
Chapter 7 (Alaric)


As the twilight shadows danced across the room, I stirred from a deep slumber, my senses reluctantly surrendering to the rhythmic pulsing of the evening alarm. Its persistent melody sliced through the hushed stillness, a stark reminder that my world awakened as others embraced the caress of night.

Beneath the dim glow of the bedside lamp, I untangled myself from the embrace of sleep, my body a canvas painted with the weariness of the day that never was. The city outside whispered with the secrets of nocturnal tales, and I, a mere spectator, prepared to step into the velvet embrace of the night.

The sheets clung to me like the remnants of dreams, and as I silenced the alarm, the room echoed with the quiet promise of moonlit adventures and As the twilight shadows danced across the room, I stirred from a deep slumber, my senses reluctantly surrendering to the rhythmic pulsing of the evening alarm. Its persistent melody sliced through the hushed stillness, a stark reminder that my world awakened as others embraced the caress of night.

Beneath the dim glow of the bedside lamp, I untangled myself from the embrace of sleep, my body a canvas painted with the weariness of the day that never was. The city outside whispered with the secrets of nocturnal tales, and I, a mere spectator, prepared to step into the velvet embrace of the night.

The sheets clung to me like the remnants of dreams, and as I silenced the alarm, the room echoed with the quiet promise of moonlit adventures and clandestine rendezvous with the stars. The night held its own allure, casting a spell that only those who dared to embrace its shadows could understand.

The quietness of the night made it obvious that both Selena and Zoey were no longer around. Right beside me is a book, one of Selena's fantasy stories. Reluctantly I pulled myself off the bed. Finally, it clicked. Two hours late. I have completely forgotten I was supposed to work more hours. Without much thinking, I grabbed my things, dashing straight to the car...

My heart pounding rapidly against my chest, finally, I arrived, late but still. Nervously I made my way hoping not to be seen as I made my way to the changing room.

"Oh yes!" Sarah caught me sneaking in, and with a strong frown she held the door from closing, I slept and raised my head to meet her gaze, her eyes bore no smile even with my fake smiles.

"Shake your call log," she said in between her teeth visibly holding back anger. Slowly I withdrew my phone and did as she said. I had an inch of missed calls, from my friends, from her, and surprisingly even from my ex Thankfully not one from my father.

"I overslept, I promise to make it up for ...." she shook her head as I paused.

"Are you sure everything is alright or are you pregnant?" she whispered, upon hearing that I let out a chuckle slowly dragging her in so I could change into my uniform.

"Why are you laughing, there is a possibility, you know you can tell me anything right? How long gone," she said looking at my tummy, unable to take her seriously I rolled my eyes.

"Pregnant you say, who am I? Mary?". 

"Are you saying you are a virgin," she chuckled.

"I might as well be,"  forcing my hair into a ponytail. I slipped my legs into my heels as I opened the door.

"The manager is not around right?" I asked my heart beating for the answer as we made our way to the front door. 

"Oh you have no idea what mess you got yourself into today," she said, getting my attention as I paused, turning to look at her. 

"Mess? Why are you telling me just now? What happened?" I asked, paranoid.

"Oh look who we have here, Aurora," my heart dropped hearing the voice, slowly I turned to see him.... Again. I thought he was gone. I remember checking his room in the morning and he was gone.

Standing beside him is a very familiar face, CEO Kealen Stoneforge. And behind him another man with a mouth gaping beauty. The three men in front us have something in common. Divine beauty. Sarah pinched me to get me to behave.

Immediately I lowered my gaze as we greeted them, especially the CEO, it was the first time seeing him up close. STONEFORGE is not just hotels. A known name around the world, A huge Conglomerate amongst the richest elites. It's almost like a privilege to even see him. Just like the tales told he is young and obviously younger looking than the devil and whoever the other young man is.

"Where have you been, I have searched everywhere for you?" he asked approaching, I looked behind meeting Sarah's eyes, but she seemed excited, almost giggling, to be honest.

"You know each other?" This time it was CEO Kaelen speaking, he sounded exactly like I imagined he would sound. I looked up to meet his strong questioning glance. There was a Resemblance between him and the devil, they are supposed to be half-brothers, but wait to come nobody knows of this brother especially when he appears older, wait does that mean CEO Kaelen is a demon too?

