
5: Poison Lilies


I threw my clothes towards the direction of the bed and my suitcase, not even turning around to see if they actually fell on the bed or on the floor.

Actually, I didn't care. As long as I packed my things and was out of here as quickly as possible, that we all that mattered.

Divorce. It was something that has been on my mind for a very long time. I'd touched the papers over and over again, even scared to bring it out of the envelope because I didn't want to accept that I actually wanted a divorce.

I wanted this marriage to work but now. I HAD wanted this marriage to work. I knew it wouldn't work no matter what I did. No matter how much I tried, it was doomed from the start.

How could I even be fighting a war with an opponent that didn’t care?

I stuffed my belongings into my box, not wanting to leave anything behind.

I had already signed the divorce papers and they were on the bed, waiting for him. Whenever he decided that he wanted to stop being Annie's lap dog and come back home, he’ll see it.

The door opened and I didn't even bother to look because I thought Atlas was the one that entered.

“You dirty slave.” A snarky female voice said.

It wasn't him but I still didn't need to check to see who it was. I’ve been hearing that voice since I came to this pack. Mostly followed by an ugly sneer.

“What are you trying to steal now?”

The dowager Luna, and Atlas’s mother, Luna Beatrice, have always hated me for reasons best known to her.

According to her, I didn't deserve her son because I was an omega and she stood against our marriage from day one. She didn’t care that I was one of the best warriors in the pack.

There was no need to answer her, she was only looking for attention that I didn't have to give.

“I’m talking to you! Answer me, you-”

“For the love fo everything good, can you just shut up?! For once in your life, just shut up! You want me gone? Fine, I already divorced your precious little baby boy and I'm leaving this hell hole so please, just shut up and leave me alone!”

It felt really good to say that to her. She had made my life a living hell, constantly reminding me how much I didn't deserve to be Luna because Atlas didn't love me.

If it has been up to her, he would have never married me and I would still be a slave.

“Really? You're getting a divorce?”

That was the only thing she got from what I said?

She laughed and clapped her hands and a genuine smile I’ve never seen graced her face.

“Such wonderful news! With you gone, Annie would be able to move into the house and then, my grandson would be born. This house will finally feel like a home with a mother and child unlike when you were here, you barren fool.” That sneer returns.

I didn't want to say anything to her. It wasn't worth it.

“Make sure you never come back. If I see you here again, I'll kill you.”

I finally closed my box and set it on the floor and carried my bag in one hand.

“I would rather die than come back here.” I mumble loud enough for her to hear. “I feel very sorry for that child already. They're going to have the worst father, mother and grandmother ever. So sad.”

I walked away from her but she pulled me by my hair, causing me to fall back and hit my head on the bed frame.

While on the floor, writhing in pain, I had no idea that my bag had fallen open.

“What is this?” She picked up the bracelet my grandmother had given to me.

“It’s mine. Give it back.”

The way she carried it, angered me. She didn't deserve to hold that.

She laughed at me, holding the bracelet in her hand.

“What, do you think I'm stupid? I knew you couldnt resist all the shiny things you met here. You came with nothing and you're going to go with nothing, you dirty fool.”

“No, it's mine! Give it back."

She pushed me back as I tried to grab it from her and Atlas walked in then.

“What is going on here?”

Of course he was going to inside with his mother

Even though she would tell him a lie, it won't matter to him what I had to say.

But right now, I didn't care. I would stand up for myself no matter what.

“Did you ever buy me a bracelet?" I asked him and he frowned.

My nose felt tingly and I sneezed twice, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

“Son, tell me you got her this bracelet. I caught her trying to steal it when she was packing. I'm sure it's worth a fortune and she wants to sell it for drugs.”

I couldn't believe how unbelievable she was acting but I wouldn't be surprised if Atlas agreed to her.

“No, I didn't buy anything like that for her.”.

His response surprised me.

I sneezed.

“Thank-". A sneeze.

“Thank-” Another sneeze.

“Thank you!" Three sennezes in a row.

That was when I saw the lilies in his hand. I didn't even know when I began laughing but all of a sudden it was funny.

I turned towards his mother with a proud smile on my face. Atlas never failed to disappoint me.

“Even in four years of marriage, he didn't know that I was allergic to Lilies because he never bought me flowers. So how would he think of getting me a bracelet this beautiful?”

My marriage with Atlas was a sham, a complete waste of time.

He may have been my mate but he wasn't the one for me. Everything about our relationship was dysfunctional and I was very glad it had come to an end.

I would be tagged the stupidest woman in the world if I remained in this house and continued in my delusion.

First off, Annie would give birth to his baby and I would be pushed aside like a rag. She would become Luna because she's the one who has a child for him.

Atlas would ignore me and his mother would use that opportunity to make my life hell. And in all this, I know he wouldn't dare to say anything even if he knew. He’d never come to defense. I’m not dense to think he would start now.

So no. I wouldn't stay.

Divorce? Yes please.

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