
Chapter 5

Jasmine's pov

"I wanna move from here" I said.

"You wanna move from here?" I nod. "Move from this apartment or move from San Francisco?"

"Move from San Francisco" I replied.

"Why? Don't you like it here? Isn't peaceful here?"

I simply stared out of the window in silence.

"Your dad don't know you're here" he said.

"I'm not moving because of him, I just want a change of scenario"

"Why then?" He asked.

"San Francisco.. it holds too much of my sad memories"


"I suffered so much for my baby, I experienced what pain really is here, I experienced life and death here... I want to move away from all that"

"I don't get what you mean"

I smiled at him, a smile that doesn't reach my eyes.

"I can't start afresh, when everything I and do here reminds me of my sad and lonely days.. everything here just seems to remind me of my past.. I wanna move away from all of it.. I wanna start a new life for me and my son!"

He nodded thoughtfully at my words, I held his hand.

"Just help me again, please"

"I'd help you without your pleading" he sighed. "Just tell me where you wanna go"

I smiled, Arthur is such a nice guy and if I want he'd be a great dad to Davis.. but I will never make the same mistake twice.

Don't ever trust a guy! That's what I've learnt from Thanatos leaving me behind.

"Las Vegas" I said.

"Las Vegas?"

I nodded.

"Yes, I wanna go to Las Vegas!"

"Ok. I'll search for a good apartment for you" he replied.

#_3rd_may_2021 (back to present day)

And that's how I moved to Las Vegas three years ago.. but I can't tell Adele that.

I ran away because I couldn't face, I don't think I'm ready to face it now!

"Hey! Jasmine!" Adele snapped her fingers across my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Adele, I will tell you another time.. I'm just not ready"

She smiled and nodded, she rubbed my shoulder in a comforting manner.

"I know, I was just teasing you" she said.

"You wanna kiss?"

I narrowed my eyes, we both snapped our heads and frowned at the small figure that asked that question.

I quickly washed my hands and carried him on a stool, I caressed his cheek.

"Davis, where did you learn about people kissing?" I asked him calmly.

"Uncle Arthur told me" he replied.

My eyes closed as I inhaled deeply to control my anger in front of Davis..

Arthur, how dare he teach my five years old son about kissing?!

"Arthur is really a very good impact on this boy, I guess you'll be a mother-in-law soon" Adele said and burst into laughter.

I passed her a stern look and she sobers up quickly, she coughed slightly.

"Davis, kissing is bad, ok?"

"But uncle Arthur said it's good" he argued.

Arthur!! You're so dead! Just pray I don't see you today!

From the corner of my eye, I can see Adele trying so hard to control herself.

"Uncle Arthur said I can kiss girls" Davis said innocently.

Adele couldn't hold it in any more, she burst into laughter.. holding her stomach as she laughed hard.

"Sure, with this handsome face of yours.. you'll kiss a lot of girls" she said amidst laughter.

I smacked her head and glared at her, she shuts up immediately. I turned back to Davis with a gentle smile.

"No, baby, you can't kiss girls"


"Because you'll get cooties from kissing girls" I said.

He frowned and stared at me doubtfully, as if I'm lying to him.. which I'm actually doing for his own good.

"What is cooties?" He asked.

"Cooties is a disease that you get from kissing girls, it'll make your tummy swell..."

His hands moved to his stomach and he stared at me in horror, I smirked mentally.. I guess this would work.

".. it'll make you have bleeding nose.."

His hands flew to his nose, as if covering it would stop the disease.. I almost laugh.

".. it'll make you lose your teeth and go bald"

"I promise, momma, I didn't kiss any girls, I didn't kiss any girls, I didn't kiss any girls" he cried in panic.

"Good boy, you're a good boy right?" He nodded. "Good boys don't kiss girls, ok?"

He nodded again, I smiled.

"Now promise me you won't kiss girls"

He raised his tiny hand up and pulled out three fingers.

"I promise I won't kiss girls"

I nodded and ruffles his hair, I leaned forward and kissed his forehead.. but he pushed me away and wiped his forehead.

He glared at me.

"Momma, cooties!" He said.

I exchange looks with Adele and she burst into another fits of laughter.. is my lie turning against me?

"No, no, baby, momma's kiss don't give cooties"

He frowned. "Sure?"


He stayed silent and stared at me a few more minutes.

"Pinky swear?"

"Pinky swear" I said.

He nodded, then leaned forward and kissed my cheek this time.

"Now go back and watch TV, breakfast will be ready soon and we'll be ready for school in no time" I told him.

"Ok, momma" he said and ran back to the living room.

I sighed deeply and narrowed my eyes.

"I swear, I'm not leaving my son under Arthur's care ever again!" I said.

"But he's teaching him the ways of men... "

She shut up when she saw my malicious glare, I grabbed a spatula and get onto business.

Right at that moment, I heard the doorbell ring.

"Continue, I'll go get it" Adele said.

She rushed to the living room, to go get the door. Soon, I heard Arthur's voice.. I bite my lower lip.



That bast*rd! He dared to show up after trying to corrupt my son!

"Who's ready for school?"

"Meee!" Davis yelled.

With my spatula in my hand, I turned to face them.

"Arthur!! What did you teach my son?!" I asked storming towards him.

Arthur slowly dropped Davis, he released a nervous laugh and waved me.

"Hi, g-good morning, Miss Reinle"

"This morning is so not good, you want to corrupt my son.. that's your intention, right?!" I growled.

He leaned down and kissed Davis forehead, he grabbed the door handle.

"I just remembered, I'm very late for the office.. see you later!" He said in a hurry and rushed out.

I know he's getting away from my wrath, I laughed evilly.. I'll still see him in the evening.

"Right, Arthur just reminded me.. hurry up we'll be late for work too" Adele said.

My eyes locate the wall clock and I gasped loudly.

"Darn! We're so freaking late!" I exclaims.

Using words like *darn* in place of *damn* and *freaking* in place of *f**king* because of Davis.



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