
Author's Note

A divine move is one that is non-obvious and it  balances strategy and tactics to turn a losing game into a winning play.

It comes from the 神の一手 Kami no Itte, meaning "move of God" or "Godly move".

It is used in teaching as a motivation to look again at positions in games and consider not just the obvious moves but the less apparent and more innovative ones as well.

A divine move is singular- they are of such a rarity that a full-time Go player might play a single such move in a lifetime.

When I began Callum and Oliver's journey, I had already decided on the title. It was supposed to be The Lord’s Divine Move.

However, the more I wrote, the more I realized it wasn't only Callum's, but Oliver's chance to change the turn of events and break the chains, binding him to his past.

It’s a story of two people, constantly trying to change their nature, caught up in a rivalry, much bigger and older than them.

I think of it as a BDSM one, although at that time the action is set, no such term existed. 

Nevertheless, I think it describes better the dynamics between the two. 

I wanted things to go from "What's Callum doing" to "Who the hell is Oliver. " I tried to create the impression that the whole push-pull between them came from him as much as it did from Callum. 

I hope I've somehow managed to do it.

And if you're reading this- thank you and I hope to see you in the next book- Capturing Race.

It's very easy to make a character do something bad. It's difficult to justify it.

It will be slightly darker, and you'll see more from The High Rip Gang. 

The book is work of fiction, as well as the events in it, except for a few things here and there. However The High Rip  were a real gang, Liverpool's one of the most feared groups, famous for using knives and belt buckles during their fights. 

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