
The Father

Ariana's breath caught in her throat, her mind struggling to process the information.

" Mateo Luca-Hendrix? the one we all know? The popular Fashion Icon?" Ariana asked, having two separate shocks In one day.

Doctor Hannah nodded with a neutral expression.


Mateo Luca-Hendrix, a fashion icon, and model in the industry, is the proud owner of a highly successful Billionaire Fashion Company. With his captivating presence on the runway and an array of fashion houses, he has established a firm foothold not only in San Francisco but also beyond. Mateo's magnetic appeal is such that women find themselves irresistibly drawn to him, longing for his appearance in magazines and on the catwalk.

Mateo's journey as a model began unexpectedly when a male model scheduled for a runway event failed to show up. With no replacement available at the last minute, Mateo stepped up to the challenge, deciding to fill in for the absent model. Little did he know that this spontaneous decision would set the stage ablaze and make his name the talk of the entire San Francisco fashion scene.

Following the remarkable success of his runway debut, numerous companies approached Mateo, pleading for him to grace their campaigns and events as a model. However, Mateo humbly declined these offers, expressing his commitment to focus solely on his various business ventures. He made it clear that his modeling endeavors would be limited to showcasing his own company's creations.

Mateo Luca-Hendrix, unbeknownst to the public, bravely faced a battle with stomach cancer. Prior to the surgery, Mateo received the disheartening news that he would need to store his sperm at the hospital, as there was a possibility he may be unable to conceive children after the procedure. This revelation struck Mateo deeply, as he had always longed to have a family of his own.

Overwhelmed by his love for children and the desire to fulfill his dreams of parenthood, Mateo contemplated forgoing the surgery. But then he was told by the doctor that he would die if the surgery wasn't done but still Mateo refused. However, an urgent intervention from his mother, accompanied by tearful pleas, and the wise counsel of his father, as the only son and cherished child of his parents, convinced Mateo to proceed with the life-saving procedure.

With a heavy heart and a mind burdened by the uncertainty of what would happen to him after the surgery, Mateo made the courageous decision to face the surgery head-on. Despite the fear and apprehension that gripped him, he knew that his life was at stake without the surgery, and the love and support of his family provided the strength he needed to endure.

Just moments before the surgery, the doctor delivered unexpected news to Mateo. With a glimmer of hope in their words, Mateo was informed that there was a 50/50 chance he would regain his ability to produce sperm after the procedure. But that the chances of not being able to regain his ability to produce Sperm were higher. The weight of this revelation was immense, as it held the Miraculous potential to fulfill Mateo's cherished dream of having children.

Caught between the uncertainty of his fertility and the urgency of saving his own life, Mateo faced on with the decision.

The operating room became a battleground where skilled surgeons fought to eradicate the cancer that threatened Mateo's existence. Mateo's parents anxiously awaited news of the outcome, their hearts entwined with Mateo's as they hoped for a positive result.

Finally, after hours of intense medical intervention, the surgery concluded. The air in the operating theater seemed to hold its breath, echoing the collective anticipation of those who cared deeply for Mateo. With bated breath, they awaited confirmation of the procedure's success which came out indeed successful.

Mateo embarked on the journey of recovery, he embraced a renewed sense of hope. The 50/50 chance that once hung over him like a shadow now carried the promise of a future he had longed for. With each passing day, he nurtured the flickering flame of possibility, channeling his strength into healing both his body and his dreams.

After undergoing a grueling five-month healing process following the surgery, Mateo Luca-Hendrix's hopes of regaining his ability to produce sperm were dashed. The elusive dream of fatherhood seemed to slip further away with each passing day. In an effort to monitor any potential changes, Mateo diligently visited the hospital every two weeks for a sperm production test, which was conducted by his trusted family doctor, Dr. Hannah.

On that fateful day, A day just before the day Ariana, received an unexpected call from Dr. Hannah. To inform Ariana about the mistake and to check the possibility of Ariana's pregnancy.

Mateo had arrived at the hospital for his routine sperm production test that day, unaware of the impending revelation. Dr. Hannah, Unaware of the situation, instructed a nurse to retrieve Mateo's stored sperm from the storage room. With the delicate vial in hand, the nurse made her way back to the examination room where Mateo patiently awaited the results.

To everyone's astonishment, the sperm tube failed to provide any indication of sperm presence. Perplexed, Doctor Hannah initiated a thorough analysis, determined to uncover the reason behind this unexpected outcome. The truth soon came to light, it was discovered that a Vaginitis tube treatment, rather than Mateo's stored sperm, had been mistakenly fetched from the storage room.

The realization washed over them, leaving a mix of confusion and frustration with the nurses and Doctor Hannah. The shocking events had taken an unexpected turn, leading them down an unforeseen path. The nurses and Doctor Hannah found themselves caught in a peculiar situation, as their initial hopes and fears gave way to a momentary lapse of medical mishap.

