
Chapter 4

Jasmine's pov

May 3rd, 2021 (Las Vegas)

*... has yet again, broken another girl's heart...*

I tuned off whatever the reporter is saying... and focused on the dough I'm making.

"These reporters have no life!" Adele grumbled.

She huffed angrily, slammed her bowl of popcorn on the table and I can picture her rolling her eyeballs.

"As if those girls ever complained about it!" She said.

I ignored her and continue with my work, I'm making breakfast for my son and I.. today's school resumption day.

Davis (my son) would be resuming school, he's in grade one and a very smart kid.

"He's a heart-throb, what do you expect from him.. like, I would do any to get my heart broken by him" she said.

This statement made me turned to face her, she's giggling and staring at the TV dreamily.

"Adele, I have told you to stop watching news about that bast..."

I stopped myself from finishing that word, when I saw Davis sitting next to her.. innocently staring at the TV too.

Adele raised an eyebrow, daring me to speak any foul words.

"... I have told you to stop watching news about that man in my house!" I said.

My eyes moved to the TV, I glared at the man's picture boldly showing with so much hate.

"Come on, you can not deny the fact that the guy is super hot.. like, he's a demi god of our time!" She fawned.

"Demi god?" I growled under my breath.

My hatred increasing every second as I stared at the TV, I quickly looked away from it and focused on my dough.

Transferring all my aggression onto the dough.

"Eish! You don't have to be so mean to that poor dough" she said.

I guess she turned off the TV or changed it to a cartoon channel for Davis.

Hearing PJ masks’ theme song play, confirmed that she changed the channel for Davis.

"I have changed the channel, my lady. You should spare the dough now" she said.

She pulled out a stool and sat next to me, leaning on the counter.

"You seem to hate my idol so much.." she paused and sighed.

Who wouldn't hate him?! He's a liar.. a cheater.. a coward!

If only she knows how wicked he is, she wouldn't continue idolizing him so much.

".. every time I ask you why you hate him, you don't say anything. I wonder if I'm even your best friend!" She said.

"I don't hate him, seeing his arrogant face just makes me sick!" I gave her the same reply I always give her.

"That's what you've been telling me for three years now"

She got up and walked to my small fridge, she opened it and came back to her stool with two pears.

"I have known you for three years now, three good years.. I'm your first and only friend here..."

Ok! I know where this is going.

".. in fact, I'm your best friend, but you still treat me like a stranger"

"I don't treat you like a stranger"

She scoffed.

"Then answer me truthfully, where are you from?"

Adele is trying to get me to open up to her but I can't, at least not now.. I'm not ready to face my past.

"From a small village in San Francisco" I answered.

"What happened to you? Why did you come to Las Vegas? What about Davis father? You still haven't told me who he is? Or why you left him?"

I laughed mentally. If only she knew she was fawning over his father a few minutes ago.

Why I left him?! He left me! He abandoned me! He left without a warning!

"If you don't treat me like stranger, I'd know these things" she said.

My mind flashed back to the reason I left San Francisco, the reason I came all the way here to Las Vegas.


#_december_20th_2018 (San Francisco)

Davis just managed to fall asleep, I reached out and felt his temperature with my palm.. his fever has died down.

I sighed deeply and threw my head back onto the chair.

"Jas, quite being stubborn and let me assist you" Arthur said.

My eyes landed on his credit card resting on my small table, even the cheque he wrote me..a cheque of $2,000,000.

"For how long are you gonna assist me? Forever?" I asked.

"I don't mind assisting you forever" his eyes moved to Davis. "He already calls me dad, I can take the responsibility.. I can be his father if you let me"

It's true that Arthur has being a father figure in Davis life, he's the father Davis knows.. but the fact remains that, he's not Davis father.

"Don't reject my help, I... "

"Arthur" I called his name quietly.

He stared at me pleadingly, I can clearly see his love for me in his eyes.. but I don't need it.

Arthur is like a brother to me and that's all he'll ever be to me... A brother.

"Thank you for all you've done for Davis and I, but I think, I should go down the rest of this road alone"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I'll forever be grateful to you for your help, but I can't let you be Davis father... "

I cut myself off when I saw his expression changed, he looked as though he's gonna burst into tears.. his eyes are red.

"Why? Are you still waiting for Thanatos?"

I didn't speak because I don't know how to answer him. Am I still waiting for him? I don't even know anymore.

"Isn't it obvious that he's not coming back? It's being two years now.. why haven't he find you and Davis yet?"

At his question, I felt my eyes becoming glassy as tears threatened to fall.. but I blinked them away.

"You know what happened to you after you gave birth to Davis, it was a miracle you..."

"Don't say it" I interrupted him.

He kept quiet, I got up and walked towards the window.. I wrapped my arms around myself.

I heard his footsteps coming to me, he stood next to me.

"I wanna move from here" I said.

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