No... I refuse to believe that. 

"No sir, I am a hostess, and nothing more sir," I said for some reason I was embarrassed at how robotic my response was, this is the CEO and this is my chance to leave a strong impression and maybe secure a permanent job but thanks to the devil in front of me I can't do anything.

"Oh it can't be so, then there is no need for another, I am Kaelen by the way," He smiled, and introduced himself with a smile. Of course, I knew who he was. Who wouldn't know him, everybody in town knows him, his smile reached his eyes, unlike somebody I know. 

Stretching out his hand, I meekly collected as I found myself smiling too, his hands were soft and warm, upon release Sarah grasped his hand introducing herself as well all smiles. After that she excused herself knowing her, I knew she was going out to let out some screams.

"And I am Alaric," another voice came after with his hand stretched, reluctantly I took the hand of the man behind who is now in front of me. His voice even deeper and his hands cold. His aura is even stranger than that of the Devil's.

"I have heard a lot about you," his words took me by surprise.  From the corner of my eyes, I could see the devil trying to stretch his hands too.

"How about I show you around if somebody hasn't yet...sir?"  I said to Alaric who smiled with only a single brow arched. Of the three men in front of me, he appears the strangest with his direct eye contact.

"She is my hostess," of course the devil spoke with a frown, hearing him say those words sounded as if Hostess meant another thing.

"This is your first time visiting our hotel so it's only right that she shows you around," CEO Kaelen said as he nodded, agreeing.

"I would love to walk around,myself.” The devil said only for his brother to hold onto his shoulder leaving me with Alaric.

"So it's us alone," he began. I watched as he folded his hand behind, turning to face the same direction as me. 

"Just like he said, you are daring," Alaric yet again broke the awkward silence, I wanted to know what the devil spoke to him about me. Curious, I smiled.

"You guys must talk a lot," I chuckled, leading the way to the hallway specially decorated with ancient and famous artwork, almost like walking into a museum. I don't know why I chose the hallway to show him but something tells me he would love art.

"We do talk a lot, he is my best friend," Something about them being best friends made sense, their Aura is almost the same, intimidating and frightening almost. Just something about Alaric seems Icy.

"Most be nerve-wracking working for the elite," he suddenly said walking towards an art painting. I paused in the middle watching him closely. He is as tall as his friend, his face more masculine, and his hair shorter, his eyes icy blue, and his hand. I can not forget that handshake it was cold, very cold it can wake one from sleep.

"It's not that bad," I finally replied.

"You do not have to lie to me," he turned to look at me, sending a shock down my spine even from a distance.

"Can I tell you a secret?" he asked me as I found myself nodding, unable to say a word.

"I can tell when one is lying, one of my many talents," he suddenly chuckled. Perhaps my expression seemed funny.

"Must be cool having such a talent, I wish I could possess such ...power.Uhm I mean talent," I said watching him move to another art painting, his hand tracing it as he spoke.

"Somebody must have lied to you recently," his words were true.

"It's a boy Isn't it?" he asked, turning to meet my gaze with a cocky smile.

"A boy?" my voice almost cracked "what boy? Obviously not," I tried to save myself the embarrassment.

"Try more to be natural when lying, it's essential," he said as my cheeks flushed more in embarrassment.

"Is this the only art section, everything here speaks of the same thing... Sex,"  I choked on nothing as I looked around. 

"Wait what?" I stood as he walked away. It took a moment for me to walk up to him.

"Uhm I am so sorry, I didn't know that is what they meant I just thought they were cool," I tried explaining but he waved his hand and said.

"It's nothing, Art is subjective so I know of course you didn't show them to me on purpose unless..." his smile once again cocky. 

"Oh okay, thanks for your understanding," 

"We are getting along quite fine, what was different about Zephyr?" The question came as a surprise as I wondered who on earth Zephyr was and what sort of name that was. I have never heard such a name before.

"You do not know who Zephyr is?" Alaric asked as I nodded thinking, and slowly realization came. The devil's name was Zephyr. I almost blurted it out but thankfully he beat me to it...

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