
28: Bettina's Scheme

His heart sank as the weight of her mistake crashed down upon him. With a heavy heart, Richard's smile faltered, his eyes clouded with confusion and hurt. And as he turned to leave. His tears mingled with the cold pavement beneath. 

"Henry, I still love you," says Khana. She kissed the man whose heart was shattered to pieces.

“All these years she still loved him, so where was I?” he asked himself. Richard closed his eyes and let the time tell what would happen next. All he knew was that he wanted her, even if her heart belonged to someone else.

The rain had started to fall, each drops a cold, silent echo of the turmoil within Richard's heart. He stood still, the dampness seeping through his coat, yet he hardly noticed the chill. His eyes were locked on Khana, whose kisses still lingered on his lips, a kiss meant for another man.

Khana’s words reverberated in his mind. "Henry, I still love you." She had said it with such passion, such conviction, that it felt like a knife twisting in his chest. Richard had spent months courting Khana, his affection for her growing with each shared moment, every whispered conversation. 

He had believed that their connection was mutual, that she was finally beginning to see him for who he truly was. But now, it was clear that her heart still belonged to Henry, the priest she had loved before they met.

He knew he swore not to take anything against Khana because she told her back then that her heart was still waiting for someone else, yet he thought it would change by the test of time. Who would have thought that the man she waited for so many years would eventually show up when she is just starting to accept that the faith had no plans to let them be together?

Richard had always known about Henry, a looming shadow in their relationship, a name spoken with reverence and regret. Henry had left their small village to follow a calling greater than love, choosing a life of devotion over a life with Khana. Richard had hoped that time and his unwavering support would help Khana move on. But this moment shatter that illusion.

"Why can't you just choose me?" his mind murmured while kissing Khana back. 

With a heavy heart, Richard's smile faltered, his eyes clouded with confusion and hurt. He took a step back, his voice caught in his throat. He wanted to scream, to demand why she couldn't see him, why she couldn't love him as he loved her. But the words never came. Instead, he started caressing her back and leading her to bed. 

Richard was glad to return early. He wouldn't have witnessed this if he had a day delayed. He has to express gratitude towards Bettina, who contacted him first and shared where Khana was. 

He grinned and thought of an evil plan. Richard swore to make Khana bear his child. So, she would be obliged to marry him for the sake of the child. 

He started undressing the intoxicated lady. Richard does not care if Khana has mistaken him for Henry because, at the end of the day, it was he who she will sleep with.

Richard gently laid her on the bed. He started kissing her neck and shoulders. 

Khana moaned as her body was engulfed with the warmth of a man. 

"I missed you so much," Khana whispered. She was already naked when Richard stood up and went to the restroom. He took a cold shower and had a deep thought. He even slapped his cheek to bring him back to reality.

"Is it really okay to make out with Khana given her state right now?" he asked himself.

Richard heaved a heavy breath and withdrew from the shower. He took the towel from the cabinet and wrapped it around his waist.

He sat at the edge of the bed and started kissing Khana's thigh.


"I don't want to do this to you when you are not sober, but this is the only way I can have you," he whispered, then kissed Khana's forehead.

"I hope we'll become a family as soon as possible," he added. 

Richard embraced the asleep naked lady next to him. He smirked and murmured, "Your body is mine now. Even if it takes a lifetime, I will conquer your heart next."


Richard stirred, halfway awake, as the persistent buzz of the phone on the bedside table jolted him from his dreamless slumber. He blinked in the dim light filtering through the curtains of Khana's room, the unfamiliar surroundings momentarily disorienting him. The phone's glow illuminated the caller ID: Bettina.

With a sigh, Richard quietly slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb Khana, who was still sound asleep. He padded softly across the room and stepped into the hallway, closing the door behind him with a soft click. The phone buzzed again, and he answered it with a weary whisper.

"Bettina, it's late. What is so urgent to discuss at this hour?" he said, rubbing his eyes.

"Richard, listen," Bettina's voice was sharp and urgent on the other end. "I have a plan. We need to act now if we want to force Khana to get married this week."

Richard's heart sank. "Bettina, I don't know what you are up to, but if it will cause harm to my woman, then I won't do it."

"It will not hurt her physically, just pinching a little from her guilt," Bettina interrupted, her tone brooking no argument. 

He leaned against the wall, running a hand through his hair. "What exactly are you suggesting?"

"You need to cooperate, Richard. Make her believe it's the only way out of whatever predicament we can create. Make her trust you. If you back me up, we can make her see it's for her own good."

Richard swallowed hard, his mind racing. The thought of manipulating Khana this way felt wrong, but Bettina's determination was unwavering. He knew she believed this was the best course of action, even if he wasn't entirely convinced.

"Alright," he said finally, his voice barely more than a whisper. "I'll do it. But this has to be the last time, Bettina. No more schemes."

"Agreed," she replied, satisfaction evident in her voice. "We'll talk more in the morning. Get some rest."

Richard ended the call, staring at the phone in his hand for a long moment before slipping it back into his pocket. He returned to Khana's room.

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