Cirque du Lune

Cirque du Lune

By:  Z Time  Completed
Language: English
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The year was 1934; I was twenty-two years old. I never thought of myself as anything special. I was barely making it through the Great Depression. There were many days I lived off of scraps. I was the king of odd jobs, just enough to get by. I had done it all, from being a field hand to a miner. It all changed one night when I stumbled across a traveling circus, Cirque du Lune. I had never seen such a sight. Instead of the usual menagerie, this circus was overrun with wolves. There was one performer who caught my eye; it was as if an angel had descended from heaven on a silk ribbon.

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Is this book going to be completed
2023-01-04 06:59:32
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truly original! I absolutely love the story!
2021-12-24 13:36:41
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Space Cow
I want to hit Jules in the face, but he would like it. ...
2021-12-21 22:53:13
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I love Oliver!
2021-12-12 06:46:07
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Elsie and Oliver ...
2021-12-07 12:58:24
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Loving the originality and awesome plot of this story. The author must've done a lot of research on the era to get this just right. Read this book! You won't regret it
2021-11-24 19:34:26
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I'm really enjoying this book. It's so different from the typical werewolf story. Great job author!
2021-11-24 08:04:47
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Such an amazing book so far!
2021-11-09 03:39:01
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Jules! Just when I think I like him…..
2021-11-07 02:16:29
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Space Cow
I am so excited about this book! It's so unique already!
2021-09-15 09:23:59
55 Chapters
Unknown POV I laid on the grass underneath the night sky, listening to the faint song of a nearby cricket.  I twirled a lock of my hair around my finger as I scanned the cloudy sky, searching for constellations. Was that blood on the moon?  It couldn’t be.  Blood on the moon was a bad omen.  My momma had always said that blood on the moon meant that blood would be spilled.  Nothing was going to happen tonight; that was just an old wolves’ tale. Clyde should be coming home soon; nothing would be out of the ordinary.  It would be a perfectly normal night.  Goddess, how I wished he would hurry up. Clyde should have been home already.  Of course, the Alpha needed him l
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Chapter One
Oliver“Oliver Graham, get your keister moving! The boss will be in any minute!”I groaned as I rolled off of my bed in the back of the workshop. Sleep had glued my eyes shut during the night. I aggressively rubbed at my lids, just trying to be able to pry them open.My name is Oliver Graham. The year is 1934, and I turned twenty-two a few months ago. I didn’t think there was anything too special about me.When I was a child, I never thought I would be sleeping in the back of a carpenter’s workshop. Covered in a constant layer of dust and living off of the scraps I could afford. I never thought I would be orphaned by twelve, either. Sometimes life is just a bitch.I had done a little bit of everything in the past decade. When my parents first died, I worked as a field hand for a neighbor, but that didn’t last long. I worked in a bakery, mechanic shop, a dinner, a hotel, a mine, a manufacturing plant, and a few other jo
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Chapter Two
Oliver"Have a good night, Oliver,"  Richard called over his shoulder as he opened the front door.  He had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth as he tipped his hat to me.  Richard smoked like a fiend at work; his wife didn't like him to smoke at their home.  She said that the cigarettes stunk up their house. "Night, boss,"  I called after him as the door swung shut, wafting one last puff of smoke into the workshop.  I made my way through the machinery and tables, enjoying the quiet.  I plopped down on my bed, letting my eyes lids close.  It wasn't busy or even a demanding day, but I was exhausted. I was perpetually shot.  Finally, I heard the rumble of Richard's truck leaving the shop. I pried my body up to rummage through my small chest.  This wooden box housed my only belong
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Chapter Three
Oliver The icy realization of leaving the key to the shop down at the river was devastating. It slowly trickled down my spine before manifesting into a nauseating pit in my stomach. I couldn’t bring myself to go back and retrieve the key. The light of day had dwindled away hours ago, and with whatever was down there, it wasn’t a risk I was willing to take. I loitered outside the workshop until the streets became bare; no noise but the faint hoot of a barn owl somewhere out in the distance. The rest of the town had drifted off into a peaceful slumber. Thank goodness our town was relatively quiet, and no one stayed up late. As I had waited, I had figured out what my plan was going to be. I wasn’t going back to the river, that was for sure, but I couldn’t sleep outside on the street. I knew that the Millers had gotten a new shipment of hay for their horses last weekend. Without another thought, I made my way to their property and waited until the last li
