From Prisoner To Princess

From Prisoner To Princess

By:  Alana Dyer  Ongoing
Language: English
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Alone and with no memories prior to age six, Allison found herself an orphan and spent the last fourteen years growing up in the slums of the Capitol City Zalaris in the Kingdom of Nimairene learning to steal and con those of status in order to survive. Unfortunately, she is caught after what appeared to have been a successful heist and is sent to Lady Pricilla's Prison for Troubled Women where she is put to work in order to learn how to be a proper lady of society. Spending her days in and out of Solitary confinement, Allison believes that she will never finish her sentence on time when she is attacked by a guard. All seems hopeless when suddenly she is saved by a Palace Guard and whisked away. It is then revealed to Allison that she is not Allison of the Slums but is, in fact, Allisara Nimair of the Kingdom Nimairene and the rightful Queen to the throne. Her life takes a turn as she goes from Prisoner to Princess in a matter of hours and the truth behind Allisara's missing memories and dark past comes to light that reveals just who her enemies truly are and that they were closer than she thought. But with the help of Skylard Blackhawk, Allisara is able to navigate her life as the next ruler and weed out those who pose a threat to her reign. Now all that is left to question is will this lost Princess return her Kingdom to its former glory and find love along the way, or will the past come to claim the life it failed to take fourteen years ago?

