
Call of Destiny (Sarkozy Series 1)
Call of Destiny (Sarkozy Series 1)
Author: flairehixxie


Today is April 24 2021. I cannot wait until it turns April 24, 2022. I've been looking forward to that date because on that day I'm turning 18.

After that day I can finally be free. I can do anything I want, I can finally fulfil everything that I have planned to do for myself to prepare for my future. That day will be the start of my independent life and the beginning of my adulthood journey.

But how I wish that time paused on April 24, 2021, I wish I never turned 18. How I wish I died on the day I was born.

April 24, 2022. When I turned 18 my whole life crumpled, all my dreams vanished, and my plans disappear. My whole life turned upside down when on the announcement of my 18 is also the announcement of my wedding to a certain stranger. A stranger that changed my whole life, taught me lessons, make me realize a lot of things, and most of all he taught me to love and care for someone.

Yet, he's also the one who taught me how to hate someone. He's the reason my heart broke into a million pieces.


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