Doctor Hannah's heart sank as she realized the gravity of the situation. Fear coursed through her veins, leaving her trembling to her very core. With a heavy sigh, she mustered the courage to inform Mateo Luca-Hendrix, who anxiously awaited the test of his sperm production. The words stumbled out of her mouth, laden with shock.

"Mateo... I have something to tell you," Doctor Hannah began, her voice quivering.

Mateo, caught off guard by Doctor Hannah's somber tone, looked at her a mixture of fear and disappointment of the usual No sperm result etched across his face. His voice trembled as he responded, unable to fully comprehend the weight of the news that awaited him. "What is it, Doctor Hannah?" Mateo asked.

Doctor Hannah took a deep breath, steeling herself for the difficult conversation ahead. She knew the impact her words would have on Mateo, and the fear of his reaction intensified her own anxiety.

"I... the sperm we retrieved, your sperm….. it wasn't your stored sperm, your sperm ... .was…. mistakenly inserted on a Lady who came for Vaginitis tube treatment," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mateo's mind reeled, struggling to process the enormity of the situation. The realization that his only remaining chance to father a child had slipped away ignited a firestorm of anger within him.

" What?!!!, You said what?!!" Mateo yelled in anger.

The thought of his sperm being gone made him lose his mind. The table before him bore the brunt of his rage as his clenched fists struck it with force. Doctor Hannah recoiled in fear, her eyes widening as she witnessed a side of Mateo she had never seen before.

Although Mateo was known for his pleasant demeanor, easygoing nature, and kind heart, there existed a distinct side of his personality that emerged when anger consumed him. In those moments, an unexpected transformation would occur, for he possessed the ability to shift from gentle to ruthless in the blink of an eye.

The room fell into a tense silence, interrupted only by Mateo's heavy breathing. Despite the surge of anger that consumed him, a conflict waged within his heart. He knew that Doctor Hannah held a pivotal role in his successful battle against stomach cancer and the subsequent recovery. The weight of that history tempered his desire for retaliation.

As the seconds ticked by, Mateo's expression softened, his features reflecting the internal struggle he faced. A sense of resignation settled upon him, a recognition that seeking vengeance or legal action would only further complicate an already complex situation. He took a deep breath, his voice filled with a mix of disappointment and restraint. "I... I can't do anything to her," he muttered to himself, his tone laced with a hint of pain. "Her past actions saved my life."

Doctor Hannah, still shaken by the outburst, blinked her eyes numerously brimming with remorse.

Mateo took a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly as he looked up at Doctor Hannah. He was at a loss, unsure of what to do next. "What should I do now?" he asked, his voice filled with anxiety.

Doctor Hannah felt a knot tighten in her stomach, her own fear mirroring Mateo's. She knew she had to act quickly to rectify the mistake. Swallowing hard, she assured Mateo, "I will speak to the lady in question and tell her what happened, I would try to find out by making her get a pregnancy test to check if she is pregnant or not. I promise to get back to you as soon as I have more information."

Mateo's mind raced with worry and he quickly asked "Could it be possible that the lady is already pregnant? Or…" He asked.

Doctor Hannah tried to assuage his fears, her words gentle yet uncertain. "It is possible that she is pregnant, given the timeframe of two weeks since the insertion. However, it's important to remember that conception is not guaranteed with sperm insertion." Her voice carried a mix of caution and hope, trying to provide some information for Mateo.

Doctor Hannah's answer gnawed at Mateo, and he nervously bit down on his lower lip. The weight of potential consequences bore down on him, his only chance at fatherhood hanging in the balance because of a medical Mishap.

Doctor Hannah saw through Mateo's Nervousness and decided to reassure him trying to alleviate his anxiety. "Mateo, I want you to know that I have been the lady's personal doctor for a long time," she began, her voice calm."Based on my knowledge of her fertility history, I can tell you that she is a very fertile individual."

Mateo's eyes widened, a mix of hope and trepidation flickering within them. "So, you think there's a chance she could be pregnant?" he asked, his voice filled with a fragile glimmer of anticipation.

Doctor Hannah paused for a moment, her gaze meeting Mateo's as she carefully chose her words. "Given that it has been two weeks since the incident, there is a possibility that she might be pregnant by now," she admitted.

"I pray so," Mateo said, his voice filled with Hope. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for his next question. "Doctor Hannah, may I ask one more crucial thing?"

"What is it, Mateo?" Doctor Hannah asked, brazing herself for a question.

"What's the name of the lady?" Mateo asked curiously.

Doctor Hannah's expression became serious as she gently replied, "Mateo, it goes against medical practice to disclose a patient's name without their consent. I am sorry, but I cannot provide you with that information."

Mateo couldn't let go of his burning curiosity. He looked directly into Doctor Hannah's eyes, his voice serious. " I understand the importance of privacy in the medical field, but I just want to know the name of the woman on whom my sperm was inserted on. Doctor Hannah this means everything to me!!."

Doctor Hannah had no alternative but to inform Mateo,he deserved to know,who the recipient of his sperm was.

"The woman who received your sperm was..."

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