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Chapter Four
Oliver "Hurry up!"  Chester's voice assaulted me as I hastily fumbled with the buttons on my shirt. After I admitted to Chester that I slept in the Miller's barn, he graciously allowed me to follow him home like a lost dog to use his shower. I couldn't tell you the last time I even was in a residential bathroom, let alone a shower.  I had forgotten how solid a shower actually felt.  I just wanted to let the water rain down on me for hours.  I hated to admit I had lost track of time; until Chester banged on the door, pulling me out of my haze. "Hold on!"  I called through the door as I patted down my damp curls. "The rest of the town
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Chapter Five
OliverA loud clunk followed by a distinctive hum echoed through the tent before six vibrant spotlights fell on the center ring. There he was. Jules was dressed in white britches, knee-high black books, a crimson tailcoat, and a black top hat. His blonde hair was slicked back in his typical hairstyle.Of course, he was the ring leader! Why didn't I think of that before? Why else would a random Frenchman be in town?"Mesdames et Messieurs! I proudly present my wolves!" Jules's voice bounced off of the tent, his last statement catching everyone off guard.Whispers engulfed the audience. "Wolves?" "What does he mean?" "Are we in danger, mommy?"Before I made out any other words, the sound of paws hitting the ground radiated from beside me. I instinctively gulped and scooted closer to the older couple I was sitting beside."It's okay, son." The old man leaned over his wife and tried to comfort me. "I have been to many of a circus, and they alway
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Chapter Six
Oliver The crowds slowly started to disperse, but I stayed planted in my seat.  Time seemed to speed up as I stared at the center ring.  It felt like only seconds went by before I realized I was alone in the tent.  It was just me and the magic that lingered in the air of the show that I had witnessed. I sighed as I stretched out my joints.  I was about to stand up when someone appeared beside me, Jules.  He leaned up against the bench I sat on and followed my eyes to the ring. "So what did you think of my little show, Mr. Graham?"  Sweat clung to Jules's forehead as he pulled out a handkerchief and tried to dab it away. "It was a gasser!  It's a good thing you are leaving tomorrow,
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Chapter Seven
Oliver It was as if time slowed on its axis as she turned around.  The star's light twinkled in her eyes blue eyes, turning them into pools of constellations.  Her hair caught the moonlight, making her look like a mythical creature...or maybe even an angel. "Jules, honey, you know I like my quiet time after the show."  Elsie's voice wasn't like anything I had ever heard before.  There was a strength in her tone but, at the same time, something soft. "I know; I am sorry."  Jules tucked his chin down and looked at the train car.  He was like a puppy being scolded; I almost felt bad for the guy.  "This is my new friend Oliver Graham.  He seemed so mesmerized by your act.  I thought he would like to meet you." 
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Chapter Eight
Oliver My feet were like lead as I dragged myself away from the train car. I didn't want to leave.Something inside of me wanted to stay with her. I couldn't put my finger on it, but there was something unusual about her. Elsie had said that Jules could seem almost magical, but in my opinion, she was the magical one.I kicked at a pebble as I slowly started to head away from the Circus grounds. It rolled across the dirt path. I would get to see her in the morning, so why was I acting this way. She did say that tomorrow morning was it, though when those words left her lips, I felt part of my heart fracture."Oliver! Where are you going?" There was that french accent again; how did Jules always seem to know where I was? If he kept it up, I would probably think he was tracking me or something.I turned around and scratched the back of my head sheepishly. I was supposed to stay with Elsie until he came back, and instead, I left. He was pr
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Chapter Nine
Oliver"Chester...Chester's dead?" The words tasted like charcoal in my mouth and made me feel as if I was drowning, gasping for a breath of fresh air. It was as if freezing cold water had been dumped over top of me. The hangover that was clinging to me was ripped away, leaving me in a confused and emotional state."Yeah, Mrs. Green found them first thing this morning." I felt Richard watching me like he was studying some type of science experience. "She said that the front door was left partially open. At first, Mrs. Green thought maybe one of the younger kids left it open when they ran out the door. When she knocked on the door to let them know, no one answered. That was when she went in..."Richard's voice began to tremble as he trailed off. Richard looked away from me; his eyes seemed to be examining every surface in the office. Now that I was more present, I recognized how pale his skin was with deep dark bags underneath his eyes."Mrs. Green found a
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