
Chapter 0006

My father stood in the corner of the room while two men who were apparently doctors flanked me on either side. Dr. McDowell, the man which my father had brought back with him from checking me in, and a Dr. Bray.  McDowell was tall, had dark hair and a bored look on his long face while Bray was shorter than me, which was saying something since I was only 5'5." He had mousey brown hair and was very serious looking.

I chewed my lower lip, looking everywhere but at the doctors or my father as Bray took my blood pressure. We were in a room that looked exactly like what you'd find in a hospital. White walls and ceiling, tiled floors, two small beds and a countertop full of containers that held things like cotton swabs, wooden sticks, some metal instruments and gloves.

Getting here had only taken a couple minutes, but the quiet from before made it feel like we were miles away from the goings on. McDowell had led us to one of the elevators and I'd watched the numbers count up as we went down to the third basement level.

"Any diseases in the family?" McDowell asked, making notes on his clipboard.

"No," was my father's curt reply.

"Behavioral issues?"


What do they think I am, a mutt being put up for adoption?

"Any other kinds of illnesses?"


McDowell looked up at that. "You've had her tested for STIs, or autoimmune diseases?"

"She was cleared of all autoimmune diseases at the time of her last paneling about a few months back. And there's no reason to test for STDs." I stared at the floor, fuming at the way they were talking about me as if I wasn't even in the room.

"She's untouched?" McDowell's eyes turned to me, sizing me up. The heat of his look burned like someone had thrown coals in my face.

"Yes." My father said tersely. 

"You're sure?" Bray's squeaky little voice piped in. "Teenagers can be sneaky."

"She's been under lock and key," my father said simply, sounding bored with this type of questioning.

"No chance she ever got out?" McDowell was still looking me over like he couldn't believe that I'd behave myself if I was ever alone with a man. I glared at him for acting like I'd be no better than a mindless cat in heat, escaping and running the neighborhood just to mindlessly fuck whatever guy crossed my path. 

"She's never without her guards," said my father, annoyed now.

"Guards who you could trust not to touch a young, helpless girl?" Bray sounded doubtful.

"Test her, if you must," my father said simply. My eyes shot up to him, wide and pleading, hoping he'd take back those words.

"If you want that to factor into her price, we have to be thorough," said Bray.

I shook my head quickly, begging my father to tell them to skip that part of the examination.

"Be quick," was all he said, completely ignoring me. He folded his arms and leaned against the wall, pulling out his phone.

Both men nodded, McDowell, who'd had his nose buried behind his clipboard until now was the one who placed his hand on my shoulder and pushed me back while Bray pulled out foot stirrups which he then proceded to rest my feet in. I pressed lightly against McDowell's touch, but he only pushed me down harder. I tried pulling my feet out of the stirrups but I felt Bray grab my ankles and slam my heels back into them, strapping them down, saying, "Since you won't cooperate..."

Faster than lightning, McDowell's hands were sliding up the underside of my dress and pulling the red panties down my thighs. I closed my eyes tightly, willing myself not to cry. Not to kick or punch and thrash like every fiber of my body screamed at me to do. 

I felt McDowell's finger trail along the outer edges of my opening, my thighs tried to press themselves together, but Bray's hands held my knees apart and I wanted to scream at the two men. I could feel McDowell's breath between my legs and my whole body squirmed out of disgust. The thought of that man touching me the way he was. One of his fingers inserted itself lightly, and felt its way around, my insides churning. I felt like I was going to puke. McDowell let out a grunt of affirmation.

"Hymen is intact," he said simply, standing up and swapping places with Bray. I glared at the two men. then at my father whose eyes were still glued to his phone. I looked back just in time to see McDowell suck off his finger, shooting me a degrading sneer. Bray leaned down, repeated McDowell's actions, only much quicker which surprised me. I thought he'd be more of a pervert than his partner was. I looked down as Bray backed off, relieved to see that he was at least wearing gloves unlike McDowell. The shorter man reached down and unstrapped my feet from the stirrups, and let me sit back up, the taller doctor already back to his clipboard.

"I envy you, Mr. Şahin, she's going to fetch you quite the price tonight," McDowell said off-handedly, holding out a few papers to my father. He took them, glanced down at them for a moment, then once he was satisfied, shoved them into his briefcase as well. 

"If that is all, gentlemen," my father said, ignoring the man's statement about my price and heading toward the door. I didn't even wait for the order, I slid off the chair as quickly as possible, holding the panties up around my thighs as I ran up behind my father and rushed through the door on his heels. 

Aiden, Lenny, Leanne and the three werewolves were waiting for us outside the door, Lenny's eyes immediately went to my thighs along with the three werewolves' as I finished pulling up the skimpy red article. He raised a mocking brow at me but I just glared at him. The hired muscle all stayed quiet, but I could see them all sniffing the air. No way would I admit to what just happened to me in front of Aiden. 

"Knock that disgusting look off your face, girl. Demure. Weak and vulnerable. That's the way you look from now on," my father grumbled as the elevator door dinged and opened for us. 

"It's time to play your part, and you better not disappoint."

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