
[130] Fault of Love

By the time Imogen returned home, the sun was already peeping evading the darkness disseminated all around.

Imogen with sadness and anger towards his fate walked to his mansion. He understood that nothing lost comes back, like the breath of the body gets lost forever. He never expected Maze to forgive him, but surely hoped she wouldn't decline if he stretched his hand to her. With her rejecting him, he shattered into million pieces, he had no answer for all the questions she had asked. He has a burning heart like the ashes of a cigarette, waiting for the burnt figure to fall into the air. 

He without a single noise walked past the entrance and crossing the hall area, as he pushing the door open entered his study. He sprawled over the couch, sighing heavily letting the tingling sensation calm down a bi

Tarin Reo

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