
6: Rejection


Atlas threw the flowers to the floor with a panicked look when he realized what I was saying.

Of course, he wouldn't know anything about me. He had spent the better part of our time together hating me and the remaining time, doting on Annie. 

“I had no idea. I didn't get them for you anyways.” He cleared his throat awkwardly and turned to his mother who was scowling. “Mum, I didn't get her that bracelet. It's hers.”

His mother rolled her eyes and threw the bracelet back on the floor, along with my other things that were scattered. 

“Whatever. It was probably the other man she's screwing that got it for her.”

She walked out of the room after that, leaving my things all over the floor. I packed my things in silence, making up my mind to walk out of here a free woman. 

With my bags packed, I went to the bed and picked up the envelope. 

“Here, this is–” I started but he cut me off.

”Jade, just hold on for a moment.” Atlas said, refusing to take the papers from me. “What are you doing? A divorce? Where is all this coming from?”

I didn't want to speak to him, I had nothing to say to him.

For four years, I'd been trying to talk to him, trying to get him to see me as a human being but it all failed. 

Now, when it came to divorce, he was suddenly in the mood to talk. Too bad. I’m no longer interested in hearing anything he has to say.

“Atlas, save it. I don't want to hear it. Just sign the damn divorce papers and let's get it over with.”

“Get it over with? Can you hear yourself? You're a Luna! You are the people's leader! How can you be so irresponsible and you want to walk away just like that! Forget it, I won't sign it.” 

Now, he was going too far. 

“Irresponsible? How dare you, how dare you, Atlas! You have no right to call me that because all I've ever done was follow you.  But you never looked at me. So what more do you want? I'm giving you space to do what you've always wanted. The freedom you’ve always craved is finally here so take it and set me free too.”

He took the papers out of my hand and threw them to the floor. He tried to come closer but I stepped back. 

“I can't sign those papers, Jade. I just can't. I'm sorry.”

I laughed at the way he was acting like he cared about me now.

“You will sign them, Atlas. If you're so damn worried about the Luna position being vacant, why don't you get ‘Air-headed Annie’ to fill it in?" 

It was a name Andrew and I had given to her because of how obtuse she honestly was.

“Do you have to bring her up? She means nothing to me! She's only here because she's pregnant. Hell, that night meant nothing to me. You have to believe me.”

That's where he was wrong. 

I didn't have to do anything. I didn't have to listen to him, I didn't have to believe him, I didn't have to stay. 

However, I had to go. 

“Maybe I should just reject you and get it over with.”

He turned pale and ran his hands through his hair. 

“First divorce, now rejection? Why are you doing this? What has come over you?” 

If I hadn't known better, I  would have said that maybe, just maybe he was beginning to care but I knew it was a trap. 

He just wanted me to stay so he and Annie and his mother could continue to suffocate me. But their plans won't work. 

“Yes, I should reject you so you can accept Annie as your Luna. Isn't that what you said when we got married? That Annie should have been your Luna instead of some low life Omega with no clue about life.”

Those were the words he said to me on our wedding night and I'd be a fool if I ever forgot them. He remembered those words and he knew there was no way he could win this. 

“Well, I'm not going to accept your rejection. I won't accept it, Jade.” 

That was his problem. Not mine.

“I, Jade Banner, reject you-"

“Jade, stop!”

“Atlas Montgomery-"

“Jade, please!”

“...As my mate." 

It was done. I couldn't take it back now even if I wanted to. 

“Jade, you're killing me. You can't do this to us! It's not fair.”

It's not always fair to be on the other side of the road. I've endured everything and more since I married into this family. I thought he would eventually come to love me so I fulfilled every part of my role as a wife and Luna. 

But he never looked at me. To him, I was just the girl his father forced him to marry.

Did he ever think for once that I didn't want this marriage too? 

I was young and unwise and all of a sudden, I was being thrown into a marriage where I learnt that I was supposed to dote on my husband because only his feelings mattered. 

I wasn't just a wife, I was a Luna. There was no one to put me through my duties or even explain to me what exactly I should do. 

Since his mother hated me, I was on my own with little to no help except from Andrew and my grandmother. 

When I needed Atlas, he was never there. And now, he has Annie and her baby. 

My heart ached, it ached badly at what I'd just said. I could see the sadness in his eyes but they didn't matter to me. At least, that's what I tried to tell myself. 

I'd never seen Atlas look so torn before. But for the first time, I saw a chip in his perfect armor all because of me.

I picked up my bag and turned around, leaving him standing there. 

As soon as I walked out of this house, there was no turning back. Was I fine with that? I would become homeless, a rogue and without identity. 

“You can't live without me, Jade! Just watch!” He shouted as I closed the door behind me. 

Is that really what he thought about me? 

A smile settled in my lips. Very well then, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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