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60 Chapters
Prologue"Hush little one, they will hear you." The Maid hushes as she holds on tightly to the child Princess, her worry filled voice quivering as she does her best to keep the two hidden in the shadows. The Princess slowly stops crying, her lips quivering as she hides her face in her Maid’s shoulder, letting the woman carry her down the hallway and into the hidden passage only servants use. The Maid’s footsteps are barely audible as she carefully descends the stone steps knowing that if she were to make the smallest noise, the enemies will find them and kill the last remaining member of the Royal Family. The sounds of swords clashing and gun shots being fired frightens the little Princess, making her cling to her Maid. She knows there are bad men in her home, that everyone is fighting but no one has told her why. All she knows is that her Maid is taking her to safety. The stairs finally come to an end with a small passage way leading to the way out ahead. The Maid sighs with relief
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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 The sounds of shuffling, banging and screaming coax me from my sleep, my body shivering from the cold air as I slowly become alert. Its morning time judging by the small amount of light that filters through my window and soon the Guards will be forcing me on my feet. "Get up girly, its time for fun." Banging on the bars to my cell, the Guard takes one look at me as I push myself into a sitting up, trying my best to keep the thin blanket wrapped around me to try and keep warm. My warm breath becomes fog in the air as I yawn, slipping my feet into the prison issued slippers and standing from my bed, if that’s what you could call the thin mattress on a concrete slab. My cell doors open and I throw the blanket onto my bed before slinking out to join the others. As I line up with the others that were caught as thieves, I think about how I ended up in Lady Pricilla’s Prison for Troubled Women. ♔ I race across the street, heading to the alleyways that would take me to my hide
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Chapter 2
Chapter 2 "Thanks Artie." I smile at Aurther the head chef of the prison, a gentle giant of a man who got stuck here after killing a man in self defense. Everyone loves him. He is friendly, polite and always helping those that don’t cause him any trouble. The best part is if you are kind to him and help him in the kitchen, then you’ll earn extra desert in this hell hole. “Not a problem Alli Cat. Also, take this.” Holding out a cupcake to me, I quickly reach over and receive the treat and place it onto my tray, my necklace slipping out from under the collar of my shirt and catching the light. "You better hide that or some one will try to steal it." Aurther states quietly, motioning to the simple chain with a locket. Quickly reaching for the necklace and tuck it back into its hiding spot, praying that no one else saw it as the insignia on it is the only clue to my past. That and a photo of me as a baby placed inside with the note ‘my darling, my world, my princess’ written by a femin
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Chapter 3
Chapter 3 "Are you hard of hearing, stupid, or both.” The voice that yelled earlier repeats as the Guard ignores him, his hands already moving to push at my shorts. This time I fight back, throwing my head against his in hopes of breaking his nose as well. “I said unhand her you ignoramus." The deep male voice is close and right now, he is my only hope in getting out of this mess. The Guard stops, giving me a chance to try and take a look at the man who is saving me but unfortunately for my luck, the Guard is like a brick wall. "What I am doing doesn't concern a Palace Guard, now keep moving pretty boy." The Guard nearly yells back, causing me to flinch for a moment. What the hell is a Palace Guard doing here of all places. The Regent never cares about this place. "This is the last warning." The Palace Guard warns, his voice growing closer. The Guard holding onto me scoffs, most likely deciding to ignore the man. Without warning, the Guard is off me and howling on the floor, his
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Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Groaning, I open my eyes long enough only to wince and shut them tightly, hiding my head under a soft plush pillow as a migraine wrecks my brain. Just what happened to me after the Palace Guard saved me? I wonder, allowing my body to sink deeper into what ever I lay on. The air feels clean and fresh as I took a deep breath and my body relaxed and warm. Bolting up at the realization that this is not my prison cell, I wince again and regret the sudden movements. My head feels like an ax is splitting it in two, the only memory I have being that I passed out after seeing the insignia on the Palace Guard’s blazer. From there I had dreams, or were they nightmares, the flew past my mind like a blur of colours that I could barely see. With a groan I shut my eyes and run my fingers through my messy hair before massaging my temples, hoping to relieve the pressure. "Where the hell am I?" I whisper, trying to piece together what happened after passing out. Deciding I need to take a
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Chapter 5
Chapter 5 My footsteps echo along the halls as the two Guards follow silently behind me. Along the way many of the residents of the Palace recognize me I made my way through the halls, bowing and whispering about how the rightful Queen has finally been found. My strides grow in confidence with their whispered support even when my memories fail me when trying to find my destination, but thankfully the Guards stay silent, allowing me to walk the halls at my own pace. It takes a few twist and turns but soon I find myself standing in front of large oak doors with my family’s crest etched into them. The doors are slightly ajar and as the Guards that have accompanied me move to open them, I hold out my hand and shake my head no. "She is a child!" A man’s voice angrily shouts, causing me to roll my eyes at this out burst. "Allisara is not a child. She is twenty which is old enough to rule." Comes a reply. I recognize the voice belonging to Demitrias and chuckle. Who ever he is arguing wi
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Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Staring at the list of names in front of me, I sigh and lean back in my chair rubbing my temple. This morning as promised, Sky had showed up to my room and lead me to the armoury, helping me pick out a few weapons that I can keep on my body at all times for self defense. After that, he lead me to my father’s Study explaining that no one other than the assigned Maids were allowed inside. It was a burden lifted off my shoulders that I never knew I had in mind when I walked into the room and learned from Ellisia – the Head Maid in charge of this room – that nothing has been changed in the last fourteen years. From there Sky and I began to weed through the names of Guards now under his command. Right away Sky points out the ones that he knew for a fact were supporters of the Trilavantas, their promotions over the years being ones that made me question if they truly deserved their current rank. Of course I added them to the list of those who will be let go and groaned when I re
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Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Taking a bite of the fruit platter Ellisia brought in for me, I continue pulling up the files of the Maids that were confirmed to have slept with Demitrias. It been two days since announcing my intention to the Guards and only a handful of men who sided with Juden Trilavantas have pledged their loyalty to me. Without needing to be told, Sky had assigned men to keep an eye on this small group, knowing that until we are one hundred percent certain of their loyalty, we will have to be careful around them. “Have the three ladies who are confirmed to be pregnant agreed to a DNA test?” I ask Sky as he walks over and steals a strawberry from my plate. “Yes they have. We already obtained a sample of Demitrias’ saliva and if the test confirms he is the father, we will be firing those ladies and giving them enough compensation from the Trilavantas estate to tide them over until the children are in school. The others suspected of sleeping with both Demitrias and Juden have been fire
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Chapter 8
Chapter 8 "Turn left right here. Its the last shack on the street" The hummer turns at the next street, Sky effortlessly navigating the rough slums with my help. The trip was short, about an hour from the Palace with the slums being on the south side of the Capitol, and this opportunity gave me a chance to see just how my city is divided. After a minute of driving onto the road, the vehicle begins to slow as Sky navigates the many large pot holes in the road. “Tough street.” He sighs out, his knuckles on the steering wheel turning white as he holds it in a deathlike grip. “Its worse after a storm. One wrong step and you end up knee deep in a hole.” Chuckling, I begin pointing out where the worst ones are until finally Sky pulls up beside the shack and shuts of the engine. “No offense, but this place looks unsafe.” He muses as we climb out of the Hummer. I shiver from the cold winter air and hurriedly make my way towards the back with Sky following behind me. "It looks better insi
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Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Standing in front of the familiar wooden door with the paint chipping and pealing away, my hand is raised to knock, to let Liz and Ron know I am home, but the nerves inside me causes me to hesitate. "You going to knock?" Sky asks, concern lacing his voice. "Eventually" He sighs at my answer and steps beside me, knocking on the door. Instinct tells me to run and hide, but a strong grip on my wrist keeps me in place as Sky gives me a helpless sigh. I know he is doing this for my own good, but I don’t think I am ready to face Ron and Liz. A muffled shuffle coming from the other side of the door tells me it is to late to back down now and in seconds the door is pulled open, Liz’s smiling face morphing into one of shock. "Allison?" Her voice cracks as tears slowly make their way down her wrinkled face before her surprisingly strong arms pull me into her for a hug. She smells like cinnamon and in moments my own tears fall from my eyes and I return her hug. "Ron, come here" Sh
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