

My arms were tired from being wrapped around my person so long, acting as a shield from everything. My feet were raw and sore from all that walking, as if we'd traversed the entire world and back. My thoughts plagued me, all in all it's been a horrible, horrible day.

It had been a while since I heard the dying cries of the flames behind us, an indication of how sure my doom was. My helplessness was palpable as I thought about what I was heading into.

I didn't want to be a Luna. I didn't want to be or become pregnant either. Especially not for a psychopath like Ragna. If I had one wish it would be to be back with Rider and everyone else. I'd take our arguments, hell even bunking with Sam wouldn't be such an impossible situation as opposed to this.

The sun had long since set and we were still walking. I was starving, my menstrual cycle was still reigning triumphantly which only added to my depression.

"Can we stop for a while?"

"No. "

"My feet are aching. "

"We're almost there. "
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