stopper replaying themselves in his mind. They had somehow managed to bury themselves in the deepest and darkest part of his soul.He took another long sip from his glass of wine. He had intended to drown everything out but no amount of wine could mute her voice in his head; no amount of wine could numb the pain.He stared at the reflection of the moon in the pool, it glowed brightly; almost carefree he thought. He found himself fantasizing about what being the moon would be like, up in the sky with no pain and worries, he laughed at his silly thoughts and took another sip, emptying the content of the glass.He reached for the bottle to refill the glass but found it empty; irritated he stood up and walked into the house to get another, his head felt light and faint, too faint to think straight.Her voice made him turn around reluctantly."Lateefah". He said lazily. "You're not asleep yet?".She got up from the sofa she had been sitting and walked
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With what dignity he could muster he walked down the stairs, eyelids heavy and head light, he tried hard not to think about how stupid he had been last night.Weren't people supposed to forget what they did in their state of drunkenness??"God almighty". He breathed quietly.What was he to tell Sayya when he went to her looking like a walking corpse? That he, Raysham Muhammad was nursing a hangover? A hangover…He groaned quietly as he rubbed his temple wearily.He dragged in a deep breath and straightened up when he got downstairs, ready to face his shame and stupidity, ready to apologize for his shameful acts last night, however he found the dining room void of her presence, she was never late during dinning hours, unless of course she wasn't coming at all. He lingered around for a few minutes, and on making peace with the fact that she wasn’t going to show, he heaved a sigh and headed out. He'd talk to her, but not now, for now he needed to be with Sayya.One last glance at the
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