
Chapter 48: A Kiss of Remedy

The morning unfolded with a haze of distraction as I found myself unable to focus on my work. My thoughts, like a reel of memories, replayed the night with Logan—the clandestine encounter that unfolded in this very classroom. The vivid recollections painted a provocative scene: Logan and I entwined on this table, the room a witness to the crescendo of our shared desire.

The table, once a symbol of study sessions and academic pursuits, now bore the imprint of our entwined moments. It became a canvas where the strokes of passion painted an intimate masterpiece.

He, with a deliberate closeness, was inside me, the table beneath us becoming an altar of shared intimacy.

The echo of our shared passion lingered in the air, a melody that played on repeat in the corridors of my mind. The soft moans, the rhythmic symphony of our connection, seemed to resonate within the walls, creating an intimate ambiance that transcended the daylight pouring through the windows.

This time was different; there
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