


Avery's POV

"What are you doing here?" He asks me in a condescending tone after glaring at me with those deep beautiful eyeballs for more than three minutes. 

He is sitting on a red sofa in this room that looks like his personal chambers. The interior decor of the room is so sleek and perfect. I wonder how much he must have spent to give it this beautiful expensive decoration. It is so beautiful. He must have loads of money to be able to afford this kind of lifestyle.

My legs are aching me already so I kneel backwards for ease. Shit! This uniform is so short. I wonder why they'll give out this kind of uniforms to maids, that's too weird. My creamy laps are of course beautiful but I am not here to sell my body.

Won't he think I'm trying to seduce him? Well, it's his mind let him think as he wants. I take my mind off that thought to answer his question. 

"My name is Avery, my lord. I am one of the maids recently employed to take care of the castle. It is my pleasure to meet you," I smile broadly at him hoping that he would take this as a cue to let down his furrowed brows and guard. 

However, he doesn't smile back, but he smirks rather. This sends chills down my spine. I just met him and I have gotten on his bad side. Oh Avery, the king should have known that you're the wrong person for this job. You are in deep mess. My insides are shivering but I try not to let it out. It would give him an edge over me.

Then to my surprise he smiles at me. This man is so handsome. He should smile often. Maybe I'll paint him one day.

"Oh, you're a maid here. Alright that's good. When did you start?" He asks me. Wow! I never imagined that he'd be this cool. Turns out that I mistook him to be one of those handsome jerks. 

"I was recruited a few weeks ago, my lord," I reply him while I shift again in discomfort. I've been kneeling for over ten minutes now.

"Get up!" My eyes are pleading for a release. As if he is a mind reader, he says those words I've been dying to hear, and I jump up to my feet immediately.

"You can go continue with your chores. I do not want to see you at the fountain again," He issues a warning, his gaze staring deep into space. I wonder why he doesn't want me around the fountain. Could it be that there's something hidden there? Well, let's find out about that later. 

I need no soothsayer to tell me that he holds his words in high esteem.

"Yes, my lord. Thank you. I'll take my leave now," I courtesy before him and take my leave out of the musk-scented room into the hallway.

The scents usher me out and I close the door after me. I release a deep sigh into the atmosphere. "

That was a narrow escape, you dumb skull. You had better become more careful now." I mutter to myself, smacking my head and walk to my room.

I get to my room and open the door. It's almost dark outside and we will have dinner soon. It will be the perfect time to send a message home. My first duty was to report how the castle looked like incase of an invade.

No one would suspect my whereabouts. I get some ink and a paper to scribble down my research. When I was at the fountain, I noticed a bush by the right hand side. It was as if it led to another place. Maybe it is where they keep something secret. I'll go find out later. I know it's going to be difficult to do, considering the tight security here, but I always have my way of doing things. 

Father would be so proud of me. I miss him so much. I scribble down my findings and roll it in. Then I get a scarf and tie it over my head to hide my face very well.

When I open my door, I look to the left and right and when I am sure that nobody is watching me, I tiptoe along the hallway.

I spot prince Elias, going down for dinner. That means 'the water guy' is down already. Don't blame me for calling him that, I still don't know his name. I heard that the prince that locks himself indoor is Nicholas, and something tells me that he's the same prince, but I can't conclude yet since I'm not sure of it.

Father had told me that there'll always be a carrier pigeon three times a week. It should be there already. When I get out, the breeze hits me hard, it is now cold. I grip my scarf hard and walk towards the direction.

From afar off, I spot the pigeon on a tree branch. Oh yes! It's here already. I'm relieved that I do not have to wait for another few minutes. I don't want to raise suspicions. 

My belly growls for food. I didn't have much for lunch. I just ate some bananas and took water. I have to go eat soon. 

When I get to carrier pigeon, I tie the tiny satchel containing the note very well on its little foot. I have to tie it well so it doesn't fall off while it's flying.

If only I had known that someone lurk in the darkness watching me send the message home. I had absolutely no idea.

After I was done, I send it off. Turning around to go inside the castle, I collided with a hard surface and I wince in pain. 

"Ah! There was no pillar here when I came in," I rub my forehead painfully, but stop abruptly as my hand make a contact with the surface I just collided with, it's not a pillar as I thought, it's a muscled chest. 

"Who are you?" My words are taken back when I behold the person standing in front of me. It's the water guy! What! How and when did I get here